
  1. 从那以后,我从未感到如此渴望理解。

    I haven 't felt so starved for comprehension since then .

  2. 但内心深处我如此渴望内心深处的独特。

    But deep inside I longed for something special of my own .

  3. 你如此渴望地想要抓住升天的机会。

    You so desperately long for the enlightenment that we all seek .

  4. 为什么我如此渴望实现这个谈判目标?

    Why do I deserve to have my goals met ?

  5. 你有没有如此渴望过一件事情?

    You ever want something so badly it hurts ?

  6. 因为这天是我如此渴望梦想得到的。

    That on this day that I 've been dreaming about for so long .

  7. 乔安妮是如此渴望成功,为了成功她可做一切。

    Joanne is so hungry for success that she 'll do anything to achieve it .

  8. 在生活中,有时候我们会忽视他们,而他们却如此渴望得到我们的关爱。

    We sometimes ignore them , but they hope to get our love for them .

  9. 我的朋友,我是如此渴望看到的来临,新的工程。

    My friends and I are so eager to see the advent of new works .

  10. 所以,你才会如此渴望感觉仿佛自己知道所有的答案。

    That 's why you are so keen to feel as if you have all the answers .

  11. 我能成为我如此渴望她能拥有的母亲吗?

    Will I ever be able to be the mother I so desperately want her to have ?

  12. 我是如此渴望你当时能躺在我身旁。

    I so desperately wished you were lying beside me . I spent my days in tears .

  13. 如此渴望你的爱

    Hungry for Your Love

  14. 陈岩表示,他如此渴望赶赴海地,皆因他是一个四川人。

    His desire to go to Haiti stems from his status as a Sichuan man , Chen said .

  15. 当你饿了,啥东西吃起来,味道都特别好,因为你是如此渴望滴想吃它。

    Everything tastes especially good when you are hungry , because you are so eager to eat it .

  16. 如此渴望,如此需求地想去揭开生命奥秘,却从不曾获得答案。

    This quest , this need to solve life 's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered .

  17. 既然你们如此渴望看到可玩的版本,好的,我将以我的两倍速度来兑现我的承诺。

    If you guys are so eager to see the playable version , ok , I shall double my speed .

  18. 也许是书中那多彩的图片吸引了我,也许是文中搞笑的语言逗乐了我,使我对书如此渴望。

    Maybe the colorful picture book attracted me , maybe this funny language amused me , making me to the books so desire .

  19. 至我最诚挚的歉意,亲爱的弟弟。我如此渴望快点见到你,以至于没有花过多的心思准备这场舞会。

    My sincerest apology brother . I was so eager to see you , I couldn 't concentrate on preparations for the bash .

  20. 我用如此渴望的眼神注视着他们渐行渐远的风帆,自己神往天涯!

    With what longing eyes would I gaze after their lessening sails , and waft myself in imagination to the ends of the earth !

  21. 这就是很多一流企业家和高管对它们如此渴望的原因:他们要证明自己不仅仅是富有的资本家。

    This is precisely why lots of top entrepreneurs and executives want them so much : to demonstrate that they are more than just wealthy capitalists .

  22. 阴暗冷峻的色彩和总是遮蔽着雷昂的阴影,荒凉的环境,使得我们理解他的绝望,为什么如此渴望爱和与他人的接触。

    The lifeless color and shadow that enshroud Leon underscores his desolate environment , and helps us understand his desperation and need for love and human contact .

  23. 为何我们都如此渴望逃离现实?我发现自己像许多人一样,经常看起来不太厉于这个世界。

    Why are we all so eager to get away from reality ? I find that I , like many others , often don 't seem to fuly belong .

  24. 内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊的名字。我是如此渴望和在一起,噢,希望,希望,能有同样的感觉。

    Ev'ry beat of my heart , loudly cries your name , I want so much to be with you , oh , please , please , feel the same .

  25. 内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望你,能有同样的感觉。

    Every beat of my heart , loudly cries your name , I want so much to be with you , oh , please , please , feel the same .

  26. 事实上,爱马仕如此渴望赢得这个市场,以至于它在4年前推出了自己的中国奢侈品牌——“上下”。这个品牌非但不为自己的中国风感到遗憾,反而极力突显这一点,这在内地品牌中是少有的。

    Indeed , Herm è s is so keen on winning over this market that four years ago it launched its own Chinese luxury brand , Shang Xia - one of the few mainland brands that celebrates its Chineseness , rather than apologising for it .

  27. 我是如此的渴望寻找那份属于我的宁静。

    I hope to find a little peace of mind .

  28. 我跟孩子们在一起玩的很开心,他们是如此的渴望去玩和问问题,他们展示了一些天赋。

    I had a lot of fun with kids , they were so eager to play and ask questions and show their little talents .

  29. 这也许对于我们中的许多人最难的一部分,因为我们是如此地渴望断绝作为人类的一切负面品质。

    This is perhaps the most difficult part for many of us , because we want so much to disown the negative aspects of our humanity .

  30. 鲃鱼是如此的渴望河马排干净,不然这些鱼会像追摇滚明星要签名那样穷追不舍。

    The barbel is so eager for what the hippo is trying to get rid of that they will race after him like an autograph seeker chasing a rock star .