
  • 网络Media Competition
  1. 反思媒介竞争:哲学与社会学视野

    A Critical Interrogation of Media Competition : A Philosophical and Sociological Approach

  2. 竞争的走向是品牌&媒介竞争与对策研究

    The Countermeasure Study about Media Competition

  3. 而这些博弈特征决定了媒介竞争的策略必须是融入其中而有所作为。

    The characteristic of game decide that the strategy of media competition must be to join in it and to do something .

  4. 在双边市场理论的框架下,建立了自由进入的电视媒介竞争模型。

    This paper built a media firms competition model in the free entry media markets based on the two-sided markets theoretical frame .

  5. 在媒介竞争加剧的环境中,电视媒介的影响力对于电视的发展来说已经越来越凸显。

    Under this kind of condition , the influence of television media already more and more bulges out for the development of television .

  6. 目前新闻出版业的集团化标志着媒介竞争进入相对垄断阶段。

    Grouping development of news and publishing indicates that the relative monopoly of the media to enter the stage of the competition now .

  7. 随着媒介竞争的日趋激烈,新的传播技术广泛应用与大众传播中,大众传播越来越呈现出分众化的趋势。

    With the fierce competition of media and the widely application of new communication technologies , the mass media present a trend of audience segmentation .

  8. 地方电视传媒在媒介竞争激烈的氛围中接受着新的考验:受众多样化的选择途径,新老媒体的强大压力,与央视竞争的劣势。

    When competing with other media , local TV media are confronted with new tests : audience having various options , old and new media pushing hard , incompetence to overtake CCTV .

  9. 媒介竞争日趋激烈,已经进入到形象主导制胜阶段,建构和传播个性的媒介形象成为媒介组织的当务之急。

    Nowadays , media competition becomes more and more fiercely , it has come into image winning stage . Media organization who wants to win must construct and broad - cast characteristic image right now .

  10. 同时,面对市场经济商业化大潮、消费主义的冲击,庸俗文化的泛滥,媒介竞争的加剧,我国大众传媒传播观念在以传者本位向受者本位转变过程中也出现了一些偏颇。

    At the same time , with the establishment of market economy system and the enhancement of news industry competition , the concept of mass media communication appears some deviations during the transformation mentioned above .

  11. 近年来,媒介竞争日益激烈,媒介格局也更加复杂,历来被认为是政治性有余,而市场性不足的党报更是处在发展的突破口上。

    In recent years , with media competition becoming increasingly keen and media structure more complicated , the organ of the CPC , which is politics-oriented and market-insufficient , is on the brink of breakthrough .

  12. 文章从报纸体育深度报道的理论分析入手,从受众需求、媒介竞争、体育事业的繁荣发展等方面阐释了报纸体育进行深度报道的必要性。

    Article begins with the theoretical analysis of the newspaper sports depth , from demands of readers , medium competition , sports ' prosperity and so on to explain the necessity of newspapers ' Sports-depth Reports .

  13. 随着传播科技的发展和媒介竞争的不断加剧,传统报业为应对互联网尤其是新闻类门户网站的挑战,通过发行手机报等方式,融入新媒体运营模式。

    As the communication technology developing and the medium competition aggravating , traditional newspapers recommend new medium operation mode by publishing the cell phone-newspaper and so on , to reply the challenge of the internet , particularly the news gate website .

  14. 始终秉承以理论解释现象,从现象中得到启示的理念,在媒介竞争日趋激烈的今天,为媒介的发展探索一条多赢的道路,力求使本研究兼具理论价值和现实意义。

    In conclusion , this research uses theoretic to explain phenomenon , and then obtain inspiration from the phenomenon . Nowadays , with the competitive media market situation , the article wants to explore a successful path between theoretic value and realistic operation .

  15. 通过对媒介竞争中的电视传播理念的深入阐释,根据接受美学的基本原理,提出必须创造电视媒体生存和发展的优势领域&个性化传播这一新的理论观点。

    By deeply explaining the TV communicating theory in the media competition , according to the basic theory of reception aesthetics , the author puts forward a new theory that it 's necessary to create an advantage field for the TV media to survive and develop-individualized communication .

