
  • 网络Lab Experiment;Laboratory Experiments Study
  1. 因此,在研究方法上,不能拘泥于自然科学式的实验室实验研究的方法,而应更多地采用社会科学的以社会为背景的实践检验方法;

    Therefore , instead of keeping only to the lab research methods of natural science , research of criminal psychology requires the study methods of social science - the study of examples in the real social background .

  2. 在不同粗糙表面上龙卷涡旋特性的实验室模拟实验研究

    A laboratory investigation of characteristics of tornado-like vortices over various rough surfaces

  3. 本研究是用实验室实验方法研究意义识记与机械识记发展过程的特点。

    The research studies the characteristics of the developmental process of meaningful memory and machanical memory by experimental method .

  4. 通过实验室模拟实验研究得出,调整轧制油的配方能改善乳化液的抗NH4+干扰能力。

    Simulative experiment in laboratory shows that anti-influence capability of emulsion for the NH ~ + _4 ion can be improved by modifying formula of rolling oil .

  5. 空间作战实验室是实验研究空间作战活动的权威机构,研究空间作战实验室的目的是提高部队的战斗力,提出空间作战的新思想。

    Space war lab is an authoritative organization that studies the activities of space war , with the purpose of enhancing the battle effectiveness and bringing forward new ideas of space war .

  6. 本实验室前期实验研究首次发现,来源于植物的姜黄素可显著改善阿托品引起的胃肠蠕动减弱,有效促进胃肠蠕动,减少食物残留,能够显著改善胃肠运动功能。

    Previous research in our laboratory found for the fist time that curcumin can significantly improve the gastrointestinal peristalsis abated by atropine . Curcumin effectively promoted gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduced the residue rate of stomach .

  7. 本文针对检测过程中存在由于接触测量带来的诸多不便及对测量带来的误差影响提出一种基于视频非接触运动检测的方法,并完成了实验室原理实验研究。

    Due to the inconvenience of contact measurement and the deviation effect which brought about by contact measurement during the process of detection , this essay proposed a motion detection method based on vision and complete the experimental study on the principle in laboratory condition .

  8. 通过实验室静态模拟实验研究,对养猪场废水混凝的最佳混凝剂、投药量、水力条件等工艺参数和进水浓度、pH等一系列影响因素进行了详细的研究和探讨。

    The organism dose , pH and a series of influence factors had also been detailedly researched and discussed .

  9. 棘阿米巴角膜炎的实验室诊断及实验研究

    Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis in laboratory and experimental study of Acanthamoeba keratitis

  10. 并通过实验室受控实验,研究化感物质在土壤中积累所受到土壤生物的影响。

    At last , I studied whether the accumulation of allelochemicals in the soil affected by soil microbes .

  11. 通过实验室脱硫实验,研究了不同铝灰代替精炼渣中的三氧化二铝构成的铝灰脱硫剂的脱硫效果。

    In order to achieve rapid and deep desulphurization , the desulphurization experiments in laboratory were carried out using Al ash to substitute for Al2O3 in refining slag .

  12. 通过实验室离心实验,研究了离心转速对渤海灰白冰脱盐、脱盐效果以及主要超标水质参数的影响。

    Effect of centrifugal rotational speed on desalination and factors exceeded quality standard of gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea were studied by centrifugal experiments at the laboratory .

  13. 本实验室前期的实验研究发现,胞间信号分子胰岛素是脉冲电场引发细胞生物学效应的一个作用位点。

    It was shown by our previous experiments in our laboratory that insulin , one of the intercellular molecules , was a reactive site of the bio-effects induced by Pulsed Electric Field ( PEF ) .

  14. 生命的演化本来就是在轻度的放射性环境中发生的,还有一些实验室实验和动物研究表明,低水平的辐射暴露可激发保护性抗氧化剂并刺激免疫系统,据此可以相信这对多种癌症都有预防作用。

    Life evolved in a mildly radioactive environment , and some laboratory experiments and animal studies indicate that low exposures unleash protective antioxidants and stimulate the immune system , conceivably protecting against cancers of all kinds .

