
qì yuē fǎ
  • contract law;law of contract
  1. 刑事和解的契约法视角解读

    Research on the victim-offender reconciliation from the angel of contract law

  2. 英国契约法中哈德利规则的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Hadley Rule in English Contract Law

  3. 严格责任最初作为契约法上的责任源于罗马法。

    Strict liability derives from Roman law as the contract responsibility .

  4. 这是契约法历史中向前推进的另一步。

    This is another step downwards in the history of contract-law .

  5. 虚假陈述侵权与契约法上的担保制度不同。

    Misrepresentation is different from warranty in the contract law .

  6. 约因制度在英美契约法中的衰落

    The Decline of Consideration in Anglo - American Contract Law

  7. 罗马契约法与近现代契约法之比较研究

    The comparison between Roman Contract law and Modern Contract Law

  8. 契约法基本制度的正当性论证&一种以主体为基点的研究

    The Justification of the Basic Institution of Contract Law

  9. 论契约法中的默示条款

    Study at the implied terms in contract law

  10. 作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,其重要作用不言而喻。

    As an unshakable creed of classical contract law , its important function is self-evident .

  11. 契约法是民法最为古老也是最为重要的组成部分。

    Contract law is the oldest and the most important part of the civil law .

  12. 主要的民法典文本或契约法文本没有任何一个完全贯彻客观主义或主观主义。

    None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism .

  13. 效率违约理论是契约法经济分析的重要方面。

    The theory of efficient breach is very important in the economic analysis of contract law .

  14. 合同的相对性是古典契约法上的重要原则。

    The relativity principle of a contract was a major principle in classical laws for contracts .

  15. 合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。

    The principle of privity of contract will , inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law .

  16. 契约法宪法化是私法宪法化的一个重要组成部分。

    The constitutionalization of the contract law is the main component of the constitutionalization of private laws .

  17. 第三部分本文在此考察了现代契约法和侵权法在新形势下的发展。

    The third part discusses the development of modern tort law and contractual law in new conditions .

  18. 论我国契约法应有的两大原则:契约自由和契约正义

    On the Two Basic Principles of Chinese Contract Law : Freedom of Contract and Justice of Contract

  19. 按照传统的契约法原理,违约就是对契约义务的违反。

    According to traditional contractual law principles , breach of contract is failure to fulfill a contractual obligation .

  20. 现代契约法以表现为契约自由的规制,体现根本的契约正义。

    Modern contracting laws embody stipulations and rules of the freedom of contracts and represent fundamental contracting justice .

  21. 注意义务是基金管理人信赖义务中的积极作为义务,它的法律渊源大致来源于契约法、侵权法和衡平法三方面。

    The duty of the care originates from the contractual law , the tort law and the equity law .

  22. 行为疗法中的有效技巧主要有行为契约法、强化法、厌恶疗法。

    There are some effective techniques in behavioral therapy , such as behavior obligation , reinforcement , and detestation therapy .

  23. 现代英美契约法上的契约私密关系规则初论&以案史为线索的一个探讨

    A Preliminary Survey on the " Doctrine of Privity of Contract " in Common Law : Leading Cases as a Thread

  24. “相互性”一词虽然经常在与契约法的联系中使用,却没有确定的含义。

    The word " mutuality ," though often used in connection with the law of Contracts , has no definite meaning .

  25. 对大陆法和英美法意思表示理论的研究,能深入地揭示契约法法理论的本质论的认识。

    So we can further reveal the essence of contractual law theory by studying continental law and theories of Anglo-American meaning theories .

  26. 在契约法发展的历史进程中,契约自由的命运可谓一波三折。

    In the historical course of the Contract Law , the fate of the freedom of contract was full of ups and downs .

  27. 英美法的契约法法理论、法规则以关系理论为核心,但也曾受到意思表示理论的影响。

    The Anglo-American theories and norms of contractual law take the core of relation law , ever being influenced by theory of meaning expression .

  28. 合同相对性原则作为契约法理论构建的基石,在大陆法系和英美法系各国一直被严格信守。

    All the countries in the world abide by the principle of privity of contract strictly as a footstone of the theory of contract .

  29. 英国契约法中的哈德利规则限制了违约损害赔偿的范围,开创了现代合同损害赔偿法之先河。

    The Hadley rule in English contract law limits the scope of damages for breach of contract , starting the modern contract damage law .

  30. 履行不能是大陆法系债法上的重要概念,与迟延履行、不完全履行共同构成债务不履行的三大形态,是契约法上的核心问题之一。

    Impossibility of performance , an important concept in the law of obligation in the Continent Law System , is one of core questions in contract law .