- 网络prudential carve-out

" Prudential Carve-out " authorizes WTO members to take prudential measures irrespective of other provisions of GATS , and thus constitutes the safety valve for the opening of Chinas financial sector .
I also describe the regulation of financial services liberalization and market access , and the " prudential carve-out " principle in the regulation of the legal system .
On " prudential carve-out " in financial annex of GATS
Moreover , this provision goes in conformity with the principle of Prudential Carve-out , according to which members can run counter to GATS obligations and commitments on financial services .
To remedy the deficiency of the lack of substantive rule , GATS stipulates for its members the procedural obligations of cooperation and recognition , so as to strengthen the supervision cooperation and promote the effort to establish a common supervision standard .
GATS and its annex set out prudential carve-out . However , the abstraction of the clause , together with its priority in application , undermines the achievement of financial liberalization .