
  • 网络studio;SOLO
  1. 论文以杭州市为例,对当地小户型住房消费者进行了基于价值与生活方式(ValueandLifestyleSystem,VALS)的细分。

    Taking Hangzhou as a case , this paper studied the segmentation of local small size housing consumers based on Value and Lifestyle System ( VALS ) .

  2. 会上正式推出2006年度第一个拳头产品:精装小户型A3楼。

    In the ceremony , the first fist product in2006 has been introduced-A3 style building with finely-decorated small apartments .

  3. 在此基础上,研究以模糊C-means聚类确定了最佳聚类数目为4类,并通过K-means聚类将小户型住房消费者细分为财富族、休闲族、事业族和家庭族4个类别。

    Based on seven factors and the optimal numbers of clustering , k-means cluster analysis divided local small size housing consumers into four clusters : fortune cluster , leisure cluster , career cluster and family cluster .

  4. 从住居学角度研究我国城市小户型住宅

    Research of Small Dwelling-size Apartments with the Perspective of Inhabitation Theory

  5. 农民安置住宅小户型设计研究&以无锡地区为例

    Study of the Small Unit Design for Peasant 's Resettlement Apartment

  6. 成都市房地产行业小户型住宅分析研究

    The Research of the Real Estate Exploiting Small Type of Flat

  7. 未来小户型住宅室内设计中的弹性设想

    Elastic Imagination of Small Residence Interior Space in the Future

  8. 赏心悦目&H型别墅浅谈小户型住宅

    H - house Talking about the Small - family - type House

  9. 小户型住宅的建筑策划学研究

    The Study on the Architectural Programming of the Small Family House Type

  10. 90m~2以下小户型住宅的适应性设计

    On adaptive design for small dwelling-size apartment below 90 m ~ 2

  11. 这些成果构成了小户型户内空间设计的要点,在结语中作者也结合这些要点提出了可参考的设计步骤。

    The result consist main points of inside space designing .

  12. 新都市主义与旧区改造中的小户型设计

    New Urban Theory & Small Flat Design in Old Urban Area Reconstruction

  13. 小户型折叠式多功能睡床的设计研究

    Study on Design of Multi-Function Folding Bed for Small Unites

  14. 小户型住宅开发的前景

    Development prospect of the residence suitable for small families

  15. 高校图书馆应对高等教育结构多样化的策略探讨小户型住宅多样性空间设计策略研究

    Research on Diversified Design Strategy of Small-sized Apartment Space

  16. 浅论小户型住宅的需求与开发

    Elementary Introduction the Undersized Housed Requirement and Development

  17. 另外,北京家庭小型化也是小户型畅销的原因之一。

    In addition , Beijing is also small family miniaturization Huxing-selling one of the reasons .

  18. 小户型居室放置家具的另一大特色就是向纵向发展。

    The another big characteristic that small family bedroom places furniture is to fore-and-aft development .

  19. 小户型住宅、老年住宅和节能住宅将会有旺盛的需求。

    Small Apartments , Elderly Housing and Energy Conservation housing will be in great demand .

  20. 城市青年住宅&小户型住宅设计初探

    The Study of Houses for the Youngs in City & Design for the Small-sized Apartment

  21. 小户型住宅户型分析

    Analysis on Layout of Small Apartments

  22. 小户型住宅的设计

    Design of Small - Sized Domicile

  23. 大部分由政府提供的公租房为40平米小户型,十分适宜年轻人居住。

    Most of the properties provided are 40-square-meter apartments , which are suitable for young people .

  24. 浅谈小户型住宅

    Talking about the Small-family-type House

  25. 第二部分(第三、四章)探索了小户型住宅在策划上的流程以及策划中的相关因素分析。

    The second part quests for the process of the small family house programming and the interrelated factors .

  26. 拉尔森说,为小户型定制智能家居的费用可能将高达30000美元。

    Larson says that the customization cost for a small apartment would be as much as $ 30,000 .

  27. 在台湾,一家房地产公司在给一种小户型豪华公寓打广告时,称其专门为败犬族量身定做。

    In Taiwan , a real-estate company recently advertised a small , ritzy apartment as ideal for loser dogs .

  28. 在近几年的房地产市场中,超小户型的楼盘的火爆热卖应该引起建筑师的注意。

    The booming of super-small apartments in the real estate market of recent years should catch architects ' attention .

  29. 目前,在房地产市场中对小户型住宅的需求是比较大而急迫的。

    At present , the requirement is great and urgent for the undersized house in the real estate market .

  30. 另外,还对小户型的选址和因为面积受限而产生的功能问题进行了论述。

    In addition , the location of the Small Apartments is discussed and the functions arising problems are discussed .