
shī yè
  • unemployment;be unemployed;be out of work;lose one's job;lose one's position
失业 [shī yè]
  • (1) [unemployment]∶能够工作的人找不到工作

  • 大批工人失业,等待救济

  • (2) [lose one's position]∶失去职位

失业[shī yè]
  1. 劳动人口中,年轻人失业的可能性是年长者的好几倍。

    Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce

  2. 他必须正视失业这一现实

    He must square up to the reality of be out of work

  3. 今晚这辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。

    Tonight 's edition of ' Panorama ' looks at unemployment .

  4. 很有可能失业人数会继续下降。

    The likelihood is that unemployment figures will continue to fall .

  5. 失业给他造成了沉重的打击。

    Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him .

  6. 失业人数的下降会有助于恢复消费者的信心。

    A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence .

  7. 在部门的合理化改革中,有二十名工人失业。

    Twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized .

  8. 我们都可能在星期一站在领取失业救济金的队伍里。

    We could all be in the dole queue on Monday .

  9. 人们担心私有化会导致失业。

    There were fears that privatization would lead to job losses .

  10. 日益严重的失业问题对政府来说是一枚政治上的定时炸弹。

    Rising unemployment is a political time bomb for the government .

  11. 许多刚踏出大学校门的孩子可能面临着失业。

    For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons .

  12. 所有这些关于失业的话题使他心神不宁。

    All this talk of job losses was making him jittery .

  13. 主席认为,失业在所难免。

    The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable .

  14. 他领失业救济金已一年了。

    He 's been on the dole for a year .

  15. 他们正力求在通货膨胀和失业之间进行协调。

    They were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment .

  16. 他已经失业六个月了。

    He 's been out of a job for six months now .

  17. 她已经失业一年了。

    She had been out of work for a year .

  18. 失业对我国的经济起着破坏作用。

    Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy .

  19. 失业带来的一大恶果是犯罪率上升。

    One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime .

  20. 我建议你办个疾病和失业保险。

    I recommend you get insurance against sickness and unemployment .

  21. 他已经失业六个月了。

    He 's been out of work for six months .

  22. 政府正力争减少50%的失业人数。

    The government is aiming at a 50 % reduction in unemployment .

  23. 有多少产业工人可能失业?

    How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs ?

  24. 现在,失业对大学毕业生是个实质问题。

    Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now .

  25. 失业可能是犯罪率攀升的潜在原因。

    Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate .

  26. 他们正力求使失业人数下降50%。

    They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50 % .

  27. 她失业后患了严重的抑郁症。

    She suffered from severe depression after losing her job .

  28. 失业以来我感到百无聊赖。

    Since losing my job I 've been a vegetable .

  29. 必须给失业的工人足够的补偿。

    There must be adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs .

  30. 失业统计数据读来不大会有趣味。

    Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading .