
tiān lǐ
  • heavenly principles -- feudal ethics as propounded by the Song Confucianists;natural's law;heavenly principles;moral principles;morality;nature;natural instincts
天理 [tiān lǐ]
  • (1) [natural's law]∶自然法则;天道,天然的组织结构

  • 依乎天理。--《庄子.养生主》

  • (2) [heavenly principles;moral principles]∶宋代的理学家认为封建伦理是客观存在的道德法则,把它叫做天理

  • (3) [moral principles;morality]∶道义

  • (4) [nature;natural instincts]∶天性

天理[tiān lǐ]
  1. 他说这个决定有悖天理。

    He said that the decision flew in the face of natural justice .

  2. 是无天理。

    That would be a gross injustice .

  3. 从这个意义上说,理即天理。

    In this sense , the rationale for that is Justice .

  4. 让你受这罪真是太没天理了。

    That 's bullshit that you gotta go through this .

  5. 第二部分具体入微地分析了阳明良知的特有涵义及丰富的内涵,良知有五义:一、良知是天理之昭灵明觉;

    Secondly , I introduce the special five connotations of " Intuitive Knowledge " .

  6. 太可笑了还有天理吗我该怎么办

    This is ridiculous . Jesus Christ ! What am I supposed to do ?

  7. 至于违背天理这个罪状,我自己倒是很容易答辩的。

    As to the charge of unnatural , I could easily answer it to myself .

  8. 他的困境在于发现没有天理的道德不能自足,他必须为道德找到更高的来源。

    He found morality was not self-sufficient .

  9. 天理说是朱熹法律思想的理论基础;

    The ideology of justice is the theory base of the law ideology of zhuxi .

  10. 并借此对于其咏史诗中表现出的顺应天理的历史观进行分析。

    And take this for its history performance of natural-principles conform to the historical analysis .

  11. 教化既是天理的要求,又同人的心性直接相联。

    Edification is not only the requirements of justice and colleagues directly linked to the mental .

  12. 把一个家庭置于如此悲惨的境地、两次遭遇情感的大起大落,实在是太没天理了。

    For a family to be put through such tragedy and emotional upheaval twice is unconscionable .

  13. 天理因果是最高的法律。

    Causality is the ultimate law .

  14. 与此同时,传统以天理为中心的自然法则逐渐被以科学为中心的公理法则取代。

    Meanwhile , the traditional law of nature centered circle by heavenly principle was replaced by scientific rule gradually .

  15. 他以天命之性与气质之性、道心与人心、天理与人欲解释人的本性、人的思想意识、人的行为,提出一套系统的封建社会伦理道德思想。

    He also explained human nature , thought and behavior and put forward a complete set of feudal moral thought .

  16. 朱子的理学体系是个庞大的系统,其核心则是天理观。

    Zhu 's NeoConfucianism was an enormous theoretical system , the kernel of which was Zhu 's view of heavenly principles .

  17. 万物各有其理,但宇宙终极之理只有一个,万物都禀赋了同一天理。

    All things have their principle , but the ultimate is only one , the same things are endowment of nature .

  18. 虽然我是个网游的局外人,但我也认为这是一件“没天理”的事情。

    Although I am an outsider that the net swims , but I also think this is " not providential " thing .

  19. “随处体认天理”是明代哲学家湛若水的道德修养论,其内容包括知行并进、动静合一、勿忘勿助等。

    ' Appreciating the natural principles anywhere'was the theory of moral cultivation by Zhan Ruoshui , a philosopher in the Ming Dynasty .

  20. 朱子的“天理”观,显示了从天道自然到理所当然的人文道德之价值维度。

    The Zhuzi 's theory of feudal ethics shows the value dimension which covers from the natural laws to the deserved natural ethics .

  21. 一个人按天理做事,以道德的方针来应付千变万化的世事。这人我们称之谓圣人。

    He , who acts on the principle of heaven and deals with everything changing under the guideline of virtue , is sage .

  22. 天理浑然是总称,仁义礼智是分名,天理与仁义礼智之间是整体和局部的关系。

    Justice is a general term , of which wisdom and kindness are the parts , the relationship between them is global and local .

  23. 朱熹存天理、灭人欲的当代解读与启示朱熹关于存天理、灭人欲的理论思考&对义利关系的深刻认识

    A Profound Understanding of Relationship between Righteousness and Interest - Zhu Xi 's Reflections on " Cherish Heaven Laws , Deny Human Desires "

  24. 其次,礼的内涵有着三个层面:天理本体,天理的表现形式,人类社会全部规范的总合。

    The connotation of proprieties includes three aspects : justice ontology , manifestation of justice , the sum of all the standards in society .

  25. 在政治上,天人合一观所要解决的是如何将对天道天理的体认运用到先秦两汉时期的社会政治实践中。

    In politics , it will solve how to put the natural law into social and political practice in Pre-Qin to the Han Dynasties .

  26. 人心是孔道,道心或天理与人欲之实现必须以人心为基础。最后,本文提出道心为主,人心听命这一义理模式,指出此模式之文献依据、义理依据。

    The human mind is the basis , and the realization of heavenly principle and the selfish desire must fulfil on the human mind .

  27. 朱熹法律思想的核心是以天理与人性重构了正统法律思想的理论基础。

    The substantial of ZhuXi 's law thoughts are the nature and the humanity , which reconstruct the basic theory of traditional law thought .

  28. 在我国,由于长期以来一直批判法家的严苛,主张判决中天理、人情与法律的和谐相处,结果使得法律文本被置于不重要的地位。

    As Chinese believe that Qing , Li should be conciliated with law , the law text has not been put in its own place .

  29. 本文对其“灭人欲,存天理”学说的意义进行了辨析,肯定了其所具有的历史价值。

    The thesis discusses the meaning of " keep the natural law and abolish the selfishness ", and then the author affirms its history value .

  30. 首先,笔者对道德自觉由天理而天地之性而道心的本真之意即朱子修养论所展现的天理本然进行肯定,从而为道德修养过程的实施提供本体性资源;

    Firstly , the author confirms the original meaning of moral self-consciousness and accordingly it provides the subjective resources for the procedure of moral culture .