
  • 网络Publicity
  1. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,福特公司用60年代使用过的宣传方式来纪念这一历史时刻。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports Ford is marking the occasion by repeating a publicity sounded stage back in the sixties .

  2. 朴树对音乐界的宣传方式也不满意。

    Pu isn 't content with the publicity side of music industry , either .

  3. 委员会咄咄逼人的宣传方式使其不得人心。

    The committee 's confrontational style of campaigning has made it unpopular

  4. ‘KareLog’的宣传方式是有问题的。

    There were problems with the way that Kare Log was advertised .

  5. 由于其传教式宣传方式十分成功,以及Linux的广为流行,“开源与GPL是同义词”的错误思想也到处弥漫。

    Through extremely successful evangelization , and the popularity of Linux , the misconception that OpenSource and the GPL are synonymous has become pervasive .

  6. 方法在杭州市某高校,随机抽取255名二、三年级学生进行匿名自填式问卷调查,内容包括AIDS相关知识、态度和行为,获得AIDS相关知识的途径与易于接受AIDS知识的宣传方式等。

    Methods In a university of Hangzhou , 255 sophomores and juniors were randomly selected for anonymous self-administered questionnaire with contents referring to AIDS related knowledge , attitude and behaviors , pathway to obtain AIDS-related knowledge and mode for better acceptation of AIDS propaganda .

  7. 你想想二十世纪初的宣传方式,它擅长了解人类如何解析信息以做出决定,并进入我们的心理防御机制之下,VR在这方面的能力比人们要强一亿倍。

    If you think about the way the propaganda back in the early twentieth century got good at understanding how human beings parse information to make decisions and getting in underneath our psychological defense mechanisms , VR is 100 million times more capable of engaging in that .

  8. 日本通讯部门甚至就隐私问题展开了激烈的讨论,在一份报告中声言“追踪个体的行动是否得到同意非常重要。‘KareLog’的宣传方式是有问题的。”

    Japan 's communications ministry has even waded into the debate on privacy , saying in a statement that " The consent of a tracked individual is very important . There were problems with the way that Kare Log was advertised . "

  9. 她说:我们觉得如果让这只巨大的橡皮鸭游过泰晤士河,对FUNdation基金将会是一个很好的宣传方式,同时看到它的人也会很开心。

    She said : ' We thought a giant rubber duck floating down the River Thames was a great way to kick the FUNdation off , and it definitely raised a smile and a chuckle from everyone who saw it .

  10. 访谈的乡镇卫生院院长及医护人员(36/42)认为用VCD、DVD的宣传方式最适用于农民,其次是发放健康教育的小册子。

    Most administrators , doctors and nurses in township hospitals who were interviewed ( 36 / 42 ) thought that the maternal health care VCDs and DVDs were the most effective mode of health education for farmers . The second most effect way was giving leaflets .

  11. 医院创建品牌,软广告是合适的宣传方式。

    But recessive-advertisement was a suitable method to establish hospital brand .

  12. 20世纪纪90年代,产品进一步多样化,宣传方式进一步多样化。

    The 1990s saw further diversification of products and methods of communication .

  13. 同时应选择适当的媒体组合和宣传方式,实施整合传播;

    Simultaneously chooses appropriate media combination and drumbeating method to perform integrated advertising .

  14. 因为口碑才是最好的宣传方式。

    Because public praise just is best propagandist means .

  15. 那有没有兼具经济效益与长期有效的广告宣传方式呢?当然有!

    Does any advertisement has economical and available benefit ? Of course has !

  16. 文艺宣传方式包括歌曲、电影、戏曲和广播。

    Literature and art propaganda included songs , movies , drama and radio .

  17. 我们尝试过不同的广告宣传方式。

    We 'd tried different methods of advertising .

  18. 传统武术锦标赛的资金来源和比赛宣传方式比较单一。

    Traditional Wushu Championships sources of funding and competition to promote relatively simple way .

  19. 浅谈百色起义中灵活多样的宣传方式

    On Variety of Publicity in Baise Uprising

  20. 并对新时期下更好的利用口号宣传方式提出了几点对策。

    Then it proposed several countermeasures to the better use of slogan propaganda in the new time .

  21. 然而几乎没有产品和服务提供商仅依靠这种宣传方式,他们还会用付费广告宣传。

    Yet virtually no providers of goods or services rely on this alone , but use paid advertising instead .

  22. 在一个讲求即刻获得满足的时代,这种让人难以捉摸的宣传方式越来越受到各品牌和艺人的青睐。

    In an age of instant gratification , this elusive approach to publicity is increasingly popular among labels and artists .

  23. 由于技术的发展,大众越来越倾向于选择传播媒介额来获取信息,媒介对道德舆论的引导也从单一的宣传方式向全方位发展。

    With the development of technology , mass media are more and more inclined to choose to access to information .

  24. 另外选适合自身特点的宣传方式,做好品牌推广的长远规划,这是低成本营销的关键。

    In addition , it is crux to do lower cost marketing choose the right propagandistic style to promote brands .

  25. 长春市散打俱乐部主要以小规模经营为主,独立运营,少有企业联合,宣传方式单一。

    Changchun sanda club mainly with small business primarily , independent operation , few enterprise joint , propaganda way a single .

  26. 依托自然资源的优势,以及人文资源的支持,并采取多元的宣传方式,吸引了海内外众多的游客。

    Relying on the superiority of the natural resources , human resource and various forms of propaganda , this attracted many tourists .

  27. 在促销策略中,公司应选择适当的媒体组合和宣传方式,实施整合传播。

    In the promotion strategy , companies should select an appropriate combination of media and publicity approach , the implementation of IMC .

  28. 业内专家们建议,一个精心策划的营销组合应把网上促销作为其他宣传方式的补充。

    For a well-designed marketing mix , industry experts advise companies to use the Internet as a supplement to other advertising media .

  29. 继承和创新标语宣传方式在党开展思想政治教育中具有不可替代的效用。

    Inheritance and Innovation in Communist slogans publicity can has the positive influence which has the effectiveness irreplaceable in the ideological and political education .

  30. 相对于传统的宣传方式,全景在线漫游虚拟景观的出现让消费者对旅游宣传有了新的认识。

    Compared with the traditional promotion , the appearance of panorama online roaming virtual provides the consumer with a new concept of tourist promotion .