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zòu zhé
  • a memorial to the throne
奏折 [zòu zhé]
  • [memorial to the throne(as written on paper folded in accordion form)] 写奏章的折子

  1. 其中大部分研究成果集中在研究奏折的运行过程和运行体制上。

    Most studies focuson running processes and system of operation of research memorials .

  2. 相关奏折的内容清晰的反映出当时清政府对台湾经济、治安以及国防的治理用心。

    Relevant materials clearly reflected the close attention that the Qing authority paid to Taiwanregarding its economy , public security , and defense .

  3. 奏折从公开到秘密、从非正式文书到正式上行文书的演变过程是奏折制度规范化和法律化的过程。

    The transformation of the memorial to the throne from open to secret and from unofficial to official is a process of standardization and legalization .

  4. 康熙朝诸皇子奏折是康熙朝奏折的重要组成部分,在清初奏折发展中也居于重要地位。

    The Princes'Memorials during Emperor Kangxi period was one important part in Kangxi memorials and took a key role in the development of Qing memorials .

  5. 中国文官都到哪里去了,他们滔滔的奏折怎么从不提一句敦煌的事由?

    Where were the Chinese civil officials ? Why didn 't they mention what was happening at Dunhuang in their stream of memorials to the throne ?

  6. 白彬菊:《朱笔:清代军机处奏折制度和中央政府的决策过程》,耶鲁大学博士论文,1980年。

    Bartlett , Beatrice S. " The Vermilion Brush : The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision-Making in Mid-Ch'ing China ", Ph.D.Dissertation , Yale University , 1980 .

  7. 其次又利用各种奏折、文集等记载,分析政府、官僚、士绅对胥吏问题的控制措施与整治设想。

    Secondly , the author uses the memorials to the emperors and collected works to analyze the measures and political assumption that the government , bureaucrats and gentry employed to settle the problem of Petty Officials .