
  • 网络Standards;Practical standards;Practical Criteria
  1. 阻碍这种智能监视系统设计的最大难题是缺乏一个统观全局的算法设计,算法往往达不到前后模块链接紧密、复杂度低且漏警误警率小等实用标准。

    The most difficult problem is lack of a desiring of global algorithm . Common algorithm often can not reach the practical standards such as tight linking among modules , low algorithm complexity , low ratio of missing alarm and false alarm etc .

  2. 译文评价实用标准探索

    On the Practical Criteria for the Translated Text On Evaluation

  3. 本文研究的对象是无刷交流励磁机,该软件不仅实现了可视化电机CAD软件的设计,同时根据佳木斯电机有限责任公司提供的数据,保证了输出数据达到实用标准。

    In this thesis , the AC brushless synchronous excitation generator CAD software using OOP visualization is presented . Moreover , according to the data of motor factory , the output data of this software has reached the practical standard .

  4. 中国地磁矢量测量实用标准的建立

    Establishment of the practical standard for geomagnetic vector measurement in China

  5. 达到实用标准为治愈;

    Cure : reach the practical standard ;

  6. 第四章探讨以得体为最高标准的实用标准,确立各项参数和子参数。

    Chapter Four discusses the practical criterion guided by the highest criterion appropriateness , establishing parameters and sub-parameters .

  7. 介绍了一种新的实用标准金属型抗拉试样。

    Secondly , it is introduced that a new applied standard metal mold tension test specimen is designed .

  8. 基于文本的并以得体作为最高标准的实用标准。

    A practical criterion governed by the highest or general rule of ' appropriateness ' , based on the texts .

  9. 本文介绍了云南省太阳能资源实用标准数据库的原理,计算太阳总辐射月总量的理论依据,数据库的结构、内容、特点和实用价值。

    The principle of practical standard database of Yunnan solar energy re-sources , theory foundations of calculating mouth-sum of total solar radiation , structure , content , characters and practical value of database are presented .

  10. 译文评价实用标准探索的必要性主要在于以下三点:(1)已有各类标准的缺陷。

    The necessity for the practical criteria lies in the following three aspects : ( 1 ) There is a common defect in all the translation criteria , which can fall into two groups : the abstract and the quantitative criteria .

  11. 文章最后指出在对译本进行比较的过程中,分析译者的翻译目的不但有助于解决直译与意译这一争论不休的问题,而且可以作为评价译本的好坏的一个实用标准。

    In the process of evaluation , the skopos of translation can not only relieve us from the dilemma of literal and free translations , but can also serve as a practical criterion to judge whether a version is good or not .

  12. 探讨SKOS与其他知识组织体系之间的结合应用,指出SKOS还需要制定更多的实用性标准才能适应语义Web的应用。

    The authors also discuss the combined application of SKOS with other knowledge organization systems and point out that SKOS should work out more practical standards for semantic Web .

  13. 然而,Javadoc是有缺陷的元数据工具,因为除了生成文档之外,您没有固定、实用、标准化的方式来将数据用于其他用途。

    Javadoc is an inadequate metadata tool , though , because you have no solid , practical , standardized way to get at the data for any purpose other than generating documentation .

  14. 植物转基因技术的实用化标准和策略

    Practical requirements and development strategies of plant transformation

  15. [结论]实验结果证明本中心制定和使用的判定亲权关系的标准是一个合理、可靠和实用的标准。

    The criterion of judging paternity set by our laboratory is reasonable , reliability and practical .

  16. 在这里有两条实用的标准,我们能够使用它们来识别复杂性以及有关测量它的原因。

    Here are a couple of pragmatic criteria we can use to identify complexity and reason about measuring it .

  17. 介绍了一种先进、实用的标准混合气配制装置,并对该装置的特点进行了详细描述。

    Introduced an advanced , practical calibrating gas mixture preparation equipment , and gave a minute description of its characteristic .

  18. 该系统可满足数字家居智能系统的安全、稳定、实用、标准、开放的需求。

    The demands of the safety , the stabilization , the practicality , the standard , the opening were satisfied by this system .

  19. 为了创建更高以及更加实用的标准,我希望提出一种更加远大的定义目标。

    For the sake of creating a higher and more useful standard , I 'd like to propose a more ambitious goal of a specific definition .

  20. 以实用为标准的传统武术的经验思维,自然可以包容与吸纳已获得实用性证明的现代科学思维;

    With standard traditional experience thinking of Wushu , it can forgive and absorb the modern science thinking that has obtained the identification of practicability naturally .

  21. 对于实用性标准的界定提出采取具体的、实在的、可信的和公认的实用性标准,并建议删去要求有积极效果的规定。

    About the definition of utility standards it is suggested that specific , realistic , credible and recognized standards should be adopted and the requirement of positive effect should be deleted .

  22. 美国经历了计算机软件可专利主题标准从技术性标准到实用性标准最后又回到技术性标准的这一重要的发展历程。

    The United States experienced an important development process of computer software patentable subject matter standards from the " technical " standards to " practical " standard and finally returns to the " technical " standards .

  23. 提出学习型多媒体课件的评价标准及其指标,即学习性标准及其指标,技术性标准及其指标,艺术性标准及其指标,实用性标准及其指标,并且对它们的内涵、意义进行了必要的分析。

    We also proposed the evaluation criteria and the target , namely educational standard and target , technical standard and target , artistic standard and target , usable standard and target , and made essential analysis on their connotation and significance .

  24. 第五部分是本文的中心,在前面章节分析与研究的基础上,作者提出了动态的实用翻译标准,并从多个角度提供了确定具体翻译标准的方法。

    Part five acts as the core of the thesis , in which the writer attempts to provide dynamic standards from different perspectives for practical translation on the basis of former analysis and comparison of the two practical translation standards . Lastly , Part six makes the conclusion .

  25. 用气相色谱法对丙硫酯进行分析,该方法简单、快速、准确、实用,标准偏差为0.38,变异系数为0.42%,回收率为99.2%~100.2%。

    O , O ′ - Diethyl-S-propyl-phosphorodithioate was analyzed by GC . This method is convenient , rapid , accurate and practical . The test results showed that the standard deviation , variation coefficient and recovery rate is 0.38 , 0.42 % , and 99.2 % ~ 100.2 % respectively .

  26. 在日常实用中,标准物也许是码尺或米尺。

    For everyday purpose , that standard object could be a yardstick or meter stick .

  27. 方法根据实用体检手册标准,对中学生进行结核菌素试验,所获数据使用u检验方法验证。

    Methods Tuberculin test to middle school students was done by the criterion presented in the Practical Body Examination Handbook .

  28. 多工位级进模中包括大量的标准件,因而级进模CAD系统开发过程中必须建立具备良好实用性的标准件库。

    Because there are lots of standard parts in a progressive die , it is very important to provide a convenient standard parts library for the CAD of progressive dies .

  29. 数学模型采用一个简单而实用的无标准样本学习模式识别方法。

    Mathematic model is a simple and practical model recognition without standard sample studying .

  30. 该实用程序从标准输入或从作为命令行参数给出的文件名读取文本输入。

    The utility reads text input , either from the standard input or from a filename given as a command line argument .