
  • 网络spillover;Spillover Effect
  1. FDI技术外溢效应的理论及其应用

    Theory and Application of the Spillover Efficiency of FDI Technology

  2. 浙江外贸经济增长与FDI技术外溢效应实证研究

    Empirical Research on Technology Spillover Effects of FDI in Zhejiang

  3. FDI在高技术产业的技术外溢效应

    Technology Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment : In the Chinese High-Tech Industry

  4. 广东省人力资本影响FDI技术外溢效应的实证研究

    Human Capital and Spillovers from FDI in Guangdong Province

  5. FDI对广东工业行业技术外溢效应的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Technology Spillover Effects from FDI in Guangdong 's Industry

  6. 第二部分主要介绍了FDI技术外溢效应研究综述。

    The second part is review of the research .

  7. 本章分析了外商直接投资技术外溢效应发生的渠道以及相互之间的关系,并对影响外商直接投资技术外溢效应的因素进行综合分析利用FDI能否获得技术溢出?

    This chapter analyzes the ways of FDI technical spillovers and its relationship ;

  8. FDI对中国不同区域、行业技术外溢效应研究

    A Study on Technology Spillovers Via FDI in China among Different Areas and Industries

  9. 辽宁省制造业FDI技术外溢效应实证分析

    Empirical study on technical spillover effects of FDI in manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province

  10. 第四部分是提升FDI对我国技术外溢效应的建议。

    The fourth part is to propose how to enhance the FDI technological spillover effects .

  11. FDI吸收能力是指东道国吸收外资效应、特别是技术外溢效应的能力。

    The absorptive capability of FDI means the capability to absorb FDI effect , especially technology spillover .

  12. 除了从总量上分析FDI的外溢效应,本文特别基于联系效应的视角对其进行了分析。

    Besides aggregate analysis of FDI spillover , it focused on FDI spillover based on linkage effect perspective .

  13. 此部分从FDI技术外溢效应的理论研究综述和应用研究综述两部分加以分析。

    This part reviews the FDI technology spillover effects from the Survey of theoretical research and applied research .

  14. 外商直接投资(下文简称为FDI)是否具有正的技术外溢效应一直存有争议。

    There has been controversy all the time as to whether FDI has positive technological spillover effect or not .

  15. 但由于所有与FDI外溢效应相关的回归系数都不显著,因此还需进一步研究FDI技术外溢效果的影响因素及其影响程度。

    Since all regression coefficients on the technological diffusion of FDI are not significant , further detailed explorations are needed .

  16. 虽然与FDI的资本积累效应相比较弱,但FDI的技术外溢效应对我国经济的增长也有显著的正向推动作用。

    Although not as notable as that of capital accumulation , the effect of technology spillover positively influences economic increase .

  17. 第二,总结国内外学者对FDI技术外溢效应进行的相关研究及其研究结论、研究方法;

    Secondly , some domestic and overseas literatures about technology spillover effects from FDI , their conclusions and methods are summarized .

  18. FDI对国有工业企业技术外溢效应的实证研究&基于宏观数据的联立方程模型分析

    Empirical Research on Technology Spillover Effects of FDI to State-owned Industrial Enterprises : An Analysis of Simultaneous Equations Model Based on Macro-data

  19. 在阐述技术寻求型FDI的理论基础和反向技术外溢效应的优越性之后,本文提出技术寻求型FDI企业主要通过模仿跟随效应、联系效应、人员流动效应以及平台效应四个途径获取反向技术外溢效应。

    The enterprises can gain the Reverse Technological Spillover mainly through imitation effect , linkage effect , employee flow effect and platform effect .

  20. FDI的技术外溢效应一直是国内外经济学理论关注的一个焦点,越来越多的研究表明FDI的外溢效应和东道国自身的环境和条件相关。

    More and more studies suggest that FDI has potential of technology spillovers , the effect of which is affected by various factors .

  21. 通过上述研究思路,本文得出结论:第一,FDI在总体上对我国有着较强的技术外溢效应。

    Through these studies , we have obtained some conclusions . Firstly , there has a strong FDI spillovers effect in China in general .

  22. 江苏省由于其中小企业发展实力较强,市场化进程较快和科技投入水平较高,因此FDI的技术外溢效应较强。

    Jiangsu owns the stronger SMEs , the quicker market advancement and the higher technology input lever . Therefore , the function of FDI is more .

  23. 利用世界银行对中国的企业调研数据,本文从垂直联系视角考察了FDI对中国企业创新的外溢效应。

    Using survey data of Chinese firms conducted by World Bank , this paper discusses spillover effects of FDI on innovation in China based on linkage effect perspective .

  24. 结果表明,缺乏经验证据支持FDI的正向技术外溢效应,但发现人力资本有利于促进FDI技术外溢效应作用的发挥。

    The results do not show a significant positive spillover effect of FDI in China , while the important role of human capital is supported by the results .

  25. 关于FDI通过技术溢出效应间接影响东道国的技术水平的效应如何,各国学者已多有研究,但对于技术外溢效应的正负定论观点不一。

    The technology level of the host nation can be affected indirectly by FDI . The effect of technology spillover of FDI is uncertain and depends on many factors .

  26. 文章特别阐述了FDI的技术外溢效应是通过竞争、示范与模仿、前后向联系、人力资本流动四种途径发挥作用的。

    And FDI technology diffusion This paper specially analyses the four channels that can produce spillover effect . They are competition , imitation , contact and the flowage of labor .

  27. FDI是涵盖了资本、技术、知识、管理技能以及有效组织资源等要素的综合体,因此FDI产生的技术外溢效应成为各国关注的热点。

    FDI is a synthesis which includes capital , technology , knowledge , skills of management and effective organizational resource etc. FDI Technology spillover effect has been a hotspot in every country .

  28. FDI技术外溢效应的客观存在性,在理论上得到世界各国经济学者的一致肯定,但是有关各国的实证研究结论却大相径庭。

    The objective existence in theory of the FDI technology spillover effects has been unanimously affirmed by the world economy scholars , but the empirical research findings of the countries differ widely .

  29. 本文首先对FDI技术外溢效应的基础理论、国内外学者研究现状进行了梳理和分析,并重点提出了对FDI技术外溢效应作用机制及其影响因素的认识。

    Firstly , this paper introduces main FDI spillovers effect theory , recent studies of spillovers , and put forward the author 's theoretical understanding of the mechanism and factors of spillovers incidence .

  30. 一般认为,外商直接投资(FDI)通过技术外溢效应可以使东道国的技术水平不断提高,对一国或地区的经济发展起着重要作用。

    Generally speaking , FDI can promote the technology level of the host country with its technical spillover effect and plays very important role in the economic development of one country or region .