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  • 网络Wang Yue
  1. 如果因为这件事,我们当中的一些人,变得懂得深思、懂得怜悯,即便这个善念只有短短数个小时,愿如是功德能让小悦悦投生净土。

    If a few of us became contemplative , kind and compassionate even if it is for a few hours because of this incident , may the merit from it make little Wang Yue be reborn in the pure realms .

  2. 每日电讯报报道,那个最终救下小悦悦的女人是58岁的清洁工陈贤妹。

    The Daily Telegraph identified the woman who finally rescued Yueyue as a58-year-old street cleaner named Chen Xianmei .

  3. 另外,道德发挥作用虽然具有局限性,但是从长期来看对解决小悦悦类似事件中不敢扶、扶不起的问题也有重要作用。

    Besides , although morality has limitations , morality plays an important role for the solution of this event in the long run .

  4. 此外,肇事司机称对于伤害小悦悦事件表示懊悔,称对不住孩子的家人。

    In addition , the diver responsible for hurting little Yue Yue also expressed regret and felt he let down the child 's family .

  5. 小悦悦的死亡引发了关于是否要立法规定人们对陌生人的救助义务的讨论,以及保护见义勇为者由于错误的行为而被指控。

    The death has prompted debate on whether legislation is needed to force people to help strangers in need , and also to protect Good Samaritans from false accusations of wrongdoing .

  6. 小悦悦只在这个表面美丽的世界里生活了两年,她就这样走了,我相信会有无数人为她祈福,相信会为无数人为她流泪。

    Small Yue Yue only in the surface of a beautiful world for two years , she was gone , I believe there will be many people her blessing , I believe many people she tears .