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  1. 12世纪初期,女真族的不同部落共同组成了一个巨大的军队联盟,完颜部是其中的核心。

    The various tribes of the Nuzhen organized themselves into a large military federation at the beginning of the 12th century , with the Wanyan tribe at its core .

  2. 女真完颜部首领完颜阿骨打,在统一了女真各部后,于辽天庆四年(1114)九月,率部誓师于涞流河(今黑龙江与吉林省间拉林河)畔,向辽朝的契丹统治者宣战。

    In the 4th year of Tianqing ( 1114 ) , Wanyan Aguda , the leader of the Nuzhens , performed a ritual with his armies on the bank of the Lailiu River ( present-day Jianlalin River between Heilongjiang and Jilin ) and declared war on the Liao .