
zōnɡ jiào yǔ yán
  • liturgical language
  1. 伊格里森把法律术语说成是一种宗教语言,而且认为晦涩的语言会产生不良的效果。

    Describing legalese as " a form of religious language ", he argued that convoluted language has an undesirable effect .

  2. 宗教语言问题产生的源头在近代可以追溯到大卫·休谟,于是我们的追踪就从大卫·休谟开始。

    The problem of religious language in contemporary philosophy can be traced back to David Hume , so we will begin our investigation from Hume .

  3. 本论文旨在对近代基督教背景下的宗教语言问题进行思想史的追踪。

    This dissertation is an attempt to provide a tentative study on the problem of religious language in the history of contemporary western philosophy of Christianity .

  4. 这是我们理解他的宗教语言观的关键所在。在维特根斯坦的思想中,情感赋义最终取代了经验指称。

    Thus , the change is the key to understand his views on religious language , and also shows that affection-endowed meaning should replace empirical reference in understanding the language .

  5. 在此过程中,强烈的民族意识、交际的需求、使用中的宗教语言、书面语的复兴以及致力于希伯来语复兴的热心人士所进行的一系列语言规划活动都是其能够复兴的重要因素。

    In this course , strong national ideology , need of a common language for communication , Hebrew as a scared language , the revival of written Hebrew in literature together with language planning activities of enthusiasts and revivalists are all factors contributing to its success .

  6. 本文归纳概括了现代伊朗语言政策在官方语言、少数民族语言、宗教语言以及外语教育上的特点,在对伊朗语言政策的形成进行分析总结之后得出较为可靠的结论。

    The thesis has summed up to summarize the characteristics of several languages of official policy , minority , religion and foreign teaching in modern Iran , finally draw conclusion which could be credible after the analysis and summary during the procedure of language policy forming in Iran .

  7. 在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人

    Persons belonging to national , ethnic , religious and linguistic minority

  8. 这本专著中存在的问题具有一定的普遍性,例如宗教和语言。

    He Zhi-li makes mistakes in the problems of religion and language .

  9. 宗教对语言交际的影响

    Impact of Religion on Verbal Communication

  10. 俄罗斯的宗教、语言、文学等因素,都为俄国未来主义打上了深深的民族印记。

    Russian futurism is banded with national characteristics by the factors such as Russian religion , language and literature .

  11. 他们有权拥有自己的文化、宗教、语言等等。

    They have a right to their own culture , their own religion , their own language , and so on .

  12. 多元文化音乐教育作为社会的产物,包含了文艺,宗教,语言等不同方面。

    " Multicultural music education " as a social product it contains a literature , religion , language and other aspects .

  13. 从民族心理学、神话、宗教以及语言美学这四个方面来探讨数字习语中所折射出的中西文化的差异。

    The paper elaborates on Sino-western differences from numerical idioms from the perspective of psychology , theology , religion and aesthetics of language .

  14. 马尔代夫的民族特性是各种岛上居民的文化混合体,并由于宗教和语言得以巩固。

    The Maldivian ethnic identity is a blend of the cultures of peoples who settled on the islands , reinforced by religion and language .

  15. 本文主要通过宗教与语言的相互关系,探讨宗教对英语的影响,以及英语语言的宗教色彩。

    This paper focuses on the influence on English by way of the interactive relationship between religion and language and discusses the religious color of the English language .

  16. 第一章介绍了达斡尔族幻想故事依存的文化背景,包括达斡尔族的族源、族称、历史、宗教、语言、文化等。

    The first chapter introduces the cultural background of Daur fantastic tales , including the ethnic origin , ethnic name , history , religion , language , culture and so on .

  17. 作者用符号美学的观点分析了神话、宗教、语言、艺术、历史、科学等人类符号化活动的成果。

    By means of symbol aesthetics , the author analyzes the achievement of the human being 's symbolic activities , like myth , religion , language , art , history and science , etc.

  18. 第二章:主要论述南亚裔移民的后代&年轻的南亚裔在两种不同的文化之间如何谋求自身的生存与发展。具体从宗教、语言、家庭结构、婚姻特点、教育就业等方面加以论述。

    Chapter Two discuss how the progeny of the South Asian immigrants & young Asians develop between two cultures from the aspects of religion , language , family , marriage , education and employment .

  19. 到底,这样的一个模仿英国海德公园的美丽构想,适合这个多元民族、宗教、语言、文化的小岛社会的“气候”吗?

    After all , would a Speakers'Corner modelled after the prototype in Hyde Park in Britain fit into the climate of our city-state , given its pluralism in race , religion , language , and culture ?

  20. 英国在新加坡的殖民统治(1819-1959)给新加坡留下了持久的遗产,这就是政治上高度控制,经济上以转口贸易为主,社会上形成种族、宗教、语言和文化的多元性。

    Britain 's colonial dominion ( 1819-1959 ) gave Singapore an enduring legacy , including high control in politics , intrepid trade in economy and pluralism of race , religion , language and culture in society .

  21. 主要以保加利亚政府人口普查和相关学者研究的结论为基础,从种族,宗教,语言等方面分析当今保加利亚民族构成的概况以及历史渊源,并分析一些有争议的民族问题。

    With Bulgaria government census and related study conclusion as the foundation , This part analyzes of the current survey , historical origin and some controversial national problems from the race , religion , language of Bulgaria nationality composition .

  22. 为了能产生积极的转变,我们必须不断地问我们自己:在我们社区、国家和地区,那些属于不同社会、国家、民族、宗教、语言或其他社区的人们的权利是如何得到保障的?

    To create positive change , we must constantly ask ourselves the following questions . How are the rights of persons belonging to social , national , ethnic , religious , linguistic or other minorities guaranteed in our community , State and region ?

  23. 山地垂直人文带是叠加在山地垂直自然带上的一种现象。它包括文化、民族、宗教、语言、人口、聚落等人文事象和人类的一切活动。

    The vertical human zones in the mountain regions is a kind of the human phenomenon which is on the basis of the vertical natural zones , including culture , nationality , religion , language , population and settlement as well as all human activities .

  24. 近年来国内外对傈僳族的研究成绩比较丰富,从族源、社区、宗教、语言文字、文学、文化、民俗,到音乐、民族教育等方面,都取得了较好的研究成果。

    In recent years , the research about Lisu in their home country and abroad is versatile , concerning the origin , community , religion , speaking and writing , literature , culture , folk-custom , music to the nation education etc. which helps to make netter research results .

  25. 宗教对汉英语言的影响

    The Influence of Religion on Chinese and English Languages

  26. 象形文字曾是人们用来书写重要文件或宗教文献的语言。

    Hieroglyphic was the language the people used to write important or religious documents .

  27. 梵语主要作为印度宗教仪式的语言而使用,以诗歌和咒语的形式出现。

    Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras .

  28. 我们可能有不同宗教,不同语言,不同颜色的皮肤,但我们都属于一个人类。

    We may have different religions , different languages , different colored skin , but we all belong to one human race .

  29. 文章从宗教文化对语言的影响这个角度出发,探讨了西方基督教文化对英语语言的影响,以及东方佛教文化对汉语语言的影响。

    The article discusses the influence of Christianism culture on the English language and the influence of Buddhism culture on the Chinese language .

  30. 美国教育史上出现过三种文化冲突:宗教冲突、语言冲突、种族冲突。

    Three types of cultural conflicts have occurred in the history of American education , they are religious conflict , linguistic conflict and Americanization .