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  1. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有《宋诗选注》在焉。

    Being in especial love of song poems , Mr.

  2. 《复义七型》与《宋诗选注》的复义分析方法之比较

    A comparison of ambiguity analysis between Seven Types of Ambiguity and The Annotation to the Anthology of the Song Dynasty

  3. 钱钟书先生1958年出版的《宋诗选注》是其五、六十年代文艺思想代表性著作,本文从其宋诗观和诗学思想两个方面深入探讨《宋诗选注》深刻的思想基础。

    The book , which is published in 1958 , is his magnum opus of the 1950s and 1960s . The thesis explores its ideological basis from the perspective of his ideas on Song poetry andhis poetic thoughts .

  4. 钱钟书的《宋诗选注》也运用新批评的语义分析法,他在注释中对二百多首诗歌进行了深入细致的分析和评点。

    Qian Zhong-shu , in the book of The Annotation to the Anthology of the Song Dynasty , also makes explanatory and commentary remarks in detail to more than two hundred poems of the Song Dynasty by way of semantic analysis .