
shí xiàn
  • achieve;realization;realize;effect;materialize;fulfilled;fulfil;reach;attain;actualize;come true;bring about;effectuate
实现 [shí xiàn]
  • [realize;achieve;attain] 使成为现实

  • 我决心提前五年,攻下落铃关,实现毛主席和 周总理的遗愿。--《为了周总理的嘱托》

实现[shí xiàn]
  1. 然后以某种方式去实现这个想法。

    Then , realize that idea somehow .

  2. 这里有一些关于如何实现我们的梦想的建议。

    Here are some advice on how to realize our dream .

  3. 她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。

    She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer .

  4. 她一直未能实现当名作家的夙愿。

    She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer .

  5. 大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负。

    The college 's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations .

  6. 他要实现的抱负仍然是一个梦想。

    The attainment of his ambitions was still a dream .

  7. 他想发财,然而这只是不可能实现的梦想。

    He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream .

  8. 综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。

    ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network .

  9. 这就实现了他的宏伟抱负。

    It was the realization of his greatest ambition .

  10. 他不切实际的想法从来都没有实现过。

    His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition .

  11. 这条铁路线在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。

    The railway line was electrified in the 1950s .

  12. 他们大肆吹嘘的改革并没有实现。

    Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize .

  13. 她努力实现经营自己企业的梦想。

    She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality .

  14. 已经实现和解。

    A peaceable settlement has been reached .

  15. 王子的愿望实现了。

    The prince 's wish came true .

  16. 精灵准许他实现三个心愿。

    The genie granted him three wishes .

  17. 他们希望实现和解。

    They hope to effect a reconciliation .

  18. 他最终实现了自己的梦想。

    He finally actualized his dream .

  19. 迟迟待在办公室讨论缩短工作时间恰恰是在阻挠这一目标的实现!

    Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise !

  20. 妇女们被反复灌输的思想是:她们必须出去工作,才能实现自己的价值。

    Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves .

  21. 西海岸铁路线早在1974年就实现了电气化。

    The west-coast line was electrified as long ago as 1974 .

  22. 很多医院说他们根本没资金实现计算机化。

    Many hospitals say they simply can 't afford to computerize .

  23. 需要采取这样的措施实现各国工资率的均等。

    Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries .

  24. 经济在发展,实现了高增长率。

    The economy is expanding , notching up high growth rates .

  25. 也许这种治疗方法最终将实现机械化。

    Perhaps , in time , this treatment will be mechanised .

  26. 他们将尽最大努力实现自己的愿望。

    They will go all out to get exactly what they want

  27. 他凭借超凡的技术实现了完美着陆。

    With superb skill he managed to make a perfect landing .

  28. 他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。

    They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals .

  29. 有志之士将会共同为实现这些目标而努力。

    There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals

  30. 使这项任务实现机械化的技术只能逐步发展。

    Only gradually are technologies being developed to mechanize the task