
tài kōnɡ kē xué
  • space science
  1. 科罗拉多州博尔德太空科学研究所(SpaceScienceInstitute)的行星科学家费希尔(PadmaYanamandra-Fisher)在彗星接近太阳之前说,观察显示,这颗彗星在靠近太阳前曾一度变亮又失去了亮度。

    Before the close approach , observations ' showed that the comet had brightened and then lost brightness . So there 's a lot of conjecture that it might be fading , ' said Padma Yanamandra-Fisher , a planetary scientist at the Space Science Institute in Boulder , Colo. , before the comet made its close pass with the sun .

  2. 为什么要在太空科学上花这么多钱?

    Why should we spend money on space science ?

  3. 令中国在太空科学占有较重要的地位。

    And raise the status of China in the academic arena of space science .

  4. 并且,看来我们两人也都热爱太空科学和宇宙中许许多多的星球。

    And by the way , we also both seem to like space science , and the planets .

  5. 人们可以预测生命科学和太空科学在21世纪都将有所突破。

    It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life science and Space Science in the21st century .

  6. 遗憾的是,初高中的老师们往往是初出茅庐,在毫无准备的情况下就开始向学生讲授天文学和太空科学了。

    Unfortunately , middle-and high-school teachers often emerge from college unprepared to teach their students about astronomy and space science .

  7. 我们开始拍摄纪录片,但事实上却是研究科学、研究太空科学。

    So , here we were making documentary films , but actually doing science , and actually doing space science .

  8. 通过太空科学,我们发展的一些技术(如果落到坏人手中)能被用来搞破坏。

    Some of the technology we develop through space science ( in the wrong hands ) can be used in a destructive manner .

  9. 每年要花去成亿成亿的美圆来资助太空科学的各个项目,但相对美国预算来说是很少。

    It costs billions of dollars every year to fund the projects of space science , but it 's comparatively small compared to the U.

  10. 同时,你知道,从小被科幻小说影响的我对于太空科学也非常感兴趣。

    At the same time I was getting very interested in space science as well , again , you know the science fiction influence , as a kid .

  11. 但同时我又对太空科学很感兴趣,这跟我从小的科幻影响很有关系。

    At the same time I was getting very interested in space science as well , again , it 's the science fiction influence , as a kid .

  12. 美国太空望远镜科学研究所所长马特·芒廷表示在2009年NASA发射开普勒太空望远镜时,科学家们已经了解到了新鲜且相当重要的事情。

    When NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope in 2009 , scientists learned something new-and quite significant , says the director of the Space Telescope Science Institute , Matt Mountain .

  13. 新的太空和科学词汇也正从其他国家借用过来。

    Now new space and science words are being borrowed from other countries , too .

  14. 马里奥·里维奥是哈勃太空望远镜科学部的部长。

    Dr. Mario Livio is the head of the Science Division for the Hubble Space Telescope .

  15. 首届全球华人空间/太空天气科学大会

    The international space weather conference

  16. 太空资源的科学开发与合理利用

    Scientific Development and Rational Utilization of Space Resource Ill Science

  17. 太空美术与科学普及

    Space Art and Science Popularization

  18. 迄今为止,这面太空镜仍属科学幻想。

    This space mirror is - so far - science fiction .

  19. 通过一个被称为“太空基因”的科学比赛,

    and through a science competition called " Genes In Space , "

  20. 这些苏联太空船上的科学仪器是由其他8个国家和欧洲航天局提供的。

    The scientific instruments on the Soviet spacecraft were provided by eight other countries and the European Space agency .

  21. 当玛丽‧罗奇,《我们一起上火星:虚无太空生活的奇妙科学》的作者,访问研究所的时候,刚好有另一批壮志未酬的太空人从隔离舱里出来。

    When Mary Roach , author of " Packing for Mars : The Curious Science of Life in the Void ," visited the institute , another batch of aspiring astronauts was emerging from isolation .

  22. 中国空间站将在距离地表约400千米高的近地轨道上运行,将被广泛应用于太空医学、生命科学、生物技术、微重力科学、地球科学和航天技术等研究领域。

    Operating in a low-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth 's surface , CSS will be used in a wide range of research fields , including space medicine , life science , biotechnology , microgravity science , Earth science and space technology .

  23. 属于太空航行员,或属于太空航行科学。

    Of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics .

  24. 地球空间是人造地球卫星、载人航天器、航天飞机和空间站的飞行区域,是目前人类开发和利用太空资源、从事对地观测与太空科学实验、进行太空军事进攻与防御的主要活动领域。

    The geo space is the flying area of satellites , manned space craft , space shuttles and space stations and the active area for outer space resources exploitation , earth observation , military space defense and aggression , and space experiments .

  25. 他在这次太空旅行当中,曾在国际太空站进行若干科学实验,其中包括爱滋病原研究。

    During this space travel , he conducted a number of scientific experiments at the International Space Station , including a study on AIDS pathogens .

  26. 如何应对太空污染对人类造成的潜在危害,加强对太空进行科学、合理的保护,是人类在21世纪需要考虑的问题,对此,本文做出了相应的探讨。

    How to deal with the potential harm of space pollution on human and strengthen scientific and reasonable protection of space are the top priorities in the 21st century , which this thesis has discussed about correspondingly .

  27. 太空殖民地,也就是假想中的人们生活工作的大型太空社区,是科学杂志上常见的主题。

    Space colonies , or a hypothetical large community of people living and working in space , are a popular subject in science magazines .

  28. 许多太空观察家认为,人类适于根据自己的兴趣所在规划太空计划,并提供对太空探索进行资助,而太空科学调查研究最好还是交给机器人去完成。

    Most space watchers feel that the human programs are what drives interest and funding in exploration , while scientific investigation will be driven by robots .