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tiān dì
  • Emperor of Heaven;the Lord of Heaven;Celestial Ruler
天帝 [tiān dì]
  • [Celestial Ruler Supreme God] 神话传说中天上的主神

  1. 天帝查问:“你为什么还没有登记完?“

    The emperor inquired : " Why haven 't you finished registering ? "

  2. 天帝下令:“轿夫,也登记上吧!”

    The emperor ordered : " Then register the sedan-chair carriers as well . "

  3. 天帝沉默了半天,长长地叹息了一声。

    The Emperor of Heaven remained silent for a long time and then heaved a deep sigh .

  4. 天帝命令司筋大臣说:“先把他们的名字登记好,再赐给他们酒喝。”

    The emperor gave his minister in charge of wine cups the following order : " Register the names of the deities first , then bestow3 wine upon them . "

  5. 当天帝再次查问的时候,司筋大臣无可奈何地报告说:“各路神仙的轿夫,又都带着自己的轿夫啊!”

    When the emperor inquired again , the minister had no way out but reported : " The sedan-chair carriers of the deities have brought their own carriers too . "

  6. 此外,由于使少数巨人们终止了野兽般的浪游,成了各部落的酋长,天帝又获得了Stator(即“支撑着”或“奠定者”)的称呼。

    And for having put an end to the feral wandering of these few giants , so that they became the princes of the gentes , he received the epithet Stator , stayer or establisher .

  7. 他的孝行感动了天帝。

    His conducts of filial piety moved the King of Heaven .

  8. 我是天帝派来统治百兽的。

    I was sent by heaven to rule the animals .

  9. 你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。

    By eating me , you will violate the command of Heaven .

  10. 可是哪怕由我尝天帝的琼浆,

    But might I of Jove 's nectar sup ,

  11. 但是照神学诗人们看,天帝约夫并不比山峰高。

    But for the theological poets Jove was no higher than the mountain peaks .

  12. 吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!

    If you eat me , you 'll be disobeying the god 's order .

  13. 您如果吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命令。

    If you gobble me up , you are defying His Majesty 's will .

  14. 天帝派擅长于射箭的后羿协助尧恢复以前的秩序。

    The Emperor of Heaven sent the archer Hou Yi to help Yao bring order .

  15. 当天帝再次查问的时候,司筋大臣无可奈何地报告说:

    When the emperor inquired again , the minister had no way out but reported :

  16. 今天你要是吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命啊!

    If you wipe out I , but defied Celestial Ruler Supreme God 's life today !

  17. 一天,各路神仙都来朝拜天帝。

    One day , deities from various places came to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven .

  18. 这场战役天帝预谋已久,怎么可能放弃。

    This battle emperor in the sky premeditates already a long time , how may give up .

  19. 天帝释又变出各种奇珍异宝,比他们原有的还要多一千倍

    Jupiter produced all kinds of rare jewels and precious stones , which were one thousand times more than before

  20. 《诗经》中西周晚期变雅诗篇对至上神天帝的怀疑和怨恨学术界称之为“疑天”思潮。

    Some poets in the late Western Zhou Dynasty created feelings of doubts and resentments to the supreme God .

  21. 他担心这位强有力的圣哲有一天会篡夺天帝的位置。

    Indra worried that this powerful sage would one day want to usurp the position of king of heaven .

  22. 说躯体就是心灵,这就是不可能,可是人们毕竟相信过打雷的天空就是天帝。

    It is impossible that bodies should be minds , yet it was believed that the thundering sky was Jove .

  23. 天帝佩服愚公的精神,就命两位大力神背走二山。

    Filled with admiration for Yugong , the Emperor of Heavens ordered two mighty gods to carry the mountains away .

  24. 根据《山海经》的记载,黄帝是西方的天帝。

    According to the records in Shan Hai Jing , the Yellow Emperors is the heavenly emperor of the west .

  25. 战争进程中的诸多重大问题,都要通过祭祀和占卜的方式向天帝请示,求得指引和帮助。

    Many significant issues happening in the war had to be guided and solved by offering sacrifices to gods and practicing divination .

  26. 他们相信天帝用些记号来发号施令,这些记号就是实物文字,自然界就是天帝的语言。

    They believed that Jove commanded by signs , that such signs were real words , and that nature was the language of Jove .

  27. “冷莲,好好招待探手罗汉和众多佛修。”天帝命令道。

    " Cold lotus likes invites to explore a hand Luo man and numerous Buddhas to fix . " Emperor array way in sky .

  28. 第三,《史记》天命观基本内涵,即天帝主宰了自然、政权和人领域。

    Thirdly , the Basic connotation of the destiny viewpoint of SHI JI is that god control the natural , the regime and individuals .

  29. 中国传统道德本体是以天(天帝)为外倾之源和以心(良心)为内倾之源的二元道德本体;

    The traditional moral noumenon in China was a dual one which regarded God as an external source and Heart as an internal source .

  30. 天帝藏书处所藏的第一部天书就是伏羲在阆中创制的先天八卦。

    The first Heavenly Scripture stored by the Supreme Being in his book storage is The Early Eight Diagrams compiled by Fuxi in Langzhong .