
  • 网络religious tolerance;religious toleration
  1. 浅析16-17世纪宗教宽容在西欧的发展

    The Analysis on Development of Religious Toleration in 16 ~( th ) - 17 ~( th ) Century Western Europe

  2. 这种对于知识基础的怀疑论,对霍布斯在宗教和,宗教宽容的观点上,有进一步的意义。

    That kind of skepticism about the foundations of knowledge has further implications for Hobbes'views on such things as religion and religious toleration .

  3. 宗教宽容:和谐社会的精神资源

    Religious Tolerant : Mental Resource of a Harmonious Society

  4. 浅谈新加坡宗教宽容及其原因

    Religious Tolerance in Singapore and the Reasons for It

  5. 依据人不可侵犯的自然权利和人类理性的局限,洛克主张宗教宽容。

    Locke stands for religious tolerance according to natural rights and human rational limits .

  6. 一个国家,不能在书店圣经买到圣经。这一点长期被批评为没有宗教宽容。

    Bibles cannot be openly bought at bookshops in a country long criticised for intolerance of religion .

  7. 其特点主要包括:第一,具有在政治运行模式上典型的协商共治特色;第二,具有鲜明的宗教宽容和政教分离的特点。

    Advantages include : first , Deliberative consultation ; second , religious tolerance and separation of Church and State .

  8. 20年前尼日利亚曾是宗教宽容的典范,如今它却深受极端主义的危害。

    Nigeria was two decades ago a model of religious tolerance . Today it is on the rack of extremism .

  9. 只有实行宗教宽容重构政治秩序才可能给人自由。

    Only then implements the religious tolerant restructuring politics order only then possibly to give the human to be free .

  10. 在人们对宽容的探求中,逐渐形成了古典宽容、宗教宽容和现代宽容。

    During the courses of seeking tolerance , the classical tolerance , religious tolerance and modern tolerance gradually come up .

  11. 它还象征着自由、平等机会、宗教宽容和对其他类似人民的良好意愿。

    It is also a symbol of freedom , equal opportunity , religious tolerance and other similar people 's good intentions .

  12. 莫卧儿帝国覆盖了印度大部分地区,以沙贾汗祖父阿克巴的宗教宽容而著名,在18世纪初最崩溃。

    Covering most of India and known under Shah Jahan 's grandfather Akbar for religious tolerance the Mogul Empire collapsed in the early1700s .

  13. 本章分别从自然状态、契约权利观念和宗教宽容三个方面来论述,从中可以看出胡克政治思想在现实中的生命力和在理论上的前瞻性。

    It includes three aspects : nature , contract and religion tolerance . We can see Hooker was a pioneer in political theory .

  14. 自由与理性需要宗教宽容的实现,而宗教宽容本身也是自由与理性的表现。

    The freedom and the rationality need religious tolerant realization , but the religion forgives is in itself also the freedom and the rational performance .

  15. 新教政治本身是以宗教宽容为原则的,因此在为宽容而斗争的同时,也积极地实现着宽容。

    Protestantism politics is in itself forgives take the religion as the principle , therefore while to forgive which struggles , is also realizing tolerantly positively .

  16. 不过,在布莱尔看来,这些西方国家的盟友“正在推行宗教宽容的价值观,以及那种把经济建立在规则和开放基础上的价值观”。

    In Mr Blair 's view , however , these western allies are " promoting the values of religious tolerance and open , rule-based economies . "

  17. 道德宽容是宽容的一种类型,同宗教宽容、政治宽容既有区别,又有联系;

    Moral tolerance is one of the three types of tolerance and there is difference and relation between moral tolerance , religious tolerance , and political tolerance .

  18. 布里亚特不仅和日本、韩国处于同一个时区,而且这个共和国还和这些国家处于同一个精神区域,都有着一种宗教宽容精神。

    Not only is Buryatia in the same time zone as Japan and Korea , but the republic is in the same spiritual zone-one of religious tolerance .

  19. 教派冲突的结果产生了宗教宽容,它逐渐演化为近代国家解决宗教问题的一个有效统治策略,并最终以宪法的形式确立下来。

    Religious wars and persecution made religious tolerance , It has become a modern country effective strategy to address religious issues , and ultimately established by the Constitution .

  20. 然后分析宽容的基本类型:宗教宽容、政治宽容、道德宽容(即本研究所采用的宽容范畴),并界定属于自己的道德宽容内涵。

    And analysis of the basic types of tolerance : religious tolerance , political tolerance , moral tolerance ( ie tolerance used in this study area ), and define their own meaning and moral tolerance .

  21. 自由主义学说中的宽容理念之于宪政的产生意义重大,宽容存在一个从宗教宽容到政治宽容的发展历程,在此历程当中,宪政得以萌生。

    The idea of toleration in the theory of liberalism has an important effect of the formation of constitutionalism . Constitutionalism comes into being in the course of evolution to the religions from the political toleration .

  22. 通过分析洛克的相关著作,我们可以发现,宗教宽容思想是洛克对他所处时代的政治所做的一个回应,是洛克从国家、社会安全的角度出发对宗教问题所进行的阐释。

    An analysis of Locke 's relevant works suggests that the concept is one of his responses to the then political system as well as his interpretation of religious issues from the perspective of national and social security .

  23. 他们明白表示要对宗教采取宽容的政策。

    They affirm a policy of religious toleration .

  24. 宣扬种族的和宗教的宽容。

    Teaches racial and religious tolerance .

  25. 元代对宗教采取宽容政策,尤其是道教和佛教大行其道,直接影响了杂剧的创作。

    The Yuan Dynasty adopted a policy of religious tolerance ; Taoism and Buddhism were especially popular which directly affected the creation of drama .

  26. 唐代统治者从有利于政治统治的立场出发,对宗教采取宽容、扶持、利用与限制并用的政策。

    In the political rule standpoint , the Tang Dynasty rulers adopt the policy that is to tolerate , support , use and limit the religion .

  27. 造成这个特点的原因有:中国传统文化和儒家思想的影响,农民文化素质偏低,民众心理的失衡,汉族地区宗教的宽容性等。

    The causes of this feature are concluded as : the influence of Chinese traditional culture and the Confucianism ideology , lower cultural quality of farmer , imbalance of public psychology and the tolerance of religions in Han-inhabited areas .

  28. 历史上这个时期并不是以宗教上的宽容为特征的。

    This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance .

  29. 在国内,美国领导人采取宗教上的宽容政策。

    Domestically , US leaders eschew religious intolerance .

  30. 宗教改革:宽容立于恐惧与希望之中&中世纪英国宽容问题研究

    Religious Reform : Tolerance in Dread and Hope & About Tolerance in Middle Ages in Great Britain