
  • 网络family atmosphere
  1. 能让这里更有家庭气氛。

    Give the place a more family atmosphere .

  2. 制造一个欢乐的家庭气氛。

    Make up a happy family atmosphere .

  3. 她决定在当时的场景中加添些家庭气氛。

    She resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene .

  4. 一个安乐的家庭气氛是您一生的基石。

    A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life .

  5. 营造良好家庭气氛;

    Build all right atmosphere of family ;

  6. 家庭气氛干预。

    Intervention of family atmosphere .

  7. 正如母亲时常提醒我的,我必须负责营造一种和睦相处的家庭气氛。

    As my mother keeps reminding me , I must bear the responsibility of keeping things friendly .

  8. 我想,只有轻松的家庭气氛才能有助于孩子身心发展。

    I think only a relaxed family atmosphere can help the physical and the psychological growth of children .

  9. 主观幸福感、心理健康、容纳他人在家庭气氛、学业成绩上有非常显著的差异。

    Subject well being , mental health , and interpersonal tolerance vary greatly in family atmosphere and academic achievement .

  10. 摆满旧式风格的小摆设的质朴家具及架子,创造出一种会令人想起几世纪以前以农业为主的美国之家庭气氛。

    Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knick-knacks created a homey atmosphere reminscent of rural America several generations back .

  11. 家庭气氛有些激烈,如果不组织好就能导致情绪化。

    Your home environment may be hectic , which could result in emotional upset if you aren 't well organized .

  12. 摆满旧式风格的小摆设的质朴家俱及架子,出会令人想起几世代以前以农业为主的美国之家庭气氛。

    Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knickknacks created a homey atmosphere reminiscent of rural America several generations back .

  13. 摆满旧式风格的小摆设的质朴家俱及架子,创造出一种会令人想起几世代以前以农业为主的美国之家庭气氛。

    Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knick-knacks created a homey atmosphere reminiscent of rural America several generations back .

  14. 室友的家让我感受到了美国家庭气氛的轻松,也体验到了美国文化的一部分。

    I felt relaxed in the family , the United States family , and also I experienced part of American culture .

  15. 白天,公园中到处地洋溢着愉快的家庭气氛,孩子们可以尽情玩耍。可是到了晚上,一切却变得截然不同。

    By day it 's a scene of pleasant , family-friendly activities where children play but it 's another story at night .

  16. 不仅仅他们的信仰,同样他们的家庭气氛整个改变成温暖与和睦相处。

    It is not just their believing , but the whole atmosphere of their homes had been changed into warmth and harmony .

  17. 其三,影响少数民族大学生人格发展的主要因素包括:良好的家庭气氛和父母榜样的力量;教师的榜样作用;

    The main factors influencing their personality development are as follows : good family environment , good parents and teachers , self-training and education .

  18. 男女患者的病情都与家人对病人的态度、经济或情感上的支持、家庭气氛呈显著正相关关系。

    Patients'condition of both the male and female very positively related to attitude of family , economical and affective supports , and family air .

  19. 我的家庭气氛很和谐,打扫得也很乾净,都找不到一颗弹壳。

    My family feeling ever so harmony , Clear up get also ever so cleanliness , All ask for not quite a cartridge or shell .

  20. 结果928名学生中,男孩475人(51.296),女孩453人(48.8%)。儿童的性别对家庭气氛、系统逻辑、疾病观念维度的影响有显著差异(P<0.05);

    Results In 928 students , children 's sex has different effect on family air , system logic , disease concept ( P < 0.05 );

  21. 一种自由、友好、和谐的家庭气氛对孩子的身心发展最为有利。

    A free , friendly , and sympathetic atmosphere at home is most favorable to the development of youngsters both in body and in mind .

  22. 文化程度、训练成绩、家庭气氛、父母教养态度、父亲职业对武警战士自我概念有显著影响。差异比较发现:在文化程度上,高中组战士自我概念显著低于初中组战士自我概念。

    Second , educational level , military achievement , family atmosphere , parental behavioral style and father 's occupation have significant influence on APM 's self-concept .

  23. 由训练成绩、家庭气氛、父母教养态度、父亲职业可以显著预测武警战士自我概念水平。

    Thirdly , military achievement , family atmosphere , parental behavioral style and father 's occupation have significant predictive effects for the total score of self-concept .

  24. 家人对患者的态度差、家庭气氛不良、得不到经济和情感上的支持、病程长是治疗依从性差的主要易感因素。

    The main susceptible factors for bad therapeutic dependence were bad family attitude , family air , lack of economic and emotional supports and long disease course .

  25. 然而在我看来,刻板严厉的家教,较少的语言交流以及冷漠的家庭气氛经常使安内向而自卑。

    However , in my view , severely rigid tutor , language exchange , as well as smaller family atmosphere of indifference to and often an inferiority complex .

  26. 此外,调剂家庭气氛,维持家庭的稳定和巩固夫妻感情也是高学历都市青年女性肯定生育行为的重要原因。

    Besides , adjusting family atmosphere , maintaining family stability and strengthening spouse affection are also important reasons for highly-educated Chinese young urban women to approve fertility behaviors .

  27. 除了满足自己的愤怒外,没有起到任何的作用,争吵只会破坏家庭气氛。

    There 's no real purpose to be served , other than satisfaction of my anger , and having an argument will sour the atmosphere of our house .

  28. 这种安排对成熟的学生可说是很称心并且经济,只要(一)那个家庭气氛友好,清洁而且有秩序;

    This kind of arrangement can be quite satisfactory and economical for mature students if ( 1 ) the household environment is friendly , clean , and orderly ;

  29. 我发现这有效地协调了家庭气氛,让安体会到了更多的关爱和鼓励,也更加愿意与外界接触了。

    I found that the effective co-ordination of a family atmosphere , so that an experienced and encourage more caring and more willing to contact with the outside world has been .

  30. 结果,不良人际关系、不幸遭遇和不良应对策略与个体口腔癌的发生有非常明显的关系,不良家庭气氛和缺少社会支持,与其发生有一定关系。

    The results showed that poor personal relationship , unlucky life and poor answer strategy were related to oral cancers and unharmonious family circumstance and lack of social support were also related to it .