
wài lái rén kǒu
  • external population
  1. 外来人口的急剧增长使适龄入学儿童数的数量也开始大幅增加。

    With the rapid rise of the external population , the number of school-age children also undergoes sharp increase .

  2. 结论将外来人口纳入结核病控制项目,有利于区域结核病疫情控制,有效降低了疫情。

    Conclusion Tuberculosis epidemic situation was effectively controlled and multiple drug resistance rate was reduced after external population was brought into tuberculosis management project .

  3. 外来人口在增长。

    Our foreign population is growing .

  4. 关于广州市对外来人口实行ic智能卡管理的个案调查

    Case Investigation of the Implementation of IC Smart Card Management of the Population from Other Places in Guangzhou

  5. 香港去年推出的另一个计划“优秀人才入境计划”(qualitymigrantadmissionscheme),利用积分制来鼓励高素质外来人口移居香港。

    Another programme introduced last year , the quality migrants scheme , uses a points-based system to encourage highly qualified foreigners to move to the city .

  6. 广州市积极探索,在全省率先对外来人口实行IC智能卡管理。

    The government of Guangzhou city took the lead of implementing IC smart card management of the population from other places in the province , after the active studies .

  7. 利用2002年上海市浦东新区外来人口调查数据,运用多元Logistic回归方法,定量分析了农村已婚流动妇女的社会网络和社会融合对其避孕行为转变的影响。

    Using the data from " The Survey for Floating Population in New Pudong District , Shanghai in 2002 " and the multi-element logistic regression method , the paper analyzes the impact of the social network and social integration on the change of contraceptive action of rural migrant married women .

  8. OPV漏种率22.0%,零剂次免疫率为17.8%,两指标均随年龄的增加而上升,部分外来人口流入地区上述指标高于全市水平;

    The drop-out rate of OPV was 22.0 % . Zero inoculation rate was 17.8 % . Both were positively related with age and were higher in some inflowing areas than city-wide average level .

  9. 自从1985年Ericson首次提出利用人类牙釉质和骨骼中的锶同位素比值来研究人类的迁移情况和外来人口的来源地之后,这个方法就受到了考古学家的重视。

    Ericson ( 1985 ) first proposed strontium isotope ratio in human tooth enamel and bone to identify migration and the geologic origins of immigrants . Since then , the method has been thought highly by many archaeologists .

  10. 方法调查外来人口传染病防治资料。

    Methods Reviewing the infectious disease epidemic records of moblile population .

  11. 血吸虫病传播阻断地区外来人口子女健康教育效果

    Health education on schistosomiasis for migrant children in transmission interrupted areas

  12. 天津市外来人口犯罪分析报告

    The Analysis Report on Crimes Committed by Exotic People in Tianjin

  13. 地方外来人口管理法规初步探讨

    Discussions on Regional Regulations of Floating Population Management LAWS AND REGULATIONS

  14. 外来人口正在成为城市的新贫困阶层。

    Floating people is becoming the new poverty-stricken level of the society .

  15. 大量外来人口的迁入,为巴蜀地区带来了新的技术和劳动力。

    It brought technology and people by population moving into Sichuan region .

  16. 在福州市外来人口中推广使用安全套研究

    Popularization of Condom Use among Emigrants in Fuzhou City , Fujian Province

  17. 无锡市外来人口疟疾流行病学纵向监测

    Longitudinal surveillance on malaria in migratory population in Wuxi City

  18. 上海市外来人口血吸虫病传播潜在危险性调查

    Investigation on potential risks of schistosomiasis transmission among immigrants in Shanghai City

  19. 目的探索广州市外来人口结核病控制的有效模式。

    Objective To explore tuberculosis control model of migrant population in Guangzhou .

  20. 这么多外来人口的存在使社区精神遭到了破坏。

    The presence of so many outsiders has ruined the community spirit .

  21. 社区外来人口结核病健康教育生存质量评价

    Study on the Quality of Life of Tuberculosis Health Education in Factory

  22. 居住形态、外来人口聚居情况也对社会距离产生影响。

    Inhabitancy configuration and collective inhabitation work on social distance .

  23. 北京市家庭户的变化及外来人口影响

    The Change of Household and the Influence of In-migrants

  24. 社区外来人口卫生服务现状、问题与对策研究

    The Study on Health Service Conditions , Problems and Strategies in Floating Population

  25. 外来人口的大量迁入影响了我的旧社区。

    A pretty obvious shift in income demographics was affecting my old neighborhood .

  26. 外来人口犯罪是社会发展进程中不可避免的社会现象,它存在于任何一个历史时期、任何一种社会制度之下。

    The In-migrant crime exists in any historical period and any social system .

  27. 以教育外来人口为重要环节。

    ( 3 ) The important part is education .

  28. 外来人口是一个特殊的人口群体,他们对地方建设和发展产生着积极的作用,同时,由于长期以来对外来人口管理上的滞后,也产生了一些负面影响;

    Immigrant laborers play an active role in the local construction & production .

  29. 外来人口及其市民待遇的本地化研究

    A Research on the Immigrant Residents and the Localization of Their Citizen Treatment

  30. 东莞小城镇外来人口居住空间隔离与整合问题研究

    Research on Segregation and Conformity of Living Space of Floating Population In Dongguan