
  • 网络Religious sense;sense of religiosity;religious sentiment
  1. 当今的学生对宗教感兴趣吗?

    Are students interested in religion these days ?

  2. 嗯,我对宗教感兴趣,已经有很长时间了。

    Right . I have been interested in religion for a very long time , of course .

  3. 中国的人本主义文化传统不仅削弱了人们的宗教感,而且削弱了中国的法治,强化了人治。

    The tradition of humanism culture of China weakens not only the sense of religion , but also the rule of law .

  4. 这似乎说明,古典的超越性信仰建构变得越来越困难,我们必须在这个世界寻找宗教感的对象,以弥补超越性的失落。

    It seemed to show the difficulties of reestablishing classic transcendental belief , and we have to find the religious objects in this word .

  5. 我经常阅读我祖母有关佛教的书,这使我对宗教非常感兴趣。

    I often read my grandmother 's books about Buddhism , which made me really interested in religion .

  6. 反过来,借着对虔敬的讨论,苏格拉底的反讽也展示了它多层面的意义。陀思妥耶夫斯基是俄罗斯最有宗教虔敬感的作家,同时又是宗教信仰方面最尖锐最深刻的怀疑者。

    And similarly the deep significance of Socratic irony opened out through discussing the piety . Among Russian writers , Dostoyevsky is the most reverent one in religion , at the same time , he is also the most suspicious one in religion belied .

  7. 他好像对宗教讨论相当感兴趣。

    He seems to have taken considerable interest in religious discussion .

  8. 宗教的使命感与美国社会独特的政治理念相结合,促使宗教使命感日益世俗化。

    The sense of mission derived from religion was mixed with the unique political notion of American society , which accelerated the sense of mission and became a common custom .

  9. 所以,对于犹太人来说,纽约下东区和唐人街里的(美式中国菜)炒杂烩菜和饺子店给他们一种宗教和谐之感的幻觉,尽管不符合犹太教规的食物也会以猪肉和壳类海鲜的形式出现。

    And so , for Jews , the chop suey palaces anddumpling parlors of the Lower East Side and Chinatown gave the illusion ofreligious accordance , even if there was still treifgalore in the form of pork and shellfish .

  10. 他描述得很清楚,自己的宗教信仰和惊奇感是如何随着写有DNA的遗传密码被破译而得到加深的。

    He writes well about how , as the code on which DNA is written began to reveal itself , his faith and sense of wonder increased .

  11. 乔治·爱略特的作品以强烈的宗教意识和道德感著称。

    George Eliot was famous for the strong religious consciousness and sense of morality in her works .

  12. 和宗教责任的正义感同所有真正和持久的幸福有着本质联系的坚定信念。

    And a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness ;

  13. 我的转变十分简单。我对所有宗教活动都十分感兴趣,而公众就是我的宗教。

    My conversion was much simpler . I 'm a sucker for any religious experience , and community is my religion .