
  1. 本研究主要通过问卷调查和访谈两种方式对成都大城区周边县区高中物理教师的职后专业成长情况进行调查分析。

    This research mainly through the questionnaire and interview two ways to high school physics teacher surrounding counties in Chengdu .

  2. 瓯海是浙江省温州市三大城区之一,位于温州市区西南部。

    Ouhai Wenzhou City , Zhejiang Province , one of the three major urban areas , is located southwest of Wenzhou city .

  3. 谷歌地球(googleearth)关于大东部城区大约从第十街到第三街,南起弗农山,北至nationalmall的空旷绿地的卫星图片仍然显示,在那些千篇一律的政府大楼之间散布着一些临时停车场。

    Googleearth satellite images of the broader Eastern downtown area which runs roughly from 10th Street to 3rd Street and south from the Mount Vernon neighbourhood to the green , open space of the National Mall still show makeshift parking lots sprinkled between nondescript government buildings .

  4. 新版地图编制工程师向记者介绍,此次修改的地图有《沈阳市地区图》、《大沈阳城区图》、《沈阳市辖区图》以及《沈阳市交通旅游图》。

    Engineers of the new map told reporter that the maps published include Shenyang City Areas Map , Shenyang Urban Area Map , Area Map under Shenyang 's Jurisdiction and Traffic Map of Shenyang City .

  5. 在取得重大治水成就的同时,也应看到水利建设中依旧存在的突出问题:调水线路单一高低水源互调、水系生态脆弱建设欠账大、城区河道防洪除涝标准低等。

    Should see the still outstanding problems in water conservancy construction in the achieved significant flood achievement while : Intermodulation single level of water diversion line , fragile aquatic ecosystems construction event of default , the urban rivers flood and waterlogging standard is low .

  6. 大城市中心城区的供热形式

    Heat-supply Scheme of Central Area in Large City

  7. 中国东部大城市中心城区人口密度过高,人口疏解工作势在必行。

    The population density is so high in metropolises in the eastern region of China that it is imperative to redistribute urban residents .

  8. 当前,大城市中心城区的青少年犯罪案件不断增多,在犯罪类型、手段、犯罪对象等各个方面均表现出一定的规律性。

    Currently , the cases of juvenile delinquency in central district of large city increased end to end , displaying regularity in the type , measure and object , etc.

  9. 目前,大城市中心城区更新研究多以局部地段为主,缺乏宏观的规划指导,旧城改造中尚存一些盲目性和随意性的建设行为。

    At present , renewal research on central district of urban area focuses on local sections and is deficient in macroscopic planning . Blindness and arbitrary construction behavior still exist during the process of transformation of the old city .

  10. 汶川大地震后理县城区饮水简易消毒的效果及评价

    Emergency disinfection for drinking water in Li county after Wenchuan earthquake : efficiency and evaluation

  11. 在城市化和再城市化过程中,应大幅度减小中心城区自然地理系统所承受的高强度人类活动压力。

    The pressure of human activities to the physical geographical system in central urban area must be reduced during urbanization or re-urbanization .

  12. 建设条件:该项目选扯河北省大城县新城区,交通方便,地理位置优越,通讯便利。

    Project Circumstance : The item locates new urban areas in Hebei Province DaCheng County , easily accessible location to facilitate communication .

  13. 大中型城市中心城区都市型产业发展研究

    A Study on Urban Industrial Development in the Central District of Large and Medium Sized Cities : the Development of Urban industries in Shanghai

  14. 我们在全国各地看到了这样精心培植的花园,尤其是在城市外围大的苏式城区。

    We saw intensively-cultivated gardens like this all over the country , especially outside the big , soviet-style apartment blocks that ring some of the cities .

  15. 这是第一次有这么大规模的军队在大城市的主要城区行动两栖攻击的规模是通过舰船容纳海军陆战队员的数量来衡量的。

    This is the first time a military presence of this scale has been activated in a major metropolitan area . Marines the ships can carry in their normal berthing spaces .

  16. 铁轨环绕市区纵横交错,促进了城市郊区的大扩张,但城区仍是由无数街巷交织而成的低矮、密集而又复杂的网络。

    The railways wove themselves around the streets and facilitated a huge expansion in the suburbs , but the city remained a low-level , dense and complex web of teeming streets and alleys .