
  1. 每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现,婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。

    A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be , The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop .

  2. 随着婚庆消费不断增多,赞助结婚和网站捐赠等方式越来越普遍。

    As wedding costs climb higher and higher , things like sponsored weddings and website donations are bound to become more commonplace .

  3. 赞助结婚近年来日渐风行,赞助商提供免费或打折的婚庆服务,作为交换,新人婚礼的请柬、婚礼流程、和婚宴桌牌等上面要为赞助商打广告。

    Sponsored weddings have really started to gain popularity in recent years , where vendors2 provide free or discounted services in exchange for ads in the couples ’ wedding invitations , programs , placecards , etc.

  4. 传统的SWOT分析法在相对新兴的课题前同样能发挥出巨大的作用,为现状剖析、未来发展提供了充分的依据,给婚庆服务业中网络营销的运用指明了方向。

    Traditional analysis method-SWOT can also play a key role in analyzing the new topic , which analyzes the recent institution and provides foundation for future development .

  5. 4年前,她的第一间婚庆公司chimes开张了。

    Four years ago , she opened chimes , her first bridal business endeavour .

  6. 据悉,新娘庞大的礼服是由伍德福德格林一家名为BabestoBrides的定制婚庆用品商店的设计师创作的。

    Her gargantuan dress was created by the designers at Babes to Brides bespoke bridal shop in Woodford Green .

  7. Matt&AngieSloan是一支夫妻团队,他们致力于拍摄艺术和婚庆肖像。

    Matt & Angie Sloan are a husband and wife photography team who aim to shoot fine art and weddings portraits .

  8. 专业高清SONYHDRFX1E摄像机摄像我们的报价就是我们给婚庆公司的价格,决不含水分。

    Professional HD video camera SONY HDR FX1E we offer is our company 's price to the wedding , and never with water .

  9. 婚庆经理KellyDoncaster讲“现在很多夫妻喜欢自己的婚礼个性化,不按照传统形式举行。”

    Kelly Doncaster , Wedding Manager said : " 'It is true that couples like to make their wedding their own and often do away with certain traditions .

  10. 大家好,我是Ellie,我是Charlotte,我们经营一家婚庆公司,我们今天来告诉你怎样筹划婚礼。

    Hi , I 'm Ellie and I 'm Charlotte , and we run a wedding boutique and today , we are going to talk to you about how to plan your wedding .

  11. 克利斯蒂·瑟莱诺(KristiSerrano)和邓尼斯·理特尔(DennisRitell)都是纽约一家婚庆规划媒体公司的经理,成为“工作夫妻”大约有三年了。

    Kristi Serrano and Dennis Ritell , both managers at The Knot , a New York-based wedding-planning media company , have been office spouses for about three years .

  12. 他们告诉纳特:如果客人请少了,会得罪一大批人的。但纳特是一位生活在滨海地区果阿邦(Goa)的设计师,她坚持要简化婚庆活动。

    She was told she would offend a lot of people by restricting the guest list but Nath , a designer who lives in the coastal state of Goa , insisted on a pared-down event .

  13. 我们没有在婚庆论坛看到反对。

    We were not in marriage celebrate forum to see object .

  14. 他们在婚庆的时候常放枪。

    They aiways shoot up in the air on wedding day .

  15. 纳特的这种节俭美学,让婚庆策划人贝迪感到震惊。

    Her restrained aesthetics shocked Bedi , her wedding planner .

  16. 辛格说:现在哪一场婚礼都少不了婚庆策划人。

    Now no wedding goes without a wedding planner , says Singh .

  17. 婚庆公司随之在全国各地迅速发展起来。

    The wedding companies also develop rapidly throughout the country .

  18. 黑龙江省森林植物园中婚庆园的总体规划

    Overall Design of Wedding Garden in Heilongjiang Forest Botanical Garden

  19. 河南婚庆视觉产品包装设计之现状与对策研究

    A Study of Packing Design for the Wedding Visual Product of Henan

  20. 有些人会去斐济岛度10周年婚庆。

    Some people go to Fiji for their10th anniversary .

  21. 我听说婚庆的场所都订好了。

    Delko : I hear congratulations are in order .

  22. 看,这里有个婚庆钟和一个小房子。

    See , there ` s a little wedding bell and a little house .

  23. 在美国,中国婚庆市场规模尚小,但处于增长之中。

    The market for Chinese weddings in the U.S. is small , but growing .

  24. 金婚是50周年婚庆。

    A golden jubilee is a50th anniversary .

  25. 黄金饰品重新占领婚庆珠宝市场,成为婚庆消费的主流。

    Reoccupation of gold jewelry wedding jewelry market has become the mainstream of consumer wedding .

  26. 来自香港旗下的时尚婚庆品牌!

    From Hongkong 's fashion brand wedding !

  27. 我们为您从一开始策划婚庆到典礼的当天结束。

    We are there for you from the beginning of the wedding day to the end .

  28. 日本的婚庆公司好似技术一流的现代工厂,生产完备的“现代日本婚礼”套装产品。

    In Japan , bridal service companies are like state-of-the-art factories , producing complete'modern Japanese wedding'packages .

  29. 调查显示,对婚庆公司表示基本满意的仅占10%左右。

    Survey expressed general satisfaction with the company on the wedding and only 10 % or so .

  30. 希望能为南昌婚庆公司的持续发展提供理论上的指导和借鉴。

    Hope it can provide theoretical guidance and reference for the continuous development of Nanchang wedding companies .