
shěn hé yuán
  • auditor;checker
  1. 我们的审核员均为经验丰富并具有IRIS专业资格的专家。

    Our auditors are skilled specialists with an additional IRIS-specific qualification .

  2. 目前国内各类媒体对SA8000报道层出不穷,各类组织和审核员也纷纷询问相关事宜。

    At present domestic media continue to report the content of SA8000 , and various organizations and assessorsalso started to inquire the relevant business .

  3. 候选的EMS审核员候选人在受雇于认证机构前应具备这些领域的某些相关经历,而EMS审核组长培训课程应只是把他们的知识向针对审核过程引导中关注审核员知识的一种手段。

    EMS auditor candidates should have some relevant experience in these areas before hire and the EMS lead auditor course should be a means to focus their knowledge toward the audit process .

  4. 为了对EMS有效性进行足够充分的评价,审核员必须在文件审核和对正常活动中的EMS实施的评价之间建立平衡。

    The auditor then must strike a balance between paper review and evaluation of the EMS implementation during normal activities in order to make an adequate assessment of the effectiveness of the EMS .

  5. 审核ISO9001时要求审核员事先很好地了解被审核方的质量管理体系以及他们所从事什么性质的商务活动。

    Auditing ISO9001 requires auditors to obtain a good understanding of an auditee 's quality management system ( QMS ) and the nature of its business .

  6. PRI的内部审核课程是一个两天的课程,目的是满足内部审核经理和内部审核员对审核知识的需求。

    About the Course : PRI 's Internal Auditing course is a two-day program designed to meet the needs of the Internal Audit Manager and Internal Auditor .

  7. 但是,考虑到ISO9001的管理模式,利用通用的检查单来作审核,审核员有可能忽视收集过程和过程之间有效相互作用的客观证据了。

    However , considering the approach of the ISO9001 , performing an audit from a generic checklist might prevent an auditor from collecting evidence of effective interfacing between processes .

  8. IECQ为来自认证机构的审核员提供两个培训项目,并鼓励制造商也参加。

    The IECQ has two training programmes for assessors from Supervising Inspectorates , and manufacturers are encouraged to attend .

  9. 若违反项已经被,则TCCC可要求与第三方审核员不同的整改行动或措施。

    If violations have been cited , TCCC may require additional corrective actions or measures different from the third party auditor 's action plan .

  10. 环境管理体系审核员(SO14000)训合格证书,注册实习审核员资格。

    Certification of auditor of Environment Management System ( ISO14000 ) .

  11. 审核组:实施审核的一名或多名审核员

    Auditor team : one or more auditors conducting an audit

  12. 但是你在做高级赔付审核员的时候

    But do you remember a section " u "

  13. 是否包括所有的费用,如审核员的差旅住宿费用?

    Does it include all the expenses , such as auditors'transportation and accommodation ?

  14. 审核员往往追寻同种类型的信息

    Auditors typically seek the same types of information

  15. 审核员应比较通常行业操作模式下的信息来源。

    Auditors should compare the information sources being used with the normal industry practice .

  16. 审核员不应审核自己的工作。

    Auditors shall not audit their own work .

  17. 负责认证审核的审核员应当始终寻求这种测量可追溯性的客观证据。

    Certification auditors should always seek to find objective evidence of such measurement traceability .

  18. 通常任命审核组中的一名审核员为审核组长。

    One auditor in the audit team is generally appointed as audit team leader .

  19. 你是高级赔付审核员?

    You were a senior claims examiner ?

  20. 理解被审核方的体系和方法是审核员的责任。

    It is the auditor 's responsibility to understand the auditee 's systems and approach .

  21. 对审核员的培训项目包括一系列课程及随后的考试。

    The training programme for assessors comprises a series of lectures followed by an exam .

  22. 审核员必须通过交谈来检查各种记录以及在交谈过程中检查各种证据。

    The auditor needs to perform interviews and check records and evidence during the interview .

  23. 审核员、审核和可审核性

    Auditors , audits , and auditability

  24. 对审核员来说,做审核笔记是记录审核过程的非常有效的方法。

    Using audit notes is a very efficient way for an auditor to record the audit .

  25. 而现在,我又是荷兰护理中心认证机构里的一名审核员。

    Now I also am an auditor for the certification of nursing homes in The Netherlands .

  26. 提案审核员&对提案所有方面的完整性、一致性和质量进行审核。

    Proposal reviewers & Review all aspects of the proposal for thoroughness , consistency , and quality .

  27. 审核员需确定危害分析是否在严格程序下实施的。

    The auditor needs to determine that the hazard analysis is being conducted with the necessary rigour .

  28. 审核员的选择和审核的实施,应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。

    Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process .

  29. 安全审核员注册记录册

    Register of safety auditors

  30. 另一方面积极培养国内的工程师和审核员,实现国际认证服务的本地化。

    We have also developed a strong team of Chinese certification engineers and auditors to localise our services .