
  • 网络external beauty;physical beauty;outer beauty;outside beauty
  1. 教师道德理想人格是内在美与外在美的统一。

    The ideal morality is the agreement between the inner and outer beauty .

  2. 要知道有时我真心觉得这个社会太过于注重外在美了

    you know , but i really do feel that sometimes society does focus too much on outer beauty ,

  3. 我就是外在美你需要做的就是让维生素C和抗氧化剂滋润你的皮肤

    And me for the outside , what you wanna do is you want the vitamin C and the anti-oxidants help the skin as well ,

  4. 他懂得真美远胜于外在美。

    He knows that true beauty is more than skin deep .

  5. 内在美和外在美,哪一个才是真正的美?

    Is real beauty the beauty inside or that outside ?

  6. 在我们的社会,到底是内在美还是外在美重要?

    In our society , dose inner beauty or good looks count ?

  7. 你更愿意拥有外在美还是内在美呢?

    Would you rather be beautiful on the outside or on the inside ?

  8. 旅游纪念品的包装是外在美与内在美的相互统一。

    Packing of the tourist souvenirs with inner beauty is external beauty interlinked .

  9. 我的男同学们选择女朋友的唯一标准就是外在美。

    The only standard by which my male classmates choose girlfriends is outside beauty .

  10. 拥有内在美和外在美同样重要。

    Having " inner beauty " is just as important as being outwardly beautiful .

  11. 内在美远比外在美要重要得多。

    Much more important than physical beauty .

  12. 不仅外在美,而且心灵美。

    He ( She ) has not only beautiful appearance , but also inner beauty .

  13. 一个人在拥有外在美同时,也应该有种内在的能吸引人的东西。

    Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person .

  14. 我不觉得追求外在美就是代表肤浅。

    I don 't think it 's shallow to want to feel good about my appearance .

  15. 而这个会使你焕发外在美抵抗感冒

    This will make you beauty on the inside . right , it 'll fight your cold .

  16. 最近,来自《卫报》的佐伊威廉姆斯最近撰文,表明了自己对运动员们外在美的痴迷。

    Zoe Williams of the Guardian recently wrote about her obsession with the perfect physical appearance of athletes .

  17. 它既不是随意的瞥一眼就可以欣赏,也远比外在美重要。

    It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate and it is much more important than physical beauty .

  18. 人民教师应该成为美的使者,即应该成为内在美与外在美相互统一的美的载体。

    Teachers should become beautiful emissary , that is , the beautiful carriar which integrates internal beauty and external beauty .

  19. 在过去的50年里,对女性外在美的崇拜几乎变成了一种全球性的文化现象,令人叹为观止。

    In the latest 50 years , the global adoration for modern women 's body beauty is a shocking phenomenon .

  20. 内在美和外在美是紧密关联的我们认为这是一种竞争优势,他说。

    Inner beauty and outer beauty are closely related * we think that it is a competitive advantage , he says .

  21. 如果你相信你是个既有外在美,又有内在美的人,那什么衣服穿在你身上都好看。

    If you believe you 're a beautiful person inside and out , there is no look that you can 't pull off .

  22. 从审美的角度而言,一双巧手让女性的外在美与内在美同时兼备;

    From the aesthetic point of view , two hands so that women 's external beauty and inner beauty , a combination of both ;

  23. 旅游纪念品的包装与内在产品是紧密相连的,是外在美和内在美相互统一之美。

    Tourist Souvenirs Product packaging is closely linked with its inherent , can be said to be the relationship between external beauty and inner beauty .

  24. 它既注意外在美的锻炼,又强调内在美的培养,明显地反映了健、力、美等本质属性。

    It not only pays attention to build outward beauty but also inward reflections , which obviously embodies essential attributes of health , strength and beauty .

  25. 但是对我来说,所有这些都或多或少地局限在外表上,或者说是外在美。

    But it seems to me , all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance , or rather , the outward beauty .

  26. 音乐所体现的内在美与外在美统一性,可塑造美的形体表现,可以全面提高学生的身体素质。

    The combination of the internal and external beauty embodied by music can create beautiful physical performance and so to improve the physical competence of the students .

  27. 全文阐述了化学的外在美、揭示了化学的内在美&化学学科思想(科学之美)、崇尚化学家的人生之美及化学教师的人格之美。

    The authors expound the exterior beauty and the inner beauty of chemistry , the beautiful life of the chemists and the beautiful personality of chemistry teachers .

  28. 它是指通过挖掘教学内容本身的内在美和运用教学形式艺术化的外在美来促进学生素质全面和谐发展的教学。中学生物学科教学审美化就是充分发挥生物教学的美育功能。

    It is the practice of teaching which fosters the full and harmonious development of the students through the beaching materials itself and the artistic form of teaching .

  29. 结果显示,中学生参加体育锻炼受体育明星的影响随年龄与课业的增长呈下降趋势;中学生能够正确对待和欣赏体育明星表现出的外在美;

    The research result shows that middle school students , along with the increase of their ages and schoolwork shrinks their interests in sports stars in their sports activities ;

  30. 但是在约会时,我们学到的最初一条经验也是有外在美的人可能内心是丑陋的。

    But one of the first lessons we learn in the dating world is as beautiful as someone is on the outside , they could be ugly on the inside .