
  • 网络Closed Economy;autarky
  1. 新古典经济增长模型认为,在一个封闭经济中,由于资本的边际产出呈现递减趋势,经济的发展最终将趋于稳定的状态(Solow,1956),这个稳定状态主要指的是人均产出保持不变。

    Neoclassical economic growth model considers that the development of economy will ultimately show a stable state because of the decreasing trend of the marginal output of capital in a closed economy . ( Solow 1956 ), and the stable state is that the output per capita remains unchanged .

  2. 与传统社会相比较,近代中国是外在一种由封闭经济向开放经济、自然经济向市场经济转变的过渡时期。

    Comparing with traditional society , modern China experienced a transition from closed economy to open economy and natural economy to market economy .

  3. 第二部分依据IS-LM模型,结合我国历史统计数据推倒出在封闭经济下的政府购买乘数,并实证分析了国债的挤出效应。

    The second part is basing on the IS-LM model and using history data , the article analyses the government purchase multiplier and crowd-out effect .

  4. 基于封闭经济条件下的并购效应的模型分析

    A Model Analysis of Merger Effect Based on Closed Economic Conditions

  5. 三部门封闭经济系统资源配置的动态优化模型

    The Dynamic Optimal Model for Resource Allocation in A Closed Economic System with 3-Industries

  6. 传统的战略性贸易政策理论是建立在封闭经济基础上的。

    Traditional strategical trade policy theory is to build what sealing amenorrhoea aid foundation to go up .

  7. 文中构建的模型证明了封闭经济下不同要素禀赋的国家生产相同产品成本不同。

    A model is constructed and proved that same production has different cost because of factors endowment in different closed economies .

  8. 分别在封闭经济条件及开放经济条件下研究中央银行金融危机救助的问题。

    This paper researches the problem of the central bank rescue for financial crisis respectively in the closed and opened economic conditions .

  9. 但对于生产性政府支出,开放经济的最优税收政策与封闭经济的最优税收政策并不完全等价。

    But for government produc-tion expenditure , the optimal tax policy in an open economy is incompletely equivalent to that in a closed economy .

  10. 但是在封闭经济和开放经济两种不同的经济环境中,货币政策的效果会明显不同。

    The effectiveness of monetary policy has a lot of difference in two different environment between in a closed economy and in a open economy environment .

  11. 我国由传统经济向现代经济过渡,由封闭经济向开放经济过渡,经济增长模型必须重构。

    The economic increase pattern must be reconstructed during the transformation period from traditional economy to modern economy , from closed economy to opened economy in China .

  12. 在封闭经济体分析的基础之上结合中国经济的现实,将这一模型拓展到开放经济体,从而将能源的国际贸易纳入理论分析框架。

    For introducing the international trade of energy into the theoretical framework , this paper , after the closed economical anlysis , expand the model to an open economy .

  13. 老挝现在是一个社会主义国家,它也经历了一个从封闭经济走向开放经济、从计划经济走向市场经济的发展转型过程。

    Laos is a socialist country , its economic development has experienced from a closed economy to an open economy , and from a planned economy to a market economy .

  14. 很显然,在封闭经济和开放经济两种经济运行环境下,货币政策的有效性有着很大的差异,经济开放度是影响货币政策有效性的一个十分重要的因素。

    Obviously , the validity of monetary policy in the close economy differs from that in the open economy . The openness of economy has great influence on monetary policy .

  15. 在传统经济体制下,在封闭经济环境中,企业只是生产单位,不作为一个经营单位,因此企业缺少风险意识。

    Under conventional economic system and close economic environment , enterprise wasn 't taken as a operating unit , but a manufacture unit , it is natural for enterprise lack of risk consciousness .

  16. 在介绍通货紧缩传导的一般理论基础上,比较研究封闭经济条件下通货紧缩的自足性现象和开放经济条件下通货紧缩的国际传导机制。

    In this paper , by introducing the general theories of deflation conduction , a comparative research is made on closed economic condition of the deflation self-enforcing and open economic condition of the international deflation conduction .

