
  • 网络material flow;Physical flow
  1. 广州邮政针对物流业务的发展,提出统筹规划、理顺关系、三流(信息流、资金流、实物流)整合、加快发展的指导思想。

    With the development of its logistics business , the leading thoughts of " scheming overall , smoothing relationships , integrating three flows ( information flow , money flow and material flow ) and accelerating development " is proposed by Guangzhou Post .

  2. 因此,需要利用超经济规模金融资源的聚集和大量的金融服务创新来安排反锁定,以价值流引导实物流来不断进行工业结构的调整和优化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to unlock the super financial resource and financial service innovation to guide the material flow , so as to enable a constant and optimum industry structure adjustment .

  3. 供应链系统既不是单纯的离散事件系统,也不是单纯的连续动态系统,而是由离散信息流和连续实物流所构成的复杂混合系统。

    Supply chain system is neither a discrete event system nor a continuous dynamic system .

  4. 基于条码技术的信息流、实物流的同步融合架构浅谈实物期权

    Synchronous Fusion System of Information Flow Material Flow Based on Barcode Technology Discussion of Real Options

  5. 金融拥有的以资金流此导实物流进行资源配置的功能,能在以上两方面对工业结构调整提供金融支撑。

    The function of resource allocation towards industry structure adjustment can be achieved through financial support .

  6. 而管理的工作将是对实物流、资金流与信息流的运作、跟踪、监控、预测与决策。

    And the management work is to operate , follow up , supervise , forecast and make decision the logistics , capital flow and information flow .

  7. 在农电管理系统中数据采集过程的中间环节比较多,实物流与数据流相分离。

    In the agricultural electricity management system , among the data acquisition process , the link are quite many , the material object flow is separated from the data stream .

  8. 金融租赁交易兼具融资与融物双重属性,承租人以分期支付租金流为条件而从出租人处获取实物流,从而达到以物代租的效果。

    Leasing transactions have two attributes-financing and financial matter . The lessee pays rent flow in installments and obtains kinds flow , so as to achieve the effect of things on behalf of rent .

  9. 精益管理会计的对象是价值流管理中的价值运动,其表现形式为价值流,资金流、信息流和实物流是其载体。

    The object of lean management accounting is the value movement in value stream management , with value stream as its form of expression and fund flow , information flow and mate-rial flow as its carriers .