  16. 分别探讨直接原因(内容竞争)、原因背后的深层次原因(媒介竞争环境剧变),以及遵循这一趋势,电视剧竞争未来的走向与趋势。

    Three chapters are mainly devoted to explore " why ": Respectively , explore the direct cause ( content competition ), the deeper reasons behind ( media dramatic changes in the competitive environment ), and following this trend , the future trend of TV drama program competition .

  17. 媒介的竞争已经成为品牌的较量。

    Media competition has become the contest of brand .

  18. 在当今开放与竞争的市场大环境里,媒介的竞争也愈来愈激烈。

    In the open competitive market , the competition of medium is getting more and more intense .

  19. 随着媒介市场竞争的日益激烈,学界开始将影响力理论引入媒介研究。

    With the Increasingly fierce competition in media market , scholars began to bring the influence theories into media studies .

  20. 广播、电视、报纸等传统媒介在竞争中开始呈现出媒介融合趋势。

    Traditional media and so on broadcast , television , newspaper start in the competition to present the medium fusion tendency .

  21. 媒介市场竞争已经成为了品牌的竞争,而媒介商标是媒介品牌的载体。

    The media competitions are becoming the competitions of brands , and the media trademarks are the carrier of media brands .

  22. 随着媒介传播竞争的加剧和媒介产业化的发展,电视节目的传播效果倍受关注。

    The effects of TV broadcasting have aroused much attention thanks to the accelerated competitions in communications and the industrialization of mass media .

  23. 南京的媒介市场竞争具有标本意义,一直是业界关注和研究的对象。

    With its symbolic significance , competition within the media market in Nanjing has caught the eye of the media industry and has been the object of study .

  24. 媒介市场竞争的日益激烈,使平面杂志不得不寻求各种有效手段塑造品牌,打造自己的核心竞争力。

    The increasingly fierce competition in the media market , the print magazine had to seek a variety of effective means to build brand , build their own core competitiveness .

  25. 笔者认为,报业集团的产生是中国报业产业化的结果,报业集团的合并就是媒介全球化竞争的重要表现。

    The author thinks that the Chinese news media corporations are the result of press industrialization , and the joint venture of newspaper groups is the important performance of media competition globalisation .

  26. 随着电视和网络对广播冲击的不断加剧,广播一度被人们所忽视,广播在各种媒介的竞争中处于弱势地位已成为不争的事实。

    With network television and the impact of broadcasting continues to accelerate , broadcasters once been neglected , broadcasting in a variety of media competition in a " weak position " has become an indisputable fact .

  27. 网络环境下,图书馆面临多元化媒介载体竞争,形成了实体与虚拟并存的信息载体,服务与经营互补的运作理念,由有墙向无墙过渡的工作机制,馆藏与网络互动的发展趋向。

    Under the internet situation , libraries are faced with challenges from multi media world , from a variety of information forms and from the new operation notion that free services and business running complement each other .

  28. 此外,面临激烈的媒介市场竞争,一些电视民生新闻过于凸显有关社会问题的负面报道,容易导致受众的各种社会认知偏差,为此,电视传媒的社会责任仍须不断强化。

    Moreover , some TV civic news excessively report negative sides of the society when facing media competitions , such is likely to lead to various social cognition bias . Therefore , the social responsibility of the television media still needs reinforcement .

  29. 出版周期长、读者特殊的高校校报要在与广播、电视、网络等校内新闻媒介的竞争中站稳脚跟、发挥作用,就应当加强新闻报道的深度。

    With a long publishing cycle and special readers , college newspapers must strengthen its depth of report if it is to take its foothold and bring its force into full play through competition with new media such as broadcasting , television and web .

  30. 该目录将广播电视节目制作、发行和电影制作列为对外开放领域,中国传媒产业与国外一些媒介之间的竞争在所难免。

    The media competition between China and the rest world are unavoidable .