
  • 网络objective weighting method
  1. 而客观赋权法对原始调查数据精度要求较高,所以运用较少。

    The objective weighting method to the original survey data require a higher accuracy , so use less .

  2. 首先,研究传统赋权法,指出传统主观赋权法和客观赋权法的局限性。

    Firstly , researching the traditional weighting method , and pointed out the limitations of traditional subjective weighting method and the objective weighting method .

  3. 对于多指标综合评估问题,分别采用AHP法、强制评分法、专家咨询法三种主观赋权法以及熵权法、离差分析法两种客观赋权法对指标进行赋权。

    Three subjective weighting methods including AHP , mandatory marking method and expert-consulting are applied in multi-index comprehensive assessment problem , as well as two objective weighting methods including entropy weight method and variation coefficient method .

  4. 水利工程方案综合评价的客观赋权法探讨

    Objective Weight based Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Water Resource Engineering Schemes

  5. 一种客观赋权法在业绩评价中的运用

    The Application of an Objective Weight Determination in Performance Evaluation

  6. 巢湖流域生态环境质量动态综合评价的客观赋权法

    Objective weighted model for evaluating dynamic eco-environmental comprehensive quality of Chaohu lake basin

  7. 二是采用信息熵的客观赋权法,来减少在评价过程中对主观的依赖。

    It also adopted entropy method to reduce the subjectivity during the evaluating process .

  8. 讨论了主观赋权法和客观赋权法的本质相同之处。

    And then the thesis discusses the sameness between the subjective and objective weighting methods .

  9. 将主、客观赋权法有机结合起来,给出学科竞争力评价的组合赋权模式。

    The subjective and objective points are combined to provide an evaluation model of disciplinary competitive ability .

  10. 在指标体系赋权时,主观赋权法和客观赋权法相结合,采用三种方法确定指标权重。

    Use three methods to calculate the weight of the index , combining subjective method and objective method .

  11. 然后给出了未确知测度评价方法和几种客观赋权法并对客观赋权法进行了比较。

    Then , the unascertained measure evaluating method is given and several objective methods of determining the weights are given .

  12. 人们习惯上把权重的确定方法分为两大类:主观赋权法和客观赋权法。

    The methods to determine weights are usually divided into two categories : the subjective approach and the objective one .

  13. 基于改进的层次分析法和信息熵法,综合了主观赋权法和客观赋权法的优势,提出了一种新的确定指标权重值的非线性目标规划模型。

    A new nonlinear-objective planning model of combination determining weight is presented based on improved AHP method and information entropy .

  14. 在确定指标体系的权重时,将主观赋权法中的层次分析法和客观赋权法中的变异系数法结合运用;

    In weighing each indicator , it used the subjective method of AHP and the projective method of variance coefficients ;

  15. 但灰色关联无法确定权重,在权重确定上,本文采用了客观赋权法中的熵值法进行赋权。

    But unable to determine the weights of gray correlation , this paper uses the objective weighting method entropy method empowerment .

  16. 为此,采用客观赋权法并应用多目标决策进行方案的排序优选。

    The author has used objective weight assignment and multiobjective policy decision methods in the ordering optimum selection of various schemes .

  17. 确定指标权重时,结合了主观赋权法和客观赋权法,选用层析分析法和改进熵值法来确定各指标的权重。

    The paper combines subjective weighting methods and objective weighting methods to determine the index weight by adopting AHP and entropy method .

  18. 依据传统的客观赋权法&离差最大化方法,给出了一种确定区间数指标权重的误差分析方法。

    According to the traditional objective method for determining attribute weightsmaximal deviation degree method , a new error propagation method for determining attribute weights is presented .

  19. 本文财务指标权重的确定采用组合赋权法,兼顾了主观赋权法与客观赋权法的优良性又弥补了单一方法的不足。

    The financial indicator weights are the combination of subjective weights and objective weights , which gains the both virtues and makes up the sole method insufficiency .

  20. 然后与客观赋权法中的熵值法进行综合优化,求得评价指标的组合权重;

    Then the synthesis optimization process is carried out with entropy value method of the objective weight method to obtain the combination weight of the evaluation indexes ;

  21. 对于静态数据的评价方法,讨论了权重的计算方法,包括主观赋权法和客观赋权法,采取了组合权重的思想。

    Evaluation method for static data , discussed weight calculation method , including subjective weighting method and objective weighting method to take a combination of weight thinking .

  22. 在供电企业电力营销效果综合评价中,客观赋权法体现了指标的信息量,而主观赋权法体现了指标的价值量,综合评价应当体现二者的统一。

    The objective and subjective weight is used to reflect the information and value of the indexes respectively in evaluating marketing effect of the power supply enterprise .

  23. 结合主观赋权法和客观赋权法,系统分析了桥梁生命周期环境影响的定性指标和定量指标。

    Combining subjective and objective empower law , the qualitative and the quantitative indicators of life cycle of bridge to the environment impact was analyzed by the numbers .

  24. 在确定权重时,采取了主客观综合评定法,这种方法综合了主观赋权法和客观赋权法各自所具有的优点,可使得多指标综合评价中权系数的确定更趋合理。

    In determining weight , due to their respective advantages subjective and objective evaluation are blended to make the coefficient determination of multi-index composition evaluation more reasonable . 4 .

  25. 通过综合分析方法,确定各指标权重(本文使用客观赋权法,熵权法赋值),得到各国的竞争力得分、排名后,进而分析比较各国之间的优势及差距。

    Through comprehensive analysis method , determined the weight ( using entropy assignment ) and we got the competitiveness rankings . Compared and analyzed the advantages and the gap among these countries .

  26. 基于已有研究方法的特点以及所研究问题的特殊性,运用主观赋权法和客观赋权法,分别给出指标的权重。

    Based on the characteristics of existing research methods and the research questions are unique , the use of subjective weighting method and the objective weighting method , the weight indicators are given .

  27. 这两种权重的确定途径各有其优缺点,为了消除主、客观赋权法各自的不足,人们又提出了集成主、客观权重的集成方法。

    The two approaches to determine weights have both merits and defects , respectively . In order to avoid the disadvantages themselves , the integrated approach to the subjective and objective weights was imposed .

  28. 利用主观赋权法中的专家咨询法对前者进行赋权,利用客观赋权法中的熵值法对后者进行赋权,使得结果更为全面。

    To get a more comprehensive result , expert counseling method of the subject weighting method is used to weight the former and entropy method of objective weighting method is employed to weight the latter .

  29. 由于主观赋权和客观赋权法的片面性,本文给出了将主观赋权和客观赋权法相结合的基于模糊层次熵的多目标决策方法,并用于解决企业技术选择决策问题,给出了决策实施的建议。

    Since the subjective empower and objective empower are partial , this article will combine subjective empower and objective empower , and present entropy based on the multi-objective decision-making method based on the fuzzy hierarchy entropy .

  30. 为了克服主观赋权法和客观赋权法存在的固有缺陷,本文结合主观赋权法中的相容矩阵分析法提出了改进的熵值法,以计算各指标的权重。

    In order to overcome subjective weighting and objective weighting the inherent defect of existence , combining with the subjective weighting compatible matrix analysis the paper puts forward the method of entropy , based on the calculation of weight of the index .