
dà fǎ ɡuān fǎ tínɡ
  • Chancery;chancery division
  1. 一宗公司欺诈案最近在大法官法庭开审。

    A case on corporate fraud came up in the Chancery courts recently .

  2. 在英格兰和威尔士高等分院分为三个庭:王座庭、大法官法庭和家事庭。价值超过5000英镑的多数民事权利要求案由它审理。

    In England and wales , the high court is divided into three divisions : the queen 's bench , the Chancery and the family divisions ; the court hears most civil claim where the value exceed & 5000 .

  3. 大律师和法官在法庭上都发挥着重要作用,就像手术中的麻醉师和外科医生一样。

    Barristers and judges both play essential roles in court , just like anesthetists and surgeons in an operation .