  17. 但是这些研究,一方面,主要集中于传统计划经济与双轨制经济时期;另一方面,大多局限于封闭经济的背景中。

    But these studies , on the one hand , are primarily confined to the traditional planned economic and the dual-track economic times ; and on the other hand , are mainly limited to a closed economy .

  18. 本文仅考虑资本这一要素的流动,遵循这一思路,本文作了以下三个层次的分析:第一层次,主要分析了封闭经济条件下人口结构与资产价格的关系。

    Our paper considers capital flows only , and on the basis of this , the paper further our studies in three levels as follws : First level mainly discusses relations between demographic structure and asset price in a closed economy .

  19. 在封闭经济条件下,基础货币可以由中央银行独立决定,在开放经济下,基础货币受到国际收支变化的影响,基础货币的内生性加强,货币政策独立性有可能被削弱。

    Under the condition of closed-economy , base currency will be decided by the central bank independently . But under the open-economy , base currency will affect by the balance of payments . Endogenous enhancing makes the monetary policy independence weak .

  20. 与封闭经济条件下的研究相比,贸易壁垒设置成本的提高对市场整合进程的促进作用减弱,产品出口优惠幅度的减少,将在一定程度阻碍国内市场的整合。

    Compared with the study of the closed economy , the force promote domestic market to integrate is weakened when the cost of setting barriers in inter-regional trade is increasing . The reduction of margin preference impedes the integration of domestic market .

  21. 试在封闭经济条件下,建立一初步数学模型,定性及定量分析有关投资与消费的相对关系,因其问题的复杂性,只就其趋势加以分析。

    This paper gives a preliminary mathematical model for production and living in a closed economy , analyzes the relationship between investment and consumption in a sense of quality and quantity , and tries to make an observation of the general trend .

  22. 随着我国从计划经济向市场经济、从封闭经济向开放经济的双重转轨,税法和会计标准作为经济制度的重要组成部分,也发生了相应的变革。

    Being the important parts of the economic system , tax laws and accounting standards have been changed correspondingly in the process of the Chinese economy ' sdual transition : from planned economy to market economy , from closed economy to open economy .

  23. 但是,由于封闭经济中的银行体系很小,难以利用规模经济;加上竞争的缺乏,从而以较高的单位成本提供较少的金融服务,银行体系的跨期风险分担功能发挥得并不理想。

    However , the risk-sharing function of the banking system is not ideal . Under normal circumstances , the banking system in a closed economy is difficult to exploit the economy of scale , thus provide less financial services at a higher cost .

  24. 在封闭经济条件下,由于人们的收入较低、风险承受能力弱、信息获取成本高和产业特征等因素,银行中介的跨期风险分担占主导地位。

    In a closed economy , due to lower income of people , high information acquisition costs , industry characteristics and other factors , the risk-bearing capacity is weak , and the inter-temporal risk-sharing of banking intermediaries has a dominant position in a closed economy .

  25. 首先介绍刘易斯的封闭经济模型,并结合拉美国家和东亚国家工业化发展及其工资水平的变动,说明该模型对于发展中国家经济发展的适用性,阐述了发展中国家工资水平的决定。

    First , the paper introduces the Lewis ' close end economy model , and combined with the development of Latin American and East Asian countries and the fluctuation of wages in these countries , the paper explains the adaptability of the model to the economic development of developing countries .

  26. 在一个封闭的经济体里,我的消费就是你的工资。

    In a closed economy , my spending is your salary .

  27. 就投资目的而言,中国在很大程度上仍是一个封闭的经济体。

    China is still largely a closed economy for investment purposes .

  28. 开放型经济是与封闭型经济相对立的概念。

    Open economy with a closed economy is opposed to the concept .

  29. 在完全封闭的经济系统中,波及效应只会在本地扩散;

    When an economic system is completely closed , spread effect will diffuse locally ;

  30. 在一个相对封闭的经济中,政府支出能够提振内需,而不致大量渗漏。

    In a relatively closed economy government spending lifts domestic demand without much leakage .