
qì shuì
  • deed tax;tax on a contract;tax on landownership
  1. 也就是说,日后再购买第二套住房的购房者,统一缴纳3%的契税。

    It means that all second home buyers shall pay the deed tax by3 percent of the home price .

  2. 纳税人:我公司受让了其他企业的一块土地,请问如何交纳契税?

    We have bought a piece of land from another enterprise . How shall I pay the deed tax ?

  3. 交易中心屡现缴税长龙契税到底会不会涨?

    Trading Center is repeated tax will rise to long delay ?

  4. 政策解答商品房买卖中如何缴纳契税?

    Commercial housing policy questions of how to pay estate sale ?

  5. 契税(别墅):购买成交价的3%。

    Land Tax ( For Villas ): 3 % of the purchasing price .

  6. 上海财税局澄清谣言:谁说房地产契税要涨?

    Shanghai Taizhou clarify rumours : Who says real estate taxes to rise ?

  7. 中国人在买房时会一次性缴纳契税,但之后就无需缴纳任何税费。

    Chinese pay a one-off transaction tax when they buy a house but nothing afterwards .

  8. 而且房地产交易契税也正在被考虑取消。

    Also in the pipeline is the removal of transaction fees on sales of property .

  9. 房子的产权证,契税证都有,我还需要准备什么证件吗?

    House property certificate , deed cards have , what I also need to be prepared to document it ?

  10. 在卧室里有没有前戏或甜言蜜语,你只得到直的契税。

    There is no foreplay or sweet talk in the bedroom , you just get straight to the deed .

  11. 政府在10月22日宣布,将通过对特定地产交易取消契税的方式刺激呈衰退之势的房地产销量。

    The government announced on Oct.22 that it would waive taxes on certain property deals to spur flagging sales .

  12. 北京有关税务局说,新条例推出,主要是为了规避契税和印花税的收入损失。

    Department said that new regulations introduced mainly in order to circumvent the deed tax and stamp duty revenue loss .

  13. 具体地讲,土地取得税设契税、遗产和赠与税两个税种。

    Specifically , land acquisition tax can establish the deed tax , inheritance and gift tax of two types of taxes .

  14. 房地产税?场地使用费?契税印花税?车辆使用牌照税等。

    Real estate tax , fee for use of ground , deed tax , stamp tax , vehicle license tax , and etc.

  15. 以武汉工业国有投资有限公司办理土地出让核定契税国有出让土地使用权价格评估为例,对系统进行了测试和应用。

    The system was tested and applied in the program of the industry land lot price evaluation of Wuhan industry stated Investment Company .

  16. 消费者在交纳首付款的同时一般被要求同时交纳印花税和契税。

    Consumer is in hand in head pay while be asked to pay stamp duty and agree tax at the same time commonly .

  17. 纳税人:您好!我想咨询一下,我在杭州市区购买了一套房屋,应该到哪里申报缴纳契税?

    Hello , I am wondering where I shall report my deed tax for the apartment I have bought in the urban area of Hangzhou .

  18. 税务局:首先作为购房者,您要按成交额的3%缴纳契税。

    Tax official : at first , as the buyer , you should pay the contract tax on the base of business transaction at3 % .

  19. 本通知规定将居民首次购买普通住房契税税率暂统一下调至1%。

    This circular provides that where residents firstly purchase ordinary housing , the deed tax rate temporarily decreases to the unified tax rate of1 % .

  20. 不过,目前尚未确定契税减免是针对购买商品房、第二套房还是二手房。

    Currently , it is still unknown whether the deed reduction is prepared for commercial house purchase , the second house or the second-hand house .

  21. 其后又在农(牧)业税的基础上发展起了农业特产税、耕地占用税以及契税、屠宰税等。

    Then , to the agricultural ( husbandry ) tax were added the agricultural special tax , farmland use tax , contract tax and animal slaughter tax .

  22. 对居民家庭购买自用普通住宅,减半征收契税;采用半刚性基层预裂缝技术减少反射裂缝

    Residents who have purchased self-used ordinary dwelling houses enjoy 50 percent reduction of real estate tax . Application of Pre-Cracking in Semi-Rigid Base to Mitigate Reflective Cracking

  23. 恢复征收房地产契税利弊及时机评析上海财税局澄清谣言:谁说房地产契税要涨?

    Restoration of Taxation on Deeds-An Analysis of Its Pros and Cons and of Its Timing ; Shanghai Taizhou clarify rumours : Who says real estate taxes to rise ?

  24. 也就是说,在享受了购房补贴后,一套90平方米的普通住宅,实际契税只需要缴纳1%。

    In other words , in the enjoyment of the purchase subsidies , a set of90 square meters of ordinary residence , the actual deed is only required to pay1 % .

  25. 同时,二套房契税优惠取消的新标准出台后,契税政策认定不再是以个人为准,而是以家庭为单位,成员范围包括购房人、配偶以及未成年子女。

    After the deed tax preferences canceled , the deed tax policy is no longer subjected to families , including home buy , spouse and minor children , instead of individual .

  26. 农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。

    The administration of collection of agricultural tax , animal husbandry tax , cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this law .

  27. 契税是国家税收的重要组成部分,也是地方财政收入的重要来源之一,实现契税征管工作的科学化、信息化具有重要意义。

    Contract taxation revenue is an important component of national revenue and also is the important source of local finical revenue . So , it is of great significance to implement contract taxation collection and management work with scientific and information way .

  28. 新房购置契税税率的调整几乎对商品房市场没有太大影响,无论是提高还是降低税率对商品房市场的成交量和价格都改变不大。

    New house purchasing deed adjustment hardly has any significant impact on the housing market , whether it is to raise or lower the tax rate , there has little change on either house price or sales volume of Hangzhou real estate market .

  29. 税务局:首先作为购房者,您要按成交额的3%缴纳契税。纳税人:我公司受让了其他企业的一块土地,请问如何交纳契税?

    Tax official : At first , as the buyer , you should pay the contract tax on the base of business transaction at 3 % . We have bought a piece of land from another enterprise . How shall I pay the deed tax ?