
  • 网络symmetric functions
  1. GF(2~m)上的对称函数与一类行列式

    The Symmetric Functions in the Field GF ( 2 ~ m ) and a Class of Determinants

  2. 一对互补对称函数的Schur凸性

    Schur-Convexity of Two Complementary Symmetric Functions

  3. 关于n元对称函数的若干不等式

    Some Inequalities about Symmetric Function in n Variables

  4. 基于四位全加器的n中取m及择多函数等对称函数的实现

    The Realization of Symmetric Functions & m-of-n and Majority Functions Based om Four-bit Full-adders

  5. 胡克教授在此问题上作了一系列的研究,对于近于凸函数的K次对称函数得到了问题的解答。

    Professor HU KE has studied this problem , and obtain the answer on close-to-convex function .

  6. 关于对称函数Er的不等式

    Inequality of Symmetric Function

  7. 球对称函数Radon变换的数值反演

    The Numerical Inversion of Radon Transform for Spherical Symmetric Function

  8. 随机变量序列,Un是以对称函数h(x,y)为核函数的U-统计量。

    Random variables , U_n be a U - statistic based on the symmetric kernel function h ( x , y ) .

  9. 此外,文中还讨论了对CRM分解图进行对称函数检测的方法,并以实例加以说明。

    Furthermore , symmetry of the function can be detected by means of CRM type decomposition map , and some examples were given .

  10. 一类对称函数的Schur凸性及其应用

    Schur-Convexity for A Class of Symmetric Function and Its Applications

  11. 从两个三角函数的超几何级数展开式出发,利用导数算子和对称函数,建立了众多的含有Harmonic数的无穷级数求和公式。

    The contents is as follows : 1 . Based on two hypergeometric expansion formulae of trigonometric functions , we combine their derivatives with the symmetric functions and establish numerous infinite series identities involving the harmonic numbers .

  12. 给出了利用对称函数dj图检测对称性的方法,并以实例加以说明。

    Symmetry of the function can be detected by means of d_j map of symmetric function , and some examples were given .

  13. 通过求解等价方程,提供了高阶相关免疫对称函数的构造方法和一阶相关免疫对称函数的计数方法,并在2种情形下给出了n元一阶相关免疫对称函数的计数下界。

    By solving the equivalent equation , the methods to construct symmetric correlation immune functions with higher order and to enumerate symmetric correlation immune functions with order one were presented . The lower bound of enumeration of symmetric correlation immune functions with order one was also given in two cases .

  14. 针对与-异或逻辑代数系统中电路设计与化简的要求,提出了一种全新的图形表示方法&RM分解图,讨论了利用RM分解图将任意开关函数变为RM对称函数等方面的应用。

    A new geometric format , the RM type decomposition map , was proposed , and the method of transforming an arbitrary switching function into a totally RM type symmetric function using RM type decomposition map was discussed .

  15. Sym的同态对分次偏序集的旗向量进行了分类.Bergeron与Sottile[4]也作了类似研究,证明了一个拟对称函数对应于一个边棱标号的偏序集也有一个Hopf代数同态。

    A similar construction was made by Bergeron and Sottile given [ 4 ] , They have shown that a quasi-symmetric function associated to an edge-labeled poset also gives a morphism of Hopf algebras .

  16. 本文将证明当临界抽样Gabor展开的窗函数为连续或对称函数时,Gabor展开不仅存在非局部性问题,而且收敛性也得不到保证。

    In this paper we will show that when the window function of critical sampling Gabor expansion is continuous or symmetric , the critical sampling Gabor expansion not only can 't always truly reflect the local properties of signals , but exists convergence as well .

  17. 利用对称函数引入了两种广义Vandermonde矩阵,讨论了Vandermonde矩阵与广义Vandermonde矩阵之间的关系,并得到了广义Vandermonde矩阵的LU分解。

    Using elementary symmetric function and complete symmetric function , two kinds generalized Vandermonde matrices are introduced . The relationship between Vandermonde matrices and the generalized Vandermonde matrices is discussed , and the LU factorization of the generalized Vandermonde matrices is obtained .

  18. 对称函数的全局优化的降维算法

    The Descending Dimension Computation Method of Global Optimizations for Symmetric Functions

  19. 初等对称函数商的Schur-凹性及其应用

    Schur-Concavity of Quotient for the Elementary Symmetric Function and Its Application

  20. 多值对称函数基于二值全加器的电路实现

    The logic synthesis of multivalued symmetric function based on binary full-adder

  21. 基于与&异或代数系统的对称函数的研究

    The Research of Symmetric Function Based on AND-Exclusive OR Algebraic System

  22. 基于多β晶体管的二变量基本对称函数产生器

    Two Variable Basic Symmetric Function Generator Based on Multiple β Transistor

  23. 基于基本对称函数产生器的模拟开关实现

    The realization of analog switch based upon the basic symmetric function generator

  24. 非初等对称函数的一类不等式

    A Class of Fan 's Type Inequalities for the Non-Elementary Symmetric Function

  25. 对称函数各完备集展开系数之间的转换

    The Transformations among Expansion Coefficients in Each Complete Set of Symmetric Functions

  26. 一类关于对称函数的卷积型求和公式

    A Class of Summation Formulas Concerning Convolutions of Symmetric Functions

  27. 轮换对称函数的高等代数分解法

    The Factorization Method of Circulant Symmetric Function in Higher Algebra

  28. 带有完全对称函数的广义相合数值域

    The Generalized Congruence Numerical Ranges Associated with Completely Symmetric Function

  29. 关于一类对称函数不等式的控制证明

    Control Prove about a Class of Symmetric Function Inequalities

  30. 对称函数、反对称函数及其富里哀系数

    The symmetric function , the anti - symmetric function and their Fourier coefficient