
  • 网络Closed-end Fund;close-end fund;closed-endfunds
  1. 基于DEA的封闭式基金业绩评价

    DEA-Based Closed-End Fund Performance Evaluation

  2. 中国基金(Chinafund)是一支于1992年在美国纳斯达克交易所上市的封闭式基金,来自英国的马丁可利资产管理公司是其基金管理人。

    " China Fund " is a closed-end fund listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange in the United States in 1992 and its manager is Martin Currie Capital Management company who comes from the United Kingdom .

  3. 封闭式基金交易收益率的ARCH效应分析

    ARCH Efficiency Analyzing of Close-ended Funds ' Returning Rate

  4. 通过引入相对效率比η系数,改进了MatthewRichard的基准有效边界方法,进而通过计算η系数和信息率对我国52只封闭式基金业绩进行排名。

    Using the relative effective ratio - η coefficient , the Benchmark-Efficient Frontier Methodology developed by Matthew & Richard has been improved .

  5. 2003年以来通过租借投资银行qfii额度在华进行投资的封闭式基金专业机构cityoflondoninvestmentgroup于今年6月获得了自己的1亿美元额度。

    City of London investment group , a closed-end fund specialist that has invested in China since 2003 by renting QFII quota from investment banks , received its own $ 100m quota in June .

  6. 运用DEA方法对基金业绩进行评价,对24只开放式基金和54只封闭式基金在2004年和2005年的相对业绩进行了比较分析。

    This paper examines 24 mutual funds ' and 54 closed-end funds ' comparative efficiency in the year 2004 and 2005.The results indicate that , most funds were inefficient .

  7. ETF作为一种新兴的金融投资工具,兼具开放式和封闭式基金的共同优点。

    As one kind of rising financial investment tool , ETF synthesize the common merits of open-ended funds and close-end funds .

  8. 研究封闭式基金折价与基金未来收益之间的动态关系,并用GARCH(1,1)模型分析基金折价与基金未来收益波动性之间的关系。

    The empirical study shows that to the variety of Closed-End funds discount is positive correlation to the variety of future fund price return .

  9. 这个llp的寿命是有限的,通常为10年,而且是一个封闭式基金。

    The LLP has a limited life , often 10 years , and is a closed-end fund .

  10. 最后,本文提出我国应该有选择地积极发展保险、社保、封闭式基金和QFII等机构投资者,这样才能在促进机构投资者参与公司治理方面取得更加有效的成就。

    Finally , this paper recommends that we should develop insurance , social security , closed-end funds and QFII as the primary institutional investors selectively .

  11. 当资本市场频繁出现诸如日历效应、IPO溢价、封闭式基金之迷等疑难病症时,标准财务理论显得力不从心和苍白无力。

    When the capital market such as the calendar effect of frequent , IPO premium fan of closed-end funds and other " illnesses ", the standard financial theory appeared to be inadequate and feeble .

  12. 本文选取了20支封闭式基金和1260支股票的2004年至2005年之间的数据,应用SPSS软件,对样本数据进行描述性统计、相关性分析和线性回归分析。

    This paper has selected twenty funds and 1260 A - stocks from year 2004 to year 2005 as samples , applied descriptive statistic analysis , corresponding analysis and linear regression through SPSS .

  13. 第六部分通过对比公司型基金和契约型基金以及开放式基金和封闭式基金,从而得出了适合我国发展的房地产投资信托基金(REITs)的模式。

    Part six compares corporate funds and contractual funds , open-end funds and closed-end funds in detail , and concludes on an approachable mode of REITs in China .

  14. 机会基金是施罗德集团下一个发展的业务领域,首只gresham封闭式基金于2002年到期。

    Opportunistic funds were the next business development , with the first Gresham fund closed in 2002 .

  15. 本文首先介绍了ETFs在海外发展的历史和现状,并通过与封闭式基金、开放式基金的对比揭示其特点和发展的意义;

    Firstly , Paper introduces the history and actuality of oversea ETFs , and discloses the characteristic and meaning of ETFs through compared with open-ended funds and close-ended funds .

  16. LOF基金(上市型开放式基金)是深交所为弥补封闭式基金与开放式基金的不足而设计的新品种。

    To make up their deficiency , Listed Open-Ended Funds ( LOF ) was launched as a new fund by Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

  17. 目前在中国,从大的分类上,投资基金分为开放式基金,封闭式基金,货币市场基金,指数型基金,ETF基金,LOF基金,QDII基金。

    Now in China , there are open-ended funds , closed-ended funds , money market funds , index funds , ETF funds , LOF Fund , QDII fund .

  18. 本文以分形市场理论为基础,研究了我国封闭式基金市场的非线性特征,利用Hurst指数研究了基金的业绩持续性。

    This article bases on the fractal market theory , studies the non-linear characters of Chinese closed-end fund market . It studies the performance persistence of fund using the Hurst exponent .

  19. 为克服DEA有效性值的这种内在依赖性,提出了基于Bootstrap方法的DEA回归分析方法,以提高回归分析结果的可信度,并以封闭式基金业绩的DEA回归分析为例对之加以说明。

    To overcome the inherent dependency of the DEA efficiency scores , a DEA regression analysis based on the Bootstrap approach was presented to increase the reliability of the results of regression analysis , and a DEA regression analysis of closed-end fund performance was illustrated .

  20. 本文选取市场换手率、IPO首日换手率、封闭式基金折(溢)价率、市场成交量和IPO首日成交量五个指标作为原始变量,利用主成分分析法得到投资者有限意志BW的衡量表达式。

    This paper selects the market turnover , IPO first day turnover , closed-end fund discount ( premium ) rates , the market volume and IPO first day of the trading volume of five indicators as the original variables , using principal component analysis BW measure of expression .

  21. 在多重分形指标的基础上,结合Hurst指数,建立一个新的风险度量指标,利用该指标检验单个封闭式基金的风险水平,由此提出一种选择基金的有效方法。

    Based on the multifractal exponent , combined with the Hurst exponent , this article establishes a new method for measuring risk level , in order to test the risk level of single fund and put forward an effective method for choosing fund .

  22. 封闭式基金折价现象是指封闭式基金经常性地以低于其单位资产净值(NAV)的价格出售的现象,这一现象在国外成熟资本市场和新兴的中国证券市场都普遍存在。

    The discount of closed-end fund refer to the phenomena that the funds often be sold at a price under the net asset value ( NAV ) of their underlying portfolio , witch can be found on both mature and emerging markets .

  23. 封闭式基金经理的竞争压力

    The Competitive Pressure on the Managers of Close - end Fund

  24. 我国封闭式基金折价的管理绩效信息

    Information Contents of Managerial Performance on Closed-end Fund Discount in China

  25. 中国封闭式基金业绩持续性的实证研究

    Research of the Performance Persistence of the Closed-end Fund in China

  26. 封闭式基金绩效评估体系之实证研究

    The Study of Evaluation Model on Close - end Fund Performance

  27. 封闭式基金收益率及投资策略分析

    Analysis about the Return of Closed-End Fund and Its Investment Tactics

  28. 中国封闭式基金折价因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors of Chinese Closed - End Fund Discounts

  29. 开放式基金与封闭式基金的比较与选择

    The Comparison and the Choice between Open-end Fund and Close-end Fund

  30. 我国封闭式基金规模与其净值收益率的相关性分析

    The analysis of closed-end funds scale and yield of net value