
  1. 你妈妈在这儿支持你。

    Your mother is here to help you .

  2. 但我希望妈妈在这儿。

    But I wish mom was here .

  3. harmony的妈妈不在这儿,对吗?

    There is no harmony 's mom , is there ?

  4. 我想你说过你妈妈只在这儿呆一个星期。他带的行李物品未免太多了吧。

    I thought you said your mother was only coming for a week . she 's got enough luggage there to sink a battleship .

  5. 不会我妈妈知道我在这儿她同意的

    Oh , no , my mom knows where I am .

  6. 嘿,巴特梅克,妈妈明天会在这儿。

    Hey , buttermaker , mom ` s gonna be here tomorrow .

  7. 你妈妈知道你在这儿吗

    Does your mom know where you are ?

  8. 等等我们可不想让妈妈发现我们在这儿是不

    Wait . wait . We don 't want mom to know we 're here , right ?

  9. 妈妈,您坐在这儿歇一会。

    You sit here and rest , Mam .

  10. 妈妈我知道你在这儿

    Mom , I know you were here ...

  11. 爸爸妈妈每个人都在这儿你们可真小但还是你们

    Father ! Mother ! Everyone , it 's you ! Teenytiny you , but still you .

  12. 我是你叔叔。奥盖尔你长得象你妈妈我们今晚就在这儿过夜明天你和我一起回家去我不想走!

    You have the look of your mother . we 'll stay here tonight . tomorrow , you 'll come home with me . I don 't want to leave !