
  1. 第四届女子世界杯足球赛射门及进球研究

    Analysis on shooting and goals of 4 th women World Cup Football

  2. 第五届女子世界杯足球决赛进攻特征分析

    Offensive characteristics of the Fifth Women 's Football World Cup

  3. 国际棋联女子世界冠军赛已经进入残局。

    The women 's FIDE world championship has entered its final phase .

  4. 中国队又成为乒乓球女子世界冠军。

    China is back on top of the women 's table tennis world .

  5. 第五届女子世界杯足球赛进球和失球特征分析

    The Characteristic Analysis in the Goals and Goals Against of the Fifth Women 's World Cup

  6. 周日,美国队将和日本队争夺女子世界杯冠军。

    On Sunday , the United States plays Japan for the women 's World Cup ship .

  7. 这个城市已经精彩地举办了国际篮联2002年女子世界锦标赛。

    This city has been already a wonderful host for the2002 FIBA World Championship for Women in2002 .

  8. 中国跆拳道队参加第14届男子第7届女子世界跆拳道锦标赛情况分析

    An Analysis of Chinese TaeKwondo Team Participation of Men ′ s 14th and Women ′ s 7th World Championships

  9. 当时是第一届女子世界杯足球比赛,美国人称之为英式足球。

    That was the first year of the women 's World Cup in football , or what Americans call soccer .

  10. 在女子世界杯山地自行车赛中,14000名观众见证了意大利车手佩佐的实力。

    In the women 's world cup mountain Bikes , 14000 spectators witnessed the pedalling power of Italy 's Pezzo .

  11. 辛亥革命时期妇女报刊《女子世界》中女性体育研究

    A Study on Female Sports in Women 's Press of " World of the Woman " during the Revolutionary Period of 1898-1919

  12. 初夏之际,在美丽的杭州,我们怀着十分喜悦的心情迎来了第32届男子、第12届女子世界青年举重锦标赛。

    In the early summer , we are very glad to have the32nd Men 's and12th women 's Junior World Weightlifting Championships in beautiful Hangzhou .

  13. 大型国际体育活动则包括世界女排奖赛、第十三届世界跆拳道锦标赛及第六届女子世界跆拳道锦标赛。

    Major international sports events included the women 's World Volleyball Grand Prix and the13th World Taekwondo championships & the6th women 's World Taekwondo championship .

  14. 第3届女子世界杯足球赛进球情况表明,全场比赛各时段的进球数比较平均;

    From the goals in the 3rd Women 's Soccer World Cup , it showed that the goals were almost equal in the each period of the competition .

  15. 女子世界杯中又有三名朝鲜足球队员被禁类固醇药物检测阳性,此次卷入违禁药物丑闻的总人数已经达到5人。

    Another three North Korean footballers at the Women 's World Cup have tested positive for banned steroids , bringing the total caught up in the scandal to five .

  16. 2007年女子足球世界杯赛运动员跑动能力研究

    Study on Running Ability of Women Excellent Football Players during 2007 World Cup

  17. 女子撑杆跳世界纪录1995年被打破过几次。

    The women 's pole vault world record was Broken several times in 1995 .

  18. 林语堂曾说:没有女子的世界,必定没有礼俗、宗教、传统及社会阶级。

    Lin Yutang once said : Convention , religion , tradition and social class would not exist without woman .

  19. 第4届女子足球世界杯比赛停顿特点的研究

    Study on the Pause Characteristic of Women ′ s Football Matches in 4 ~ ( th ) World Cup

  20. 第四届女子足球世界杯比赛犯规和红黄牌判罚情况的分析研究

    Analysis on the Foul and red yellow card of the 4 ~ ( th ) Women Soccer World Cup

  21. 据悉,上世纪80年代打破女子短跑世界纪录的“花蝴蝶”弗洛伦斯-格丽菲斯-乔伊纳双手蓄甲,上面涂有美国国旗图案,色彩缤纷的美甲艺术才第一次走进人们的视野。

    Exotic fingernails first came to most people 's attention in the1980s via the world-record breaking sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner .

  22. 从第8届女子排球世界杯比赛探讨女子排球比赛得失分因子及规律

    The Discussion on the Factors Influencing the Winning and Losing of Points in the 8 ~ ( th ) World Women Volleyball Cup

  23. 在最近几十年中不论男子或女子在世界各地的参与都大大增加,并且在最高的专业水平层面和作为一个受欢迎的休闲活动都有更多人参与其中。

    Worldwide participation has grown tremendously in recent decades among both men and women – at both the highest professional level and as a popular leisure activity .

  24. 运用数理统计、资料分析和比较法,对参加2003年女子足球世界杯与2003年中国女子超级联赛的女足队员的年龄、身高、体重进行了统计分析与比较。

    The thesis analyses the age , height and body weight between Chinese and the world female soccer players by the methods of statistics , literature , analysis and comparison .

  25. 最近的一项研究显示,巴西女子比世界上其他任何地方的妇女都更在意自己的外表,其中一半愿意通过整形手术来留住美丽。

    Brazilian women care more about their appearance than any other women in the world , with half prepared to undergo plastic surgery to keep their looks , a recent study shows .

  26. 女子100m栏世界、全国纪录的等维灰数递补GM(1,1)模型及其预测

    Equal Dimensions Gray Number Pattern and Its Forecast of Sportswoman 's Word and State Records in 100 & metre Hurdles

  27. 同样,2005年伦敦马拉松赛上,女子马拉松世界纪录保持者拉德克利夫(PaulaRadcliffe)在距终点6.4公里的地方路边小便,一时成为媒体头条。

    Likewise , Paula Radcliffe , the world 's female marathon record holder , made headlines when she squatted on the side of the London Marathon course in 2005 to defecate four miles from the finish line .

  28. 我国女子全能与世界水平的差距

    Difference Between National Athletes and World Class Athletes in Heptathlon

  29. 她在1996年赢得了女子游泳的世界冠军。

    She won a world championship in the women 's swimming in1996 .

  30. 女子5000米世界纪录被打破了。

    Yes , The world women 's 5000 metres record is broken .