
  • 网络Household Size;family population
  1. 对城市住宅商品需求的家庭人口因素分析

    Analysis of the Real Estate Market from the Factor of Family Population

  2. 然而,家庭人口结构的变动,即赡养比例的变化,可能会显著影响家庭的人均收入,并且对收入流动性的测度产生显著影响。

    But the number of family population may affect the family average income and change the result of income mobility .

  3. 多元Logistic回归分析表明创伤后应激障碍检查量表平时版分值越高,家庭人口数越多,SARS期间曾被隔离的人易患创伤后应激障碍。

    The multi-element Logistic regress analysis showed that people with higher point of post-traumatic stress disorder checklist - civilian version , more family members , and being isolated during SARS was apt to be post-traumatic stress disorder .

  4. 结论年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗等可能是儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Conclusion H. pylori infection for children is correlate with age , fathers ' education background , number of members of family , public lavatory service and dog keeping .

  5. pylori感染率及菌株分型与民族类别无关,年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗及吃肉可能是该地区儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Age , years of father 's education , number of member in family , public lavatory service , dog-keeping and eating meat might have played some role in infection with H.pylori in children .

  6. 家庭人口小型化与住宅建设

    Small Tendency of Family Members and Housing Construction Family The Home

  7. 中国人的家庭人口不仅包括子儿和父母。

    The Chinese family came to include not only children and their parents .

  8. 结果从家庭人口的构成上看,家庭样本具有很好的代表性。

    Results In according to the construction of household size showed appropriate representativeness .

  9. 他似乎家庭人口众多。

    He seems to have a big family .

  10. 家庭人口构成对住宅设计的影响

    The influence of family composition on residential design

  11. 我国有8300多万的残疾人,涉及2.6亿家庭人口。

    China has more than 8300 million persons with disabilities , involving 260 million family .

  12. 贫困家庭人口中有一半以上只工作部分时间。

    More than half of the heads of poor families work at least part time .

  13. 行为得分(72.77±0.86)分。家长的文化、职业、家庭人口数、父母关系、管教方式对意外伤害知识得分的影响显著,家庭收入、儿童年龄对家长态度得分影响显著。

    Family income and children age remarkably influences parents ' attitude scores on questionnaire papers .

  14. 药物代表的专业,学历,家庭人口的艰巨的工作来执行。

    Drug reps are professional , educated , family people with a difficult job to perform .

  15. 结果大学新生自尊水平在性别、户籍、家庭人口数、月生活支出、父母职业间有显著性差异;

    Results There is significant differences among gender , native place , family population , monthly expenditure , and parental occupation .

  16. 近年来我国城市家庭人口组成发生了巨大的变化,并直接影响到住宅的设计。

    In recent years , there is a great change of city family population composition , which influences the house design directly .

  17. 结果显示,①随着家庭人口规模的增大,人均碳排放量均呈现下降趋势,直接碳排放比例上升,问接碳排放比例下降。

    Results show that with the increase of family size , per capita carbon emissions and the percent of indirect carbon emissions decline .

  18. 由于生活节奏、家庭人口规模、经济条件等的变化,预制食品在食品体系中的重要性日益增长。

    With the changes of living tempo , family size and economic conditions , the importance of prepared foods in food system is increasing .

  19. 我发现我的家庭人口、妈妈的收入与我的学业能力测试分数符合拿助学金的标准。

    I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family , my mom 's income and my sat scores .

  20. 我国有各类残疾人8300多万,占总人口的6.34%,涉及2.6亿家庭人口。

    China has all kinds of the handicapped person more than 8300 million , accounting for 6.34 % of the population , involving 260 million household .

  21. 户主的年龄、文化程度和家庭人口等与庭园植物物种多样性密切相关。

    It is interesting to find that courtyard plant diversity is closely related to age and education level of the householder and family size as well .

  22. 虽然家庭人口不断增多,已有13个孩子,他却可以使全家人有衣穿,穿得暖,吃得饱。

    Though his family grew to include 13 children , he managed to keep them all clothed , warm and fed . They never took public aid .

  23. 家庭人口多好还是少好是一个通俗的话题,不仅农民而且城里人也在谈论这个话题。

    Whether a big family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic , which is talked not only by farmers but city-residents as well .

  24. 个体因素包括家庭人口结构、文化程度和职业方面对生活垃圾产生量和成分的影响;社会因素主要表现在有关垃圾减量、回收、再利用等措施的实施。

    Personality factors were analyzed by family 's population structure , schooling and occupation , and social factors were studied on measures of waste reduce , recycle , recovery etc.

  25. 结果表明,农业劳动力的民族因素、受教育程度、是否参加过培训、家庭人口、政府扶持等因素对农业劳动力能否转移有重要影响。

    The results show that nationality , educational background , receiving training or not , family scale and governmental support all have significant relationship with agricultural labor transfer . 5 .

  26. 职业、家庭人口数、绝经、结婚年龄、产次、首次性行为年龄、首次怀孕年龄和首次生育年龄是宫颈癌发生的相关因素;

    Occupation , family members , menopause , age at first marriage , age at first sexual intercourse , age at first pregnancy and parity were also associated with cervical ;

  27. 其次依据三门峡市城镇家庭人口等历史数据使用趋势外推法预测未来5年内的城镇家庭户数。

    Secondly , based on the historical data of urban family population in Sanmenxia , we forecast the urban family population in the next five years by trend extrapolation model .

  28. 因此家庭人口的任何选择和决定,无可置疑是由家庭作出,不可听命于他人。

    It follows that any choice and decision with regard to the size of the family must irrevocably rest with the family itself , and cannot be made by anyone else .

  29. 俄罗斯家庭人口领域不良状况的出现,除文化方面的原因外,与国家经济状况的不景气和不考虑家庭利益而实施的社会经济改革有直接关系。

    The bad issues in Russian family appeared not only because of the culture reasons but also because the depressed national economic situation and the social economic reform without considering family interests .

  30. 城市住宅产业与城市的家庭人口、经济发展、历史文化有着千丝万缕的联系,其发展受政府各项规制政策影响非常显著。

    The urban residence industry is closed linked to the urban population , the local economic development and the history and cultures . Its development is significantly influenced by the various government regulations .