
  • 网络media plan;media planning
  1. 媒体计划是采取进一步行动之前必须经广告主同意的建议。

    The media plan is a recommendation that the advertiser must approve before any further steps are taken .

  2. 我们快到了先做媒体计划,而后再根据计划进行设计创意的地步。

    We are getting to the point where the media plan is done first , and the creative is developed behind .

  3. 召开这次会议的目的是要制订媒体计划。

    The purpose of the meeting is to establish media plans .

  4. 做国际市场媒体计划时,管理范围将要延伸到与信息提供源相关的决策之中。

    Management will reach decisions in line with long-established information requirements for media planning in international markets .

  5. 2009年中国区媒介代理公司,全权负责其媒体计划制订及媒介购买业务。

    Insurance group AIA has hired Carat to run its media planning and buying business in in2009 .

  6. 此外,企业在进行整合营销传播的过程中,往往会面临媒体计划方面的难题,因而本文对媒体计划的复杂性进行了分析。

    In addition , in the process of IMC , the enterprise could meet the problems in media planning .

  7. 媒体计划人员制定指导方针,而购买者负责选择具体的载体。

    The media planner lays out the direction , but the buyer is responsible for choosing the specific vehicles .

  8. 也许你已经发现,某种特定大小的广告、页面或页面位置最适合你的广告客户,而你只想在你的媒体计划中使用这种广告规模或位置。

    Perhaps you have found that a particular size ad , page , or on-page location works best for your advertiser and you only want to include that in your media plan .

  9. 卫斯理媒体计划称,915000个广告已经在大选之前播出,这包括两位候选人的插播广告和所有不支持他们俩的团体的广告。

    The Wesleyan Media Project says 915000 ads have run in the general election campaign , that includes spots by the two candidates and all the outside groups that have pummeled each of them .

  10. 在奥运会期间,所有场馆媒体中心计划在赛前3小时向注册媒体开放,赛后3小时关闭。

    During the Games , all VMCs will be opened three hours before competition and closed three hours after competition .

  11. 克林顿夫人访问北京之前,她的工作人员为她量身订制了一套全面的媒体宣传计划&上周克林顿总统图书馆公布的一批文件中就有当时的计划文件。

    Before Clinton traveled to Beijing , her staff laid out a thorough media plan for her & one of the many documents released by the Clinton Presidential Library last week .

  12. 现在在这项研究中,志愿者参加了媒体辅助减肥计划。

    Now the volunteers in the study were taking part in a media-assisted weight loss program .

  13. 计划生育政策在中国实施已经超过三十年,在这三十多年中,媒体在报道计划生育的时候大多以正面报道为主。

    During these years , most of the media is dominated by positive coverage of family planning .

  14. 千禧鹤集团已向其它媒体证实该计划,但北京奥组委并未立即对这一受到广泛报道的计划发表置评。

    BOCOG did not immediately comment on the plans , which were confirmed by Qianxihe to other media and widely reported .

  15. 而是又关起门来研究如何向社会公布,而且将向媒体发布的计划放到了今日。

    They closed the door to discuss how the measures should be released publicly and put off the date to today .

  16. 这个在线提供各地商店店及餐厅优惠劵的大型社交媒体网站正计划于今年下半年首次公开募股。

    The social-media sensation , which offers online coupons for bargains at local shops and restaurants , is planning an initial public offering later this year .

  17. 一般市民只会在9月底通过当地媒体收到该计划的“通知”。

    The general public is only to be " informed " at the end of September of the plans by means of communications to the local press .

  18. 他提醒道,突然之间,首席执行官就需要把从前专属于业务管理的时间分出一部分,用于和股东、媒体交流商业计划和目标。

    All of a sudden , he says , CEOs need to redirect time previously devoted to running the business towards communicating the business ' purpose and plan to shareholders and the media .

  19. 有些中国媒体机构已经计划将自身发展成真正的国际媒体,创造完全具有原创性的内容,并且把节目,观念和模式出口到其他国家。

    Some Chinese media organisations have plans to develop themselves into truly global players , to generate wholly original content , and to export their programmes , ideas and formats to other countries .

  20. 被称之为“社交媒体品牌广告计划”的新方案不仅延伸了之前的付费位置广告模式,而且加入了全新的定价模式和高级分析系统。

    The new product , which the company calls a " social media brand advertising program ," is an extension of its existing paid placement option , but with new tiered pricing and advanced analytics .

  21. 而与此同时,流媒体视频供应商Hulu计划今年在影视节目上投资5亿美元,使其产品既有传统电视节目,又有有线网络节目。

    Streaming service Hulu , meanwhile , plans to spend $ 500 million on TV and movie programming this year to round out its offerings of traditional broadcast and cable programming .

  22. 中国官方媒体说,中国计划与缅甸进一步合作,遏制两国共同边境附近的非法采伐。

    China 's state-run news agency says the country plans to work more with Burma to control illegal logging near their shared border .

  23. 据本地媒体报道,政府计划提高纺织品出口退税,而此前削减退税,部分是为了鼓励出口向价值链高端转移。

    Local newspapers report plans to increase tax rebates on textiles rebates which were reduced in part to skew exports higher up the value chain .

  24. 布什媒体抨击披露监控计划的详情,将之称为“一项对美国造成巨大损害的可耻行为”。

    The president blasted the media for publishing details of the surveillance programme : a " disgraceful " move , he said , that did " great harm " to America .

  25. 国内许多人批评上届政府的4万亿人民币经济刺激计划,在社交媒体上表示该计划更多是帮助西方经济脱困而不是中国自己。

    Many Chinese citizens have criticised the previous government 's Rmb4tn stimulus package , taking to social media to argue that it did more to save the economies of the west than to benefit China .

  26. 媒体服务同时还负责媒体运行专业志愿者计划。

    Media Services is also responsible for the Media Operations Specialist Volunteers Program .

  27. 开发和维持与媒体的良好关系,促进国家级和地方媒体对国际计划主张和成功经验的宣传报道。

    Developing and maintaining good relations with news media and promoting news report coverage on the voice and best practice of Plan China at both local and national level .