
  • 网络Client Authentication
  1. 在这里,再次需要客户端证书和客户认证的SSL。

    Here again , client side certificates and client authenticated SSL are required .

  2. 在结构、色、寸方面得到客户认证。将计算机配置成为终端服务许可证服务器以便提供客户端许可证。

    To achieve customer approval for the construction / colour / size etc. Configures this computer as a Terminal Services license server that provides client licenses .

  3. 分析结果表明:该系统依附并服务于其他网络产品,支持双向认证,能为网络中传输的信息提供加密服务,因此它能为没有安全手段的网络产品有效地提供安全传输和客户认证。

    The system support two-way authentication , and can offer service of encrypting for the information that is transmitted in the network . So the system can effectively offer secure transmitting and client 's authentication for products without safe means .

  4. 从WebSEAL到ApplicationServer的链接必须使用客户证书认证,同样的,从Web服务器到应用程序服务器的链接也必须使用客户证书认证。

    The link from WebSEAL to the Web server must use client certificate authentication , and the same must be true for the link from the Web server to the application server .

  5. 通过对实际环境搭建、系统/数据割接、测试应用等方面论证表明采用XML标准规范的客户身份认证协议以及联邦式单点登录是适合福建电信统一认证的技术方案。

    Based on the argument of actual environment set up , system and data cut over and application testing , the XML standard Customer Identity Authenticate Protocol and federal style Single Sign On is suitable for Fujian Telecom .

  6. 如果服务器请求客户机认证,那么客户机就会对这个在握手过程中随机生成的数据(只有服务器和客户机知道它)创建一个单向的hash值。

    If the server requested client authentication , the client creates a one-way hash of the data randomly generated during the handshake and known only to the server and client .

  7. 由于服务器将需要客户机认证,因此我们也为它提供了TrustStore。

    Because the server will require client authentication , we 've also supplied it with a TrustStore .

  8. 研究了基于CFCAPKI的认证体系,并将它应用于系统的客户身份认证及网上支付数掘的安全传输。

    Finally , the authentication system based on CFCA PKI is studied , and it is applied to the study of the identity authentication of system client and the safety transmission of defraying data from WEB .

  9. 金融机构客户身份认证号码法律问题探讨

    Legal Issues about Client 's Identity Attestation Number in Financial Setups

  10. 该过程叫做客户机认证。

    This is known as client authentication .

  11. 服务端程序与后台数据库连接负责客户的认证并负责两类客户间文字图像信息的转发及负责动态建立两类客户的会话连接。

    The server is responsible for the authentication of clients , for dynamically creating the conversation between two clients and for transmitting text or image information .

  12. 认证通过后,我司将在次年代客户按认证费申请一定比例的市财政补贴。

    Once the recognition acceptance test is passed , we will try to collect , in the ensuing year , the financial allowance ( by a certain percentage of the application charges ) for the customer .

  13. 通过在系统中加入一安全认证模块来实现客户身份认证,加密,解密和校验,有效提高了远程控制系统的安全性和可靠性,并介绍该设计方案在住宅监控系统中的应用。

    System security and reliability for remote monitoring and control are greatly improved by an authentication module which realize user authentication , encrypt , decrypt and check , an application for the design in home monitoring and control is also introduced .

  14. RADIUS认证服务器(包括用户信息数据库)为多个无线局域网中的客户机进行认证提供了一个解决途径。

    The RADIUS authentication server , including user information database , provides a solution to user authentication in multiple WLANs .

  15. 同时,通过要求使用HTTPBasic的HTTP客户机端认证或SSL客户机端证书认证,SAML为SAML助诊文件提供了安全性。

    In the meantime , SAML provides security for an SAML artifact by requiring HTTP client-side authorization using HTTP Basic or SSL client-side certificate authentication .

  16. 客户应就认证标识使用事宜向DNV咨询。

    Customer will consult with DNV in respect of use of the Certification Mark .

  17. 通过建立针对MBOSS外部客户的统一认证中心,一方面整合现有的各种认证体系,统一为渠道接触系统提供认证服务。

    By establishing unified authentication center of MBOSS external customers and integrating various kinds of existing certification system , China Telecom provides certification services for contacting systems .

  18. 服务器使用这些信息对客户机进行认证。

    The server uses that information to authenticate the client .

  19. 由下月起,所有提供高风险零售网上银行交易的银行都可以让客户申请双重认证。

    All banks offering high-risk retail Internet banking transactions will allow customers to apply for two-factor authentication from next month .

  20. 本方案的特点是:提供了服务器和客户的双向认证,能够抵御假冒攻击;

    This scheme bearing the following characteristics : it provides mutual authentication between the user and server which can resist the impersonation attack ;

  21. 在以总部为核心的网上交易安全系统模型中,采用公开密钥技术确保安全的通信通道,通过口令字的方式实现对客户的身份的认证。

    In the headquarter as kernel model , it insures safe communication channels adopting public key technology and achieves client identity authentication by password .

  22. 客户到客户口令认证密钥协商协议考虑如何在两个客户之间协商密钥,而这两个客户只分别与各自的服务器共享口令。

    Client-to-Client password authenticated key exchange protocol considers the scenario where two clients want to establish a session key , but they only share their passwords with their own servers .

  23. 根据仓库服务向第三方物流和网络方向发展的特点,提出了一种确认客户身份的身份认证方案。在该身份认证中利用公钥密码体制加密身份认证信息,并交换对话密钥。

    In the light of the characteristics of warehouse service turning to 3PL and networks , the paper puts forward a scheme of authentication by using public cryptosystem to encrypt the message and to exchange dialogue key in the authentication .

  24. 基于密码的认证只能进行客户机到服务器的认证,而SSL则不同,它既可以进行客户机到服务器的认证,也可以进行服务器到客户机的认证。

    Unlike password-based authentication , which authenticates client to server only , SSL can authenticate server to client as well as client to server .