
  • 网络Media Form;mediamorphosis;media morphosis
  1. 生态学视野中的Blog(博客)媒介形态研究

    Blog Media Morpha Study in an Ecology View

  2. 维客、博客、RSS和SNS作为新兴的媒介形态已被人们广泛使用。

    Wiki , Blog , RSS and SNS , as the new forms of media , have been widely used by the masses .

  3. 网络电视、博客、播客、微博、MSN等一系列新媒介形态的出现,也预示着网络传播时代进入了一个相对持续的阶段。

    The emergence of a series of new media , such as the Web TV , Blog , Podcasting , Micro blogging , MSN and so on , portends the network times coming into a new period of development .

  4. 关于广播电视媒介形态的理论考察

    A Theoretical Study of the Media Form of TV and Broadcasting

  5. 体育报刊是体育媒体中最古老的媒介形态。

    Sports newspapers and magazines are the oldest sport media .

  6. 广告媒介形态的变化特征。

    The changed characteristic of the advertising media shape .

  7. 新传播技术的发展促进了媒介形态的演变。

    The development of new communication technologies promotes the evolution of media forms .

  8. 广告媒介形态的现代化分析

    Analysis of the Modality for Modern Advertising Media

  9. 媒介形态问题是广播电视研究中的本体性问题。

    The problem of the media form is an ontic problem in the study of TV and broadcasting .

  10. 更为重要的是,将电子杂志看作一种媒介形态就能更清楚地看待它的现状和未来。

    More importantly , as a media , we can clearly look out the status and future of E-Magazine .

  11. 微博是近两年媒介形态发展的重要关键词之一。

    Microblog is one of the key words of the past two years with the development of media forms .

  12. 从媒介形态的演变来看,经历了一个从单一媒介到媒介融合,再到跨媒体集团的过程;

    From the point of media appearance , it went through single media and media mergence and multiform media group .

  13. 当代大众传播的视觉化主要有两种表现形态:印刷媒介形态的视觉化传播和传统艺术形态的视觉化传播。

    Contemporary mass communication is mainly visualizing in two ways : the visualization of printing media forms and the visualization of traditional art forms .

  14. 汉字的生命运动信息凝固于媒介形态之中,只有通过书写过程来表现生命的运动。

    Freezing life image of Chinese characters in the paper media form information only use the writing process to show the image of life .

  15. 本论文以传统媒体中的纸质报刊媒体为对象,来探讨新媒介形态之下暴露出的自身素养缺失的问题。

    This paper focuses on the paper-based newspaper , and discusses the lack of the media literacy in the background of new media forms .

  16. 媒介形态理论的原理与方法给出了研究当代传播现象和动态传播规律一个很好的研究方法和视角。

    The principles and methods of Medium Theory have given us great ways and views to study the phenomenon of contemporary communication and dynamic propagation discipline .

  17. 随着媒体技术不断进步,新的媒介形态层出不穷,受众需求进一步多样化分众化,传统媒体用户大量流失。

    With the rapid development of media technology , new forms of media constantly come into being , traditional media have being suffered a huge user drain .

  18. 结合媒介形态理论以及视觉文化传播理论分析图像立体化传播给受众、媒介形态以及社会发展带来的影响。

    The influence of 3d-image transmission on audience , media forms and social development were studied from the theory of media forms and transmission of visual culture .

  19. 伴随着媒介形态的不断涌现,全媒体时代的到来,媒介生态环境也经历着前所未有的变革。

    Along with the media forms of ceaseless emerging in large numbers , the omnimedia era , the media environment has also experienced a hitherto unknown change .

  20. 不同的媒介形态和传播方式充实着知识产权的内涵,衍生了媒介知识产权的诸多权利。

    Various media forms and transmission modes have enriched the contents of intellectual property rights , and have given rise to intellectual property rights of the media .

  21. 然后,简明扼要地分析他们的主要研究内容,提出的重要理论命题和研究结论,从中梳理媒介形态理论的思想逻辑和理论框架。

    In succession , the main contents they studied and the important theoretical propositions they presented are concisely analyzed , and the logic of their thoughts is outlined .

  22. 随着数字和网络信息技术的更新发展,媒介形态变得更加多元,媒介融合的趋势也愈加明显。

    With the updated development of digital and network information technology , media forms become more diversified . At the same time , Media integration trend is increasingly obvious .

  23. 文章从清理既有的批评入手,重点围绕有关技术决定论的指责,就技术的性质及其与社会的关系问题,提出自己的看法,总结媒介形态理论的主要缺陷和贡献。

    Based on discussions above , this paper analysis the limitation and contribution of Medium Theory , which centers on the problem of the relationship between technology and society .

  24. 媒体只是再现,它背后的那套运作逻辑不会因媒介形态发生根本的变化。

    The media is just merely a reproduction set , which tells us that the operational logic behind the media will not change even if the media forms changed .

  25. 从媒介形态演化和人类行为学角度出发,指出元媒介即交互性,而交互的实质是人类行为互动。

    From the angle of aromorphosis of media and praxiology , it is pointed out that the meta-media is interactivity , the essence of which is interaction of human behavior .

  26. 本文认为:延安文学传播媒介形态的融合与拓展无疑是重构民间性与大众化文学传播的重要实践。

    The dissertation perceives the mingling and expansion of medium forms in spreading Yan ' an literature as a significant practice that reconstructed the literary dissemination of the ordinary masses .

  27. 新媒体不仅是一种与传统媒体并轨而行的媒介形态,更是一种参与式传播的价值载体。

    Not only the new media are the media form which exists in parallel with the traditional media , but also they are of a kind of value carrier of participatory communication .

  28. 融合一切可资借鉴的媒介形态,求得增值,并注重塑造自身独特的移动文化,以此来求得生存和创新。

    It can integrate all forms of media , and seek value-added . Also it should pay attention to shaping their own unique mobile culture , in order to seek survival and innovation .

  29. 随着人类社会的发展,媒介形态在不断的发展衍变;与此同时,媒介的进化也推动着人类社会的发展。

    Along with the development of human society , the medium form is undergoing its evolvement . Meanwhile , the evolution of medium has being promoting the development of human society on the other hand .

  30. 媒介形态理论是从研究不同媒介形态的特性出发,关注媒介存在的必然性及其变化可能产生的深远社会影响。

    Starting from the study of the characteristics of different media forms , Medium Theory concerns about the significance of a media and its far-reaching social influence which may be engendered by changes of the media .