  15. 本文以海河水域为典型污染地区,结合实验室受控实验,研究α-HCH和γ-HCH在上覆水和底泥之间的迁移动力学。

    In this thesis , Haihe River was selected as the typical contaminated area . The transport dynamics of α - HCH and γ - HCH between sediment and the overlying water was studied by simulating laboratory experiments .

  16. 随后,论文介绍了基于基波零序暂态功率方向的接地选线装置的原理、结构及采用的技术方法,并进行了实验室物理模拟实验研究。

    Second , the theory and technological means of the fault line selection based on the zero sequence power direction of transient fundamental frequency are introduced , and some experimental studies with physical simulation model in a laboratory are done .

  17. 为了研究地表火卷吸作用的范围和迎面火与主火相互作用的机理,在大空间室内实验室进行了实验研究.在该实验室实验可以避免环境风和环境温度变化的影响。

    In order to study the convection limits of surface fires and interactions between backfires and main fires , several experiments are conducted in a large space indoor laboratory : in which the effects of ambient wind speeds and changing temperatures can be avoided .

  18. 当研究人员重复实验室的实验,以研究第二、三晩的效应时,他们发现此时无法用同样的方法刺激处于深度睡眠中的大脑左半球。

    When the researchers repeated the laboratory experiment on the second and third nights they found the left he misphere could not be stimulated in the same way during deep sleep .

  19. 通过实验室静态净化实验,研究了空心莲子草在含Zn2+培养液中对Zn2+的净化效率和叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的变化。

    This paper studied the purifying efficiency of Alternanthera Philoxeroides and the activity of CAT , MDA contents in nutrition solution containing Zn 2 + through static test of laboratory experiment .

  20. 为降低暗管工程施工成本,在实验室利用模拟实验装置研究了PVC双壁波纹排水暗管的滤水结构。

    In order to lower cost of buried pipe engineering , using simulation test installation a filter structure of buried PVC pipe with double partitions and wave vein for water drainage was researched in laboratory .

  21. 采用实验室培养实验,定量研究这些有机物料在25℃、400g/kg含水量(100g风干土40g水)条件下的分解特征,探讨有机物料的化学组成与其在土壤中分解动态的定量描述关系。

    The relation of plants chemical content and their dynamic decomposition were investigated by an incubation experiment with 19 plant residues plus soil under 25 C and water content of 400 g / kg air dried soil .

  22. 实验室用于科学实验或研究的房屋或建筑。

    A room or building equipped for scientific experimentation or research .

  23. 开放性电子实验室实验指导教材建设研究

    Research on Construction of Experiment Teaching Guide Material in the Open Electronics Laboratory

  24. 辛伐他汀抑制德国小蠊实验室种群发展的实验研究

    Study on the effect of simvastatin on the population dynamics of Blattella germanica in the laboratory

  25. 通过野外观测、实验室实验和数值模拟研究了西南地区酸雨形成大气化学过程。

    The atmospheric chemical process for the formation of acid precipitation in southwestern China was studied by field experiments , laboratory experiments and numerical simulation .

  26. 斜纹夜蛾抗性种群中酶抑制剂对杀虫剂的增效作用(英文)辛伐他汀抑制德国小蠊实验室种群发展的实验研究

    Synergism of insecticides by enzyme inhibitors in the resistant populations of Spodoptera litura ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) Study on the effect of simvastatin on the population dynamics of Blattella germanica in the laboratory

  27. 分析水平阻力与内波波要素的关系,采用实验室实验的方法,研究了水平桩柱与内波的相互作用,焦点是研究内波波要素与波阻之间的关系。

    The interaction between internal waves and a horizontal cylinder is studied by using a laboratory experiment , the focus being the dependence of the factors of the internal waves on the resistance of the horizontal cylinder induced by the internal wave .

  28. 为了检验本文所得到的理论结果,我们利用中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室的三维内波-分层流水槽进行了Rankine卵形体生成内波的初步的实验室实验研究。

    In order to examine the theoretical results obtained in this thesis , a preliminary experimental study on the internal waves generated by Rankine ovoid is carried out in Key Laboratory of Physical Oceanography , Ocean University of China .