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zǐ sūn
  • descendants;offspring;children and grandchildren;posterity;progeny;brat
子孙 [zǐ sūn]
  • (1) [children and grandchildren]∶儿子和孙子

  • 子孙荷担者三夫。--《列子.汤问》

  • (2) [descendants;offspring;posterity]∶泛指后代

  • 子孙相继为王。--《战国策.赵策》

  • (3) 又

  • 子孙侯者。

  • 人主之子孙。

  • 远者及其子孙。

子孙[zǐ sūn]
  1. 他子孙满堂,继续享受着荣华富贵。

    He had a large family with lots of children and grandchildren , and enjoyed great wealth and high position as before .

  2. 我们的子孙后代会为此付出代价

    our children and grandchildren will have to pay the price .

  3. 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?

    How can we best serve the needs of future generations ?

  4. 留给子孙后代的将是环境的污染与破坏。

    Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction .

  5. 众多的子孙簇拥着他。

    He was surrounded by his numerous progeny .

  6. 她说如果人类现在不采取决定性的行动,那就只会把问题留给子孙后代。

    She said if the world did not act conclusively now , it would only bequeath the problem to future generations

  7. 彗星将在2061年返回,到时我们都看得到。噢,反正我们的子孙看得到。

    The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it . Well , our offspring are , anyway

  8. 我们必须为后代子孙保护土地/自然资源。

    We must conserve our land / natural resources for future generations .

  9. 我们的子孙将穿裘裹皮,蜷缩在火堆旁。

    Our fur-clad descendents will be crouched over fires .

  10. 这些禁令旨在使未来的世界变得更加美好,我们所做的努力肯定不是徒劳的,但这些禁令的效果可能只有子孙后代才能看得到。

    While the efforts are certainly not futile , the results of such bans will likely only start to be seen by generations down the line , bettering the world for the future .

  11. 中华传统文化的根找不到了,子孙会骂我们“败家”!

    Where is the root of the traditional Chinese culture if we tear down all the relics ? Our descendants would blame us .

  12. 一本好书是一位鸿儒的宝贵心血,是立意奉献给子孙后代的不朽珍宝。

    A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit , embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life .

  13. Pre-heritance(预支遗产)指父母健在时将财产拿出来为子孙提供经济支持,而不是将其留作身后遗产供后辈继承。

    Pre-heritance refers to financial support given by living parents to their children or grandchildren as an alternative to leaving an inheritance to them after they die .

  14. 但是,我坚信,只要心往一处想、劲往一处使,同舟共济、守望相助,人类必将能够应对好全球气候环境挑战,把一个清洁美丽的世界留给子孙后代。

    Yet I am confident that as long as we unite in our purposes and efforts and work together with solidarity assistance , we will rise above the global climate and environment challenges and leave a clean and beautiful world to future generations .

  15. 据英国一项全国性调查显示,55岁以上的人中有82%表示愿意在身故前给子孙提供经济支持。44%的人愿意将房产抵押获取资金来帮助子孙购买首套房或承担他们结婚及上学的费用。

    According to a national survey in the UK , 82 % of people over 55 said they would prefer to give financial support to their children or grandchildren before they die . 44 % said they would consider releasing equity of inheritance tax , tax paid on inherited money or property .

  16. facet是一个有名的子组件;它并不是一个子孙组件。

    A facet is a named subcomponent . A facet is not a child component .

  17. 你拉出的排泄物在自然界循环,有一天被植物吸收,植物让动物成长,植物和动物又让“某个人类DNA表达”,可能是你子孙吧。

    You pulled out the waste in the natural cycle , one day absorbed by plants , animals , plants to grow , plants and animals , letting " an expression of the human DNA ," may be your offspring bar .

  18. 他的子孙capetian,valois和波旁王朝统治法国直到1792年,当时,法国大革命建立了法兰西第一共和国。

    His descendants , the Capetian , Valois and Bourbon dynasties , ruled France until 1792 , when the French revolution established the French First Republic .

  19. 哈顺的子孙三百二十八名。

    The children of Hashum , three hundred twenty and eight .

  20. 加强地质遗迹保护,造福子孙后代!

    Strengthen the conservation of geological relics and benefit future generations !

  21. 积书于子孙,子孙未必能读。

    Product in children , children may not book to read .

  22. 示罗的子孙中有长子亚帅雅和他的众子。

    Of the Shilonites : Asaiah the firstborn and his sons .

  23. 我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。

    We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations .

  24. 经济进步还需要在环境上和财政上具有可持续性,延续到子孙后代。

    Economic progress must also be environmentally and financially sustainable over generations .

  25. 他希望可以有很多的子孙,所以买了他们。

    She wished for many grandchildren so she bought them .

  26. 其次有迦拜,撒来的子孙,共九百二十八名。

    And after him gabbai , sallai , nine hundred and twenty-eight .

  27. 祖先的罪过将会罚在子孙的身上。

    The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children .

  28. 子孙后代似乎象一排门客,跟随在他的身后。

    Posterity seemed to follow his steps as a train of clients .

  29. 亚拉的子孙七百七十五名。

    The children of Shephatiah , three hundred and seventy-two .

  30. 骡子既无足以自豪的祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望的子孙。

    A mule has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity .