
  • 网络Aesthetic Perspective;aesthetic horizon
  1. 审美视野下的千山

    The Qianshan Mountain under the Aesthetic View

  2. 从现代审美视野看,工程美学应为美学的一个分支,属人文科学的哲学范畴。

    Engineering aesthetics is a branch of aesthetics and belongs to the philosophy of humanities .

  3. 其意识渊源则归于远古图腾意识的遗存和作家审美视野的拓展和审美意识的揉合。

    The ideological reasons reduce to the remains of totem ideology and the development of aesthetic .

  4. 由此也形成了卢梭艺术批判体系中的三种不同视野,即道德视野、社会视野与审美视野。

    This forms three kinds of different perspective , namely moral perspective , social perspective and aesthetic perspective .

  5. 妇女和两性是曹禺认识社会、透视历史的特殊审美视野。

    He takes women and sexual relation as his special aesthetics view in which he comprehends society and history .

  6. 它刷新了读者的审美视野,让人感受到了作者对一方乡民的温情关怀。

    It renews the reader 's aesthetic view and makes him feel the author 's feeling towards the ordinary people .

  7. 第一部分,从理论上探讨了当代文化背景下,暴力现象为何被纳入审美视野。

    In the first part , the author discusses the question why violence phenomena can be enjoyed in contemporary culture .

  8. 首先探究了暴力现象被纳入审美视野的必然逻辑,认为矛盾是文艺与暴力联系的重要纽结;

    Firstly , discuss the necessary logic of the question , and consider contradiction as an important tie between art and violence .

  9. 而他的黑色幽默也丰富了美学内容,扩充了人们的审美视野,这更是为他赢得了世界的声誉。

    Black humor won a world fame for Heller , which enriched the contents of aesthetics , and also broadened the visions of aesthetic judgement .

  10. 分析森林美学因素,能扩大审美视野,提高审美情趣,帮助人们体验森林的美学价值。

    It can expand the aesthetic vision , improve the aesthetic temperament , and help people to appreciate the aesthetic value by dissecting these aesthetic factors .

  11. 最后,吴祖光又大胆地拓展了自己的审美视野和戏剧思维方式,借用西方荒诞剧的艺术手法,创作了荒诞喜剧《嫦娥奔月》。

    Lastly , WU Zu-guang broadens his aesthetic vision and drama 's mode of thinking by making use of the artistry of the absurd theatre , and produces his famous absurd comedies .

  12. 从小说审美视野到分类标目的界定,从叙事角度的抉择到叙述语言的锤炼,小说期刊发刊词展现了近代文学丰富多重的文化特性。

    From the vision of novel aesthetic to classification in novel , from the choice in perspective of narrative to language , publication showed multiple and rich cultural identity in modern fiction .

  13. 清真词二百年的接受过程,反映了两宋审美视野与词学观念的变化,同时也显示出清真词内在的丰富性和巨大的接受潜力。

    The acceptance process of Qing Zhen Ci for two hundred years reflects not only the change of aesthetics and Poetry 's regular pattern , but the abundance and great potentialities of acceptance .

  14. 他纤细优雅的叙事风格,对西方现代技巧地吸收和对东方传统的再现,都给中国当代作家以新的启示,开拓了新时期作家的审美视野。

    His slender elegant narrative style of western modern techniques to absorb and eastern tradition , to reproduce the contemporary Chinese writers to new revelation , open up a new period of aesthetic view writer .

  15. 丑的艺术的出现,拓开了人们的审美视野、满足了现代人的审美需求,促进了美的生成,具有重要的认识价值与社会功能。

    The appearance of ugly art has broadened the scope of art appreciation , satisfied the needs of people , and promoted the growth of beauty , is of the value of cognition and social function .

  16. 清新自然的神秘与清朴自然的神秘这些作品充分展示了他的游观视野和审美视野下的山水之美,艺术性强,极大地丰富了中国古代山水文学的宝库。

    These works reveal the beauty of landscapes in his view of traveling and aesthetic standards , and they have great artistic value , which greatly enrich the treasure of China 's ancient landscape literature works .

  17. 生态良知有着与传统良知不同的特征:一,生态良知足超越了功利视野,上升为审美视野与文化视野的生态良知;

    Ecological conscience has the following features different from the traditional one : First , ecological conscience is the one which has gone up to the conscience in the aesthetic and cultural field , beyond the utilitarian field ;

  18. 本文就现代建筑中荒诞艺术表现的形态、意图和界限进行了系列的探讨,用以扩大审美视野,激活和诱导当代建筑创作。

    The article probes into the representation form , representation intention , and representation limit in fantastic art of modern architecture , so that it can enlarge aesthetic eyesight , and make contemporary architecture creation active and prosperous .

  19. 当代审美文化视野中的野趣

    Rustic Charm in the Vision of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture

  20. 审美人类学视野下的汉字文化现象初探

    On the Phenomena of Chinese Character Culture from the Perspective of Aesthetic Anthropology

  21. 殷商文字与民族传统的审美文化视野

    The Inscription of Shang Dynasty and the View of Traditional Appreciation Culture of Nationality

  22. 在审美的视野中电视娱乐可分为纯粹娱乐和审美娱乐,前者属于感官的快乐,后者是人的精神愉悦。

    The television entertainment can be divided into pure entertainment and aesthetic entertainment in the aesthetic field of view .

  23. 我们生活在这片土地上,需要创造梦想,需要审美的视野面对世界和人生。

    We live on this land , you need to create dreams , you need to face the world and aesthetic vision of life .

  24. 生态美育中的生态自我论意在达成生态意识与自我意识的统一,由自我审美的视野拓展到更加广阔的生态审美的空间,从而形成一种生态自我。

    The theory of ecology-self intends to reach unification between the ecology consciousness and the self-awareness , and develops into even broader space of esthetic appreciation of ecology from self-esthetic field of vision .

  25. 审美现代性视野中的席勒美育思想

    Schiller 's Aesthetic Education Thought in Aesthetic Modernity Field of Vision

  26. 第二部分是客体:私语化审美/艺术视野中的观照。

    The second part " object : individual art " .

  27. 走向大众对话时代的艺术&当代审美文化理论视野中的艺术话题

    Art Marching towards a Dialogue with the Public : Some Art-related Topics from the Perspective of Modern Theory of Aesthetic Culture

  28. 本文就是由此现状出发,在审美现代性视野下重新审视席勒美学的现代意义。

    This text proceeds from this kind of current situation , examine the modern meaning of aesthetics of Schiller closely again under the aesthetic modernity vision .

  29. 根据接受美学的理论,就是要同时把握欣赏者的前理解和审美的期待视野。

    According to the theory of accepts esthetics , it means to hold " earlier understanding " and " the esthetic anticipation field of vision " in the meanwhile .

  30. 正是通过接受美学中的读者期待视野,审美距离,视野融合,潜在读者等观点,本文重新探讨了归化和异化的问题;

    From the point of view of reception aesthetics , employing concepts such as horizon of expectations , aesthetic distance , the fusion of horizons , potential readers , etc.