
  • 【计】orismology
  1. 通说中的危害行为概念是我国刑法理论中的核心概念之一,但对其定义学界颇具争议。

    The concept of the harmful behavior is one of the core concepts in the general theory of the Chinese criminal law and there are still many disputes on its definition .

  2. 通过对公共关系定义的学理探讨和实践分析,管理学派围绕管理、传播、关系、公众和组织五个关键词开始构建系统的公共关系理论框架。

    Based on the definition research , management school constructs the theoretical framework of public relations revolving the concepts of management , communication , relationship , orgainzation and publics .

  3. 作为一种新兴的语言现象,关于网络语言的定义,学界目前还没有统一的说法,本文采用了便于语文教学研究的狭义定义。

    As a new linguistic phenomenon , the definition of the language on the Internet , scholars say there is no uniform , we use to facilitate a narrow definition of language teaching and research .

  4. 对信赖利益的定义,学界素有争论主要存在损失说、利益说,笔者在结合这两种学说优缺点后提出了信赖利益的概念。

    The Reliance interest is known as the definition of academic debate exists mainly loss said and interests . The author combined the said of the advantages with disadvantages of the two theories to put forward the concept of the Reliance interest Reliance interest .

  5. 通过用整体植物作的试验,又把光合单位定义为生理学的功能单位。

    The photosynthetic unit then is a physiological unit of function defined by experiments with intact plants .

  6. 给词下一个完整而精确的定义是词学研究的基本任务之一。

    It is one of basic tasks for the study of Ci to give a complete and precise definition .

  7. 这些数据根据最新的(2002)世界卫生组织分类定义的组织学亚型进行了分析。

    These were analyzed according to histologic subtypes defined by the latest ( 2002 ) World Health Organization classification .

  8. 论文最后定义网络行为学的概念,并提出网络行为学的研究方向。

    Finally , the concept of network behavior is defined , and the research direction of network behavior is provided .

  9. 准确理解语体概念并加以科学定义对语体学以及相关学科的研究而言已是至关重要。

    A precise conception and a scientific definition of the style are vitally important for the development of stylistic and relevant subjects .

  10. 她将文本定义为符号学研究的对象,认为作为一种实践过程的符号具有两个特征:前符号态和符号象征态。

    She believes that the text is the subject of semiotics and that the semiotic process has two modes : the semiotic and the symbolic .

  11. 要成为班里更顶尖的学生应该学习几个小时并没有严格的定义,成为学霸没有唯一的方法。

    There 's no strict hours , that a student should have to study to be the topper of the class . There is no straight jacket solution for becoming a top student .

  12. 广义上的产业集群定义已在学界达成共识:在特定领域内互相联系的,在地理位置上集中的公司和企业的集合。

    Broad definition of industrial clusters to reach a consensus in the academic world : in the specific area associated with each other , in the geographic concentration of a collection of companies and enterprises .

  13. 在作业和考试过程中,常常会要求你解释或定义一些你已经学过的事物。

    Homework assignments and examinations will often ask you to explain something or to define something that you have been taught .

  14. 阐明了平台策划的定义,从设计学角度提出了平台策划原则和工具,提出了平台策划改进模型。

    Then , the definition of product platform planning is made clear , the principles and an improved platform-planning model are proposed .

  15. 与高二学生相比,从未学过高中三角函数定义的高一学尘对用面积定义正弦表现出更大的兴趣。

    Compared with students in senior 2 , who have learned the conventional definition in senior 1 , the senior 1 students shown their greater interests .

  16. 但基于经验法则本身的特性,对其进行精确的定义难度很大,学界对经验法则的内涵认识也不一致。

    However , based on the own characteristics of rule of thumb , its precise definition is very difficult , academic understanding of the its meaning is also inconsistent .

  17. 作为译学词典的核心条目,术语的特点及术语的准确定义对研究译学术语有着非常重要的作用。

    Terms are the core entry of a TD , and the characteristics of terms and an accurate definition for each one is of great importance to the study of translational terminology .

  18. 本文结合AECT94定义对当前中小学课程整合中存在的问题阐述了自己的意见,对如何搞好课程整合有一定的参考价值。

    Combining with the definition of AECT 94 , the writer sets forth his position on the issues about course conformity in primary and middle school , which is very helpful for carrying out this plan .

  19. 本章从认知语言学的角度阐明了名词配价定义,从词汇学的角度说明了名词配价性质是属于语义平面的问题。

    This chapter clarifies the definition of nouns valence from the perspective of cognitive linguistics , and illustrates that the properties of nouns valence belong to the horizontal feature of semantics from the perspective of Lexicology .

  20. 将术后HARRIS评分≥80分定义为临床成功,术后分期稳定定义为影像学成功。

    The post-operative HARRIS score ≥ 80 was defined as clinical success , and postoperative stable staging as radiological success .