
  1. 媒介歧视现象破坏了媒体客观、公正的报道原则,给大众造成了认知上的混乱。

    The phenomenon of media discrimination has destroyed the principle of objectivity and impartiality of news reporting and led to the audiences confusion in recognition .

  2. 在社会转型期,媒介歧视的出现与传播权力和传播资源分配有重大联系。

    In the period of the society transformation , the appearance of the medium discrimination has an important relation with the distribution of the communication power and resources .

  3. 媒介歧视不是单纯的传播学问题,而是经济、社会、政治和文化多种因素交叉形成的,消除媒介歧视,构建和谐的传播环境,要靠政府、媒体和社会的共同努力。

    The media discrimination is not only communication problem , but also economic , social , political and cultural factors cross formation . In order to eliminate the media discrimination and build a harmonious environment of communication , depending on the government , the media and society to work together .

  4. 因此,提高社会和公众的性别意识和性别敏感度,加强对社会性别问题的反省,是消除电视媒介中的性别歧视、改变传统角色定型,推进两性和谐发展的重要前提。

    Therefore , enhancing social and public 's sex consciousness and the sex sensitivity and strengthening introspection to the social sex questions are the two important premises to eliminate the sex discrimination in television medium , change traditional role stereotypes , and advance both sexes ' harmonious development .

  5. 再从媒介偏见与经济地位关系考察媒介歧视的经济所获与社会损失,认为媒介偏见能为某些群体或集团带来利润,但以整个社会的退步为代价。

    Then , investigates the economic benefits and society losses from media discrimination with the relationship between media bias and economic status , considers media bias will bring benefit for certain colonies or groups , but at the cost of society retrogression .