
  1. 目前国际上大型光学望远镜大都采用拼接镜面的方法,用许多小口径的子镜拼成大口径的主镜。

    Segmented mirror method is widely adopted nowadays in the world .

  2. 本文阐述了用于大型天文光学望远镜主、付镜的气压、液压支承的运行原理及结构形式和设计方法。

    Hydrostatic and pneumatic supports of telescope mirror are described for its operating principle , structure type and design .

  3. 随着天文观测技术和空间探测技术的飞速发展,对大型光学天文望远镜的精度提出了越来越苛刻的要求。

    With the rapid development of astronomical observation technology and space detection technology , there are more and more precision engineering applications in large astronomical telescope ( LAT ) .