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fèng cheng
  • flatter;adulation;adulate;butter up;suck up;toady;fawn upon;bow and scrape;unction
奉承 [fèng cheng]
  • [flatter;toady] 逢迎,谀媚,用好听的话恭维人

  • 奉承话

奉承[fèng cheng]
  1. 任何人也没有像他一样对她那么曲意奉承。

    No other man ever stooped to flatter her so much .

  2. 这个会奉承他们,也会开启很多对话。

    This will also flatter them and open up some dialogue .

  3. 她对老板总是谄媚奉承。

    She 's always crawling to the boss .

  4. 全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。

    There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers

  5. 里克有些好奉承,急着要给人留下好印象。

    Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress .

  6. 他的同学们发现他太爱奉承了。

    His fellow students had found him too ingratiating .

  7. 约翰发现自己为虚情假意的奉承阿谀所包围。

    John found himself surrounded by insincere flattery .

  8. 他面带奉承地笑着说了这番话。

    He said this with an ingratiating smile

  9. 这一奉承的回应让科林暗自发笑。

    Colin chuckled at the flattering response

  10. 詹姆斯听几句奉承话就忘乎所以。

    James was extremely susceptible to flattery

  11. 我拼命奉承她:“我一直钦佩有如此才能的人。”

    I tried buttering her up . ' I 've always admired people with these sorts of talents . '

  12. 很明显,他只不过是在奉承苏珊。

    It is obvious that he is just flattering Susan .

  13. 他们随后来到后台,对他奉承了一番。

    They came backstage afterward and toadied to him .

  14. 奉承我没用,我帮不了你什么忙。

    It is no use buttering me up because I can do nothing to help you .

  15. 他不愿奉承每个顾客。

    He refused to bow and scrape to every customer .

  16. 我说话不是奉承,而是心悦诚服。

    I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction .

  17. 她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。

    She was pleased by the flattery .

  18. 奉承已使他头脑发昏。

    Flattery has turned his head .

  19. 他厚颜无耻地奉承她。

    He flattered her shamelessly .

  20. 他认为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。

    He thinks by all his fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes , but she isn 't deceived .

  21. 许多人奉承他就因为他有钱。

    Many people fawn on him only because of his wealth .

  22. 由于并不愿意假意奉承,所以帕特总是不愿意表现出勉强顺从的姿态。

    Far from being unctuous Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent .

  23. 他好奉承拍马,那是种庸俗的品格。

    He is extremely insinuating , but it 's a vulgar nature .

  24. 他爱听奉承话。

    He 's apt to fall for flattery .

  25. 那些在他富有时经常奉承他的人,当他的钱亏损一空时,大多数都抛弃了他。

    Most of those who had danced attendance on him when he was rich , deserted him when he got poor .

  26. 消费者受到商品和劳务出售者奉承,劝诱和央求。

    Consumers are courted , enticed , and implored by sellers of goods and services .

  27. 宋国有一个人,喜欢奉承别人。

    There was a man of the State of Song who liked to curry1 favour with others .

  28. 中国人把当面说奉承话叫做给某人“戴高帽子”。

    The Chinese people call flattery to someone 's face " presenting a tall hat " to someone .

  29. 齐宣王爱好射箭,又喜欢听别人奉承自己能够开硬弓。

    King Xuan of the state of Qi was fond of archery , and he liked to hear others ' flattery on his ability to stretch tight bows .

  30. 出发的时候,只有宋国配备的几辆马车,由于奉承得法,返回时,他已拥有秦王赠送的一百辆马车。

    Before setting off , he had only several carriages provided by the Song government , but when he returned , he had one hundred carriages bestowed2 by the King of Qin for he had flattered the king appropriately .