- particle

Notice that they are used with a variety of preposition and particle
The particle plays a crucial role in the sense formation and expansion in idioms .
Prepositions and conjunctions are particles .
Also talking about the usage of the verb end attached some particles
Studied from different perspectives , DMs are defined variously , such as conjunction , discourse connectives , logical connectors , discourse operators , discourse particles , pragmatic expressions , pragmatic markers , and so on ( ibid ) .
They emphasize that particles should be integral to phrasal verbs .
This may help learn English idioms with particles and other idioms .
Translating English Discourse Particles into Chinese : A Linguistic Approach
Preposition-like adverbial particles are a special class of words in English .
Preposition and adverb are generally named as particle , which is widely used in English Idioms .
The Influence of Chinese-English Differences in Representation of Macro-Events on Chinese EFL Learners ' Use of Verb-Particle Combinations
English phrasal verbs are widely believed to be particularly difficult to master because the choice of verb-particle combinations seems so unsystematic .
Verb-particle combination is the most common realization form of motion events in English , while verb-directional structure is the typical expression of Chinese motion events .
In English , however , there is still another term for function words & particles , different from function words in : oncept , but similar in function .
Particles play an indispensable role in linking different linguistic units into larger units in English - it is through the use of particles that English expresses complicated thoughts and ideas .
To explore more fully the effects of particles on the senses of phrasal verbs , this dissertation takes phrasal verbs with down ( V + down ) as an example .
The data are collected by tests and questionnaire and analyzed by software SPSS 17.0.The results of the present study show that focusing on particles based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory is effective to learn phrasal verbs .
The present study reveals that conceptual metaphor can be used to explain and understand the meanings of particles . It is helpful and useful to understand and learn phrasal verbs and to predict the meaning of new phrasal verbs .
It is suggested that some approaches and strategies need to be employed in the teaching and learning of phrasal verbs : the approach of particle-centeredness , the application of semantic relations , contextual strategy , and the comprehensible input strategy .
And some effects of the meanings of particle " up " on the meanings of English idioms are deduced on the basis of the above analyses to include increase tendency , improvement tendency , appearing tendency , finishing and completion tendency .
Verb-framed languages express the information of paths in the main verbs whereas satellite-framed languages adopt satellites ( here they refer to verb-particles in English and directional complements in Chinese . ) and the manner / cause components are expressed by verbs .
In addition to the adverbial clauses introduced by " if ", there are many other ways to express CONDITION : sentence structures such as simple clauses , infinitive structures ; words such as prepositions , adverbs ; adjectives and nouns and word combinations , etc.
This study assumes that understanding the meanings of particles in English idioms is helpful to understand English idioms , and then it provides a more effective way to understand and learn English idioms . " Up " is a typical example of particles and of high frequency .
The collection " Songs without Words " with piano opusculums by Mendelssohn takes a special position in the lyric piano works of Romanticism .
And the part of epilogue summarizes the aesthetic traits of Song without words in composing : the blend of romance and classicality , the combination of purity and reason .