
  • 网络reactance
  1. 心理应激与对抗心理应激后大鼠颞下颌关节超微结构的变化

    Ultrastructural Changes of Temporomandibular Joint in Rats under Psychological Stress and Anti-psychological Stress

  2. 你知道,你如此强大;你的影响非常大;这会让人们产生对抗心理。

    As you know , you re so powerful you re so influential it antagonizes people .

  3. 结果高校学生患者就医心态有自负心理、侥幸心理、好强心理、怀疑心理、对抗心理,心理护理前后有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results Concerning psychological states such as conceit , fluke , aggression , suspicion and antagonism , college students showed significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) before and after nursing care .

  4. 本章首先就侦查策略的心理学机制进行了扼要探讨,指出侦查策略通过运用相对人的趋利避害心理、错觉心理和对立情绪,能够促使相对人放弃对抗心理,作出有利于侦查的行为选择。

    Firstly , this chapter outlines the psychological mechanism of investigative tactics , pointing out that the choice which is helpful to investigation may be made by the relative person by applying mentality and emotion of the relative person .

  5. 贪污、贿赂案件中犯罪嫌疑人对抗侦查心理及对策研究

    Several Strategies on Suspects ' Anti-interrogation Psychology in Cases of Corruption and Bribery

  6. 我们知道他们在身体对抗和心理承受力上都很强大,他们是拥有能改变比赛的阵容的球队。

    We knew they were strong both physically and psychologically , and that they have a large squad that could bring changes to the game .

  7. 竞技跆拳道对抗中的心理特征分析

    Analyzing Mental Characteristic in Taekwondo Competition

  8. 对跆拳道对抗中的心理特征进行分析,有助于建立良好的心态,从而有效发挥技战术水平;

    It is helpful to build up good mental status based on analyzing mental characteristics of competitors , and then to good play .

  9. 我们不断奋斗抗争,就是为了缔造一个更加完美的联邦,建立公平,保障我们国家内部的安宁,我们每天都要对抗外来与心理内在的各种恐惧。

    Throughtout our nation 's constant struggle to create a more perfect union , establish justice and ensure our domestic tranquility , we battle fear from outside our borders and from within our own hearts every day of our history .

  10. 江苏队须进一步加强防守的攻击性和多变性,并提高队员的对抗能力和相关心理素质。

    It 's suggested that Jiang-Su Team should strengthen the aggressive and flexible defense , and enhance the players ' antagonistic ability and correlative psychological diathesis .

  11. 强化队员抢篮板球意识和欲望,提高强烈对抗条件下的心理承受能力,培养球员每球必抢的作风。

    Awareness and desire will be strengthened in rebound , improving the psychological ability on conditions of the strong against . Players must have the style of grabbing every ball .