
  • 网络sealing;Sealing Treatment
  1. 为提高铝及其合金氧化膜的耐蚀性和耐污能力,必须对膜作常温封闭处理。

    The sealing treatment of anodized aluminum and its alloys is required for improving the anti-fouling and corrosion resistance performances .

  2. 不同封闭处理ZrO2热障涂层抗热震性的研究

    Anti Thermal Shock Behavior of ZrO 2 Thermal Barrier With Different Sealing Treatments

  3. 在含Ni为10%~14%的ZnNi合金镀层上先钝化再进行封闭处理,可获得色泽均匀、结晶细致的转化膜。

    Uniform and dense conversion film can be gained on the surface of Zn-Ni alloy deposits containing 10 % ~ 14 % of Ni by using passivation sealing technology .

  4. 他说:“这是一件轻质的LoroPiana品牌(羊毛材质的大衣),做过全封闭处理,完全可以防水防风。”

    It 's a lightweight charcoal Loro Piana [ wool ] , ' he said , ' that has been fully bonded to be completely water - and windproof . '

  5. 他说:这是一件轻质的LoroPiana品牌(羊毛材质的大衣),做过全封闭处理,完全可以防水防风。

    ' It 's a lightweight charcoal Loro Piana [ wool ] , ' he said , ' that has been fully bonded to be completely water - and windproof . '

  6. 结构混凝土裂缝的封闭处理

    The closing treatment of the fractures of the structural concrete

  7. 铝合金氧化膜的封闭处理

    The Seal Processing to the Oxide Film of Alloy Aluminium

  8. 微乳液在镀锌封闭处理中的应用

    Application of microemulsion in sealing of zinc electrodeposit

  9. 不锈钢着色后的封闭处理初探

    Study on sealing of the coloured stainless steel

  10. 虎皮灵浸果和聚乙烯薄膜封闭处理苹果防止虎皮病的作用和效果

    Effects of treatment with ETHOXYQUIN-DIP and sealed polyethylene film on development of apples scald

  11. 铝阳极氧化膜的封闭处理

    Sealing of Anodized Aluminium

  12. 试验结果表明,改进除油、水洗、铬酸阳极氧化工艺和封闭处理方法后,工艺质量有了明显提高。

    The experiment results indicated that the pro-cess quality has been improved obviously by the new process proposed by this paper .

  13. 核电链有少量气态和液态放射性排放到环境中,产生少量固体放射性废物被封闭处理。

    Nuclear power chain discharge little radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent to the environment and little solid waste are disposed closely .

  14. 随着施工技术及材料的不断改进与提高,对漏水源进行封闭处理已成为现实。

    Along with the improvement of construction technology and construction materials , it came true for sealing and blocking the leakage source .

  15. 在1200&1500℃空气中氧化,对未封闭处理的涂层试样,随氧化温度升高,氧化失重率减小。

    As the oxidizing temperature is elevated , the oxidation weight loss rate of the coating without sealing in 1200-1 500 C air .

  16. 采取在油罐内壁热喷涂锌铝复合覆盖层和无机富锌防静电涂料封闭处理防护措施后,取得了很好的效果。

    Good results have been achieved after the internal wall of the tanks were applied with zinc aluminum plating plus inorganic zinc-rich electrostatic-resistant coating .

  17. 为提高铝硫酸阳极氧化膜的抗污染和防腐蚀性能,分别采用环境友好的铈盐、钇盐和镧盐溶液对阳极氧化膜进行了封闭处理。

    Sulfuric acid anodized aluminum specimens were sealed respectively in environmental-friendly solutions of cerium , yttrium and lanthanum salts to improve the anti-contamination and anti-corrosive properties .

  18. 改进了卷材与涂膜的粘结方法及卷材与卷材搭接的封闭处理,提高了防水性能。

    By improving the bonding method of the rolled material and the painted membrane and the overlap treatment of the rolled material , waterproofing performance is enhanced .

  19. 文章结合地震检波器零件的封闭处理实验,论述铝合金氧化膜封闭处理的好处。

    On the basis of the seal processing experiment to seismic geophone parts , the advantages of seal processing to the oxide film of alloy aluminium are related .

  20. 采用田间小区试验方法,进行了质量分数为40%扑·乙乳油播后苗前土壤封闭处理防除大豆田杂草田间药效试验。

    The control effect of 40 % Emulsifiable concentrate of prometryne and acetochlor of soil sprayed on soybean weeds was tested with the experimental method of small plots .

  21. 抛秧立苗后,即抛秧后5&7天是本田杂草大量集中萌发时期,抓住这一时机,浅水层施药进行土表封闭处理。

    Throwing up seedlings , throwing back 5-7 days is Honda intensive weed germination period , and grasp the opportunity to make a shallow layer of soil surface sealing application .

  22. 采用防水防腐技术对磁钢、磁感应器件及印刷线路板进行封闭处理,壳体采用彩色镀锌处理工艺。

    The magnetic steel , the magnetic sensor and the printed circuit board are sealed by a waterproof and anticorrosive technique , and a housing is processed by a color zinc-plating technique .

  23. 结论以醛基化玻片为固相载体制备蛋白质芯片时要预点15~20个点后再正式点样,点样后应4℃保存24~48h再进行漂洗和3%BSA封闭处理。

    Conclusion To ensure good results in preparing protein chips on aldehyde slides , pre-spotting of 10-15 spots can be necessary followed by immobilization at 4 ℃ for 24-48h and 3 % BSA blocking .

  24. 结果表明,锌铬涂层耐蚀性优于渗锌,表面封闭处理可进一步提高锌铬涂层对基体的保护能力,体现出协同效应。

    The results showed that the zinc-chromium coating has a superior corrosion resistance to sherardizing . The sealing modification of the coating surface can further improve its corrosion resistance , which can be attributed to the synergistic effect between zinc-chromium coating and surface modification .

  25. 用途:适用于铁路,RFID驻波比性能好,封闭式处理,防水防腐能力强。

    Application : Suitable for railway , VSWR at good performance , RFID system , closed processing , anti-water ability .

  26. 薄板坯连铸连轧取向硅钢流程中Cu2S抑制剂的析出行为钼酸盐封闭后处理的热镀锌钢板硅烷膜的耐蚀性

    Precipitation of Inhibitor ( Cu_2S ) in Experimental Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Made by Thin Slab Casting and Rolling Process Corrosion Resistance of Silane Films on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel by Molybdate Post-Sealing

  27. 废纸制浆造纸废水封闭循环处理工艺

    A Closed Loop Process of Pulp and Paper Making from Waste Paper

  28. 钼酸盐封闭后处理的热镀锌钢板硅烷膜的耐蚀性

    Corrosion Resistance of Silane Films on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel by Molybdate Post-Sealing

  29. 第一恒磨牙龋病流行病学调查和窝沟封闭预处理技术评价

    First Molar Pit and Fissure Caries Epidemiological Investigation and Evaluation of Pre-treatment Technology

  30. 射流气浮技术在发生炉煤气洗涤废水封闭循环处理中的应用

    Application of Efflux Air Floatation in Recycling Treatment of Washwater of Coal Gas