
jiā chǒu
  • skeleton in the closet (cupboard);family skeleton;the skeleton in the cupboard;family scandal
家丑 [jiā chǒu]
  • [family skeleton;family scandal;skeleton in the closet (cupboard)] 使某家感到不光彩的不能公开的事

  • 家丑不外扬

家丑[jiā chǒu]
  1. 家丑不宜外扬,如果我是他的话,我就什么也不说。

    We shouldn 't wash our dirty laundry in public and if I was in his position , I 'd say nothing at all .

  2. 这场离婚就是想要在法庭里公开家丑。

    The divorce has meant airing their dirty laundry in court .

  3. 这个家族把他们的家丑隐藏了多年。

    The family have kept their shameful secret for years .

  4. 也许是我老爸的另一个家丑吧。

    Maybe just another skeleton out of daddy 's closet .

  5. 我纳闷他们到底还有些什么家丑。

    I wonder how many other skeleton they have get in their cupboard .

  6. 当证据确凿无疑时,他们又想使家丑不致外扬。

    When the proof was inescapable , they wanted to keep it in-house .

  7. 这是一个不为人知的家丑。

    There is a skeleton in the cupboard .

  8. 许多家庭都有不可扬的家丑

    Many families have a skeleton in the closet

  9. 家丑不可外扬。

    Do not give publicity to family scandals .

  10. 人们抖自己的家丑,只是为了得到他人的同情。

    People just try to get sympathy by airing their dirty linen in public .

  11. 脏衣家中洗,家丑勿外扬。

    Wash your dirty linen at home .

  12. 中国有句古话,“家丑不可外扬”,这似乎成了中国夫妇们的座右铭。

    " Thou shalt not share family scandals ," according to some ancient wisdom , seems to be their motto .

  13. 库:现实批判的语境是否会遭遇限制,家丑是否可以外扬?

    KU : Whether the context of reality criticism will encounter restriction , and can we wash dirty linen in public ?

  14. 我昨天得知他们的长子已是二进监狱了,不知他家还有多少不可告人的家丑呢。

    I learned yesterday that their eldest son has been twice sent to prison . I wonder how many other skeletons they 've got in their cupboard .

  15. 随着私立离婚法庭的出现,那些高调结婚又即将分手的夫妇也许很快就能避免在公众眼皮下晒家丑的命运了。

    High-profile married couples who are splitting up may soon be able to avoid airing their dirty linen in public with the advent of private divorce courts .

  16. 如果要拍一个这样的节目,找嘉宾会挺难的,因为没有多少明星愿意在公众面前暴露家丑。

    If such a show were to air , it would have a difficult time finding guests as many celebrities would be unwilling to air their dirty laundry in public .

  17. 然而,一些诸如家丑不得外扬等中国传统腐朽观念仍根深蒂固植根于社会大众心中,导致我们走进一个误区,认为家庭暴力问题是私人领域事务,外界不应干预也不便干预。

    However , some decadent ideas like " dirty linen should not outside " have rooted in Chinese mind profoundly . These lead us into the errors that domestic violence problem is so private that others should not intervene .

  18. 掩盖校园性骚扰问题的倾向来源于家丑不可外扬的封建宗法观念,女权活动家李婷婷说。李婷婷曾因计划一场反地铁性骚扰抗议而被警察逮捕,这使她吸引了国际新闻头条的关注。

    The tendency to cover up campus sexual harassment issues was based on the patriarchal idea of not washing the family dirty laundry in public , said Li Tingting , a feminist activist who attracted international headlines when police arrested her for planning a protest against groping on